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I am going to Rome next week and I want a good (free) website to upload my pictures to. I will be linking the site to my blog for my family members to keep up with our daily picutures.


Ive used ofoto.com in the past.


Any suggestions would be great.


My brother in law swears by www.snapfish.com


MSN Communities is nice, we have a family web site there. It takes some time to set up, but is free. You can require membership to the site (free), you authorize who does and does not have access.


i like photo.net


you can pick your best photo(s) and have them subjected to critique. be prepared for constructive criticism but it will help you become a better photographer


I'm using Kodak's Gallery. When Kodak bought up Ofoto they made some early mistakes, but now have a great interface. Shutterfly sends me too much email, and my photo printer does better than their lab service, so I pulled their plug.


I use Smugmug. The reason is ease of use but also ability to customize if you know HTML. Also, they use a yearly subscription (rather than monthly) which makes it more cost-effective than the others. Send me a PM and I will show you what I have done.

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