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The Pride Flag / Month

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The Pride Flag is now one of the most divisive symbols in this country. 

It’s been around, in different iterations, for a long time. 

Americans typically tolerated it, while some celebrated.  It wasn’t overly political, so if it’s your thing.. great .. if not, just ignore it.  

No longer.

I view the Pride flag with disdain.  

It is a secular religion being forced on us with corporations, activists and politicians as the missionaries. 

Absolutely incredible the damage that Pride activism and TQ+ is doing to the normal, everyday LGB community.  

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6 minutes ago, SCBills said:


It is a secular religion being forced on us with corporations, activists and politicians as the missionaries. 

Absolutely incredible the damage that Pride activism and TQ+ is doing to the normal, everyday LGB community.  


As said right here:




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i have two pride flags.

One has 50 white stars on a blue background with 7 red and 6 white stripes.


The other is white on the top and red on the bottom.  (Poland)

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Here we are, almost halfway through June. Are you feeling proud?


How could you not, given all the opportunities to celebrate Ramadan for the leather speedo set?


Why, these days you can’t swing a glitter-stuffed unicorn without hitting a Sister of Perpetual Perversion.


Of course, Pride Month is bound to cause friction in a nation whose majority is still at least nominally Christian. Bud Light has been learning a related lesson the hard way. Target too. And a lot of normal types seem to feel emboldened to not play along.


While the media, corporations, and the Biden administration are solemnly observing Big Twerking’s high holy days, most people find the idea of taking pride in who or what you get freaky with strange, and a little repulsive. And anyway, there is no more fashionable or catered-to minority group in America during the rest of the calendar year. June is beginning to creak under the weight of all the pride floats and rainbow flags. In nature, rainbows are special because we see them so infrequently.


So it’s not too shocking to learn that Pride flags are becoming targets of vandalism – although USA Today seems to be feeling weakly for its fainting couch.


In the past week alone, Pride flags have been stolen, slashed, or burned in at least five states, including California, Utah, Arizona, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania. That’s on top of similar incidents in California and New York in May, including a man that defecated on a pride flag in Manhattan.


Defecating on a Pride Flag? In Manhattan? Were there no police cars handy?


Is it me, or does USA Today seem a little more equanimous when these things happen to American flags? Or Catholic churches? Or statues of Columbus? Or …







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38 minutes ago, B-Man said:



Here we are, almost halfway through June. Are you feeling proud?


How could you not, given all the opportunities to celebrate Ramadan for the leather speedo set?


Why, these days you can’t swing a glitter-stuffed unicorn without hitting a Sister of Perpetual Perversion.


Of course, Pride Month is bound to cause friction in a nation whose majority is still at least nominally Christian. Bud Light has been learning a related lesson the hard way. Target too. And a lot of normal types seem to feel emboldened to not play along.


While the media, corporations, and the Biden administration are solemnly observing Big Twerking’s high holy days, most people find the idea of taking pride in who or what you get freaky with strange, and a little repulsive. And anyway, there is no more fashionable or catered-to minority group in America during the rest of the calendar year. June is beginning to creak under the weight of all the pride floats and rainbow flags. In nature, rainbows are special because we see them so infrequently.


So it’s not too shocking to learn that Pride flags are becoming targets of vandalism – although USA Today seems to be feeling weakly for its fainting couch.


In the past week alone, Pride flags have been stolen, slashed, or burned in at least five states, including California, Utah, Arizona, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania. That’s on top of similar incidents in California and New York in May, including a man that defecated on a pride flag in Manhattan.


Defecating on a Pride Flag? In Manhattan? Were there no police cars handy?


Is it me, or does USA Today seem a little more equanimous when these things happen to American flags? Or Catholic churches? Or statues of Columbus? Or …







This is NOT a Christian issue. Of the world’s major religions, it could be argued that Christianity is by far the most ‘tolerant’. 

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32 minutes ago, Westside said:

Someone please explain to me what they are so proud about? Total mystery to me. I’m not putting anyone down. I really want to know what they are so proud of?

Norm Macdonald did a funny bit on that ...

... but actually, it makes sense when you think of "Pride" as a shorthand for "Not Ashamed" or "Not Embarrassed About Being Myself."


Should gay people be ashamed or embarrassed about letting everyone know who they are and (as is popular to say now) who they love? Of course not. Hence, "Pride."


But should some people be embarrassed about letting it all hang out in public? Umm, yes. Yes they should.

Edited by The Frankish Reich
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16 hours ago, SCBills said:

The Pride Flag is now one of the most divisive symbols in this country. 

It’s been around, in different iterations, for a long time. 

Americans typically tolerated it, while some celebrated.  It wasn’t overly political, so if it’s your thing.. great .. if not, just ignore it.  

No longer.

I view the Pride flag with disdain.  

It is a secular religion being forced on us with corporations, activists and politicians as the missionaries. 

Absolutely incredible the damage that Pride activism and TQ+ is doing to the normal, everyday LGB community.  


While all this is true, don't get baited into publicly denouncing the pride flag or worse physically destroying them.


That is exactly their goal with this entire sham.


Relentlessly push this in your face 24/7 to incite violence.


Don't get baited.

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1 hour ago, The Frankish Reich said:

Norm Macdonald did a funny bit on that ...

... but actually, it makes sense when you think of "Pride" as a shorthand for "Not Ashamed" or "Not Embarrassed About Being Myself."


Should gay people be ashamed or embarrassed about letting everyone know who they are and (as is popular to say now) who they love? Of course not. Hence, "Pride."


But should some people be embarrassed about letting it all hang out in public? Umm, yes. Yes they should.

Being oneself is just that. So go out and be yourself. No need to wave a banner around and tell everyone how awesome you are. How you deserve special recognition from the public, from corporations just selling products  etc. How you must be acknowledge by all lest they be labeled “ homophobic” or whatever.  Embarrassed or ashamed ? That’s debatable , but you do you so to speak. The narcissism is just over the top and ridiculous. 

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1 hour ago, Westside said:

Someone please explain to me what they are so proud about? Total mystery to me. I’m not putting anyone down. I really want to know what they are so proud of?

Themselves.  It’s an expression of belief in self worth.    

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The shift to 24/7 in your face pride month has nothing at all to do with pride. 


It has everything to do with demoralizing the country.


If the marxists behind this ever wrestle complete control in this country, then the LGBTQ community will be among the first groups that are persecuted.


And those useful idiots will stare slack jawed wondering how those who are "on their side" could ever come for them. 

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1 minute ago, BillsFanNC said:

The shift to 24/7 in your face pride month has nothing at all to do with pride. 


It has everything to do with demoralizing the country.


If the marxists behind this ever wrestle complete control in this country, then the LGBTQ community will be among the first groups that are persecuted.


And those useful idiots will stare slack jawed wondering how those who are "on their side" could ever come for them. 

History will repeat itself

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