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Previous And Ongoing Election Rigging and Interference.

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This is how 2000 mules tracked all those phones going to non profits and drop boxes.


This is how the government knows where you were on J6 too.  You can be certain they've unmasked you if you were anywhere near DC that day. 


This is also how this X account can tell you that 456 phones at a Kamala rally were also at a Hamas riot three days prior.


Every one of us has agreed to carry a tracking device with us every single day.


Let me debunk the myth right now that turning off a mobile device or removing its battery can prevent tracking. Phones are designed to be traceable even without any power.


Next, let me introduce you to Advertising Technology (AdTech), which uses location data to serve targeted advertisements. This technology, initially developed for national security purposes, is now widely used in the private sector.


You may see an ad for a local truck dealership on your TV, because of your cell phone’s location and a particular search for, say ‘Toyota Tundras’, triggering Toyota, Chevrolet, Ford, RangeRover ads on all of your devices, even your TV. We call this cross pollination. 

Which always opens up potential privacy issues, While Americans may have a legal right to privacy from their government, they often waive these rights when engaging with commercial entities like phone companies and app providers.


Just for fun read your entire cell phone agreement. All of it. And the next app you install, instead of just blindly agreeing, read the small print. There is basically, Commercial vs. Government Surveillance: 

The government often buys data from commercial entities rather than directly surveilling individuals, which illustrates the complex relationship between corporations and government agencies.


Appending or ‘unmasking’ that data to reveal who the user is, has legal ramifications. Even though we may know based on the devices location, home, work, school, friends, relatives, who the likely user is, officially appending, parsing or unmasking that information may be illegal without a court order.

There are thousands of companies, most foreign that will append raw data for pennies each record.

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24 States Join Forces to Defend Voter Integrity — Coalition Files Brief Urging
Supreme Court to Uphold Arizona’s Proof of Citizenship Law

by Jim Hoft


A coalition of 24 states has joined forces to support Arizona in its battle to uphold proof-of-citizenship requirements for voter registration. This united front comes in response to a controversial ruling by a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court on August 1, which struck down Arizona’s law requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections.


On August 1, a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit issued a narrow 2-1 decision that struck down Arizona’s requirement for proof of citizenship when registering to vote in federal elections.


The ruling allows individuals to register using a state form without providing documentation of their citizenship status, which could lead to widespread voter fraud.






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Cornel West Tossed Off Ballot in Michigan

Jazz Shaw 


You may be starting to detect a pattern here. First, they did it to RFK in New York. And now, they have removed independent presidential candidate Cornel West from the ballot in Michigan. This could have a much bigger impact than removing RFK, for reasons we'll address shortly. But the excuse they came up with for removing him was, if anything, even weaker than the one put forward to give Kennedy the old heave-ho. Call me paranoid if you wish, but it's almost as if the Democrats don't want voters to show up at the polls on November 5 and see the name of anyone from any party or no party at all on their ballots except for Kamala Harris. Why do you suppose that might be? (USA Today)







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Georgia State Election Board adopts rule to ensure number of ballots matches total voters

by Natalia Mittelstadt


The Georgia State Election Board (SEB) on Monday adopted a rule that requires the number of ballots and voters be the same before the certification of election results. The rule ensures that counties comply with Georgia state code. It comes after Fulton County was found to have likely scanned thousands of ballots twice in a recount of the 2020 election.




Also on Monday, the SEB voted to adopt a rule that will require all polling places have signage that states only U.S. citizens can vote.





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5 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:




1. On fire this am with the posts, trying to cash in before all the RU money dries up?

2. Exit polling has never been & isn’t a reliable method to call out “election fraud” there is not standard system, how do you know they talked to everyone, are you doing exit polls at all or at least a statistically significant percentage of polling locations. Seriously think a little it about this drivel before posting.

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On 8/28/2024 at 1:05 PM, B-Man said:





Democrats Are Freaking Out Over Republicans’ Efforts to Stop Illegal Aliens From Voting.






They already can’t. Try looking at the heritage foundation’s ‘voter fraud’ list from the last 20 years. Maybe (off the top of my head) 1,500 +/-  most are republicans. 

this is bald faced voter intimidation. States control their voter roles centrally. Empowering temp employees to make decisions about signatures and if someone is an illegal alien is not helpful. (Try working an election, we had to deal with a Republican idiot who tried to vote twice ‘just to see if we were paying attention’ wasting everyone’s time.


if only the framers had said a citizens right to vote shall not be a infringed, we would have active voter drills in schools.

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