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  billsfanone said:
Jeez, the whole east coast isn't looking too good.



Not surprised - it's an incredibly dense, highly populated region....


Oh yeah....Oregon drivers scored an 89 percent! :P I agree with them on RI drivers being the worst. I was just there last week and got a taste of their poor driving habits. :lol:

  LanaK6 said:
Oh yeah....Oregon drivers scored an 89 percent!  :P I agree with them on RI drivers being the worst.  I was just there last week and got a taste of their poor driving habits.  :lol:



New England drivers suck - but the roads don't help.


Signage and road quality - all poor.


I'm surprised Pennsylvania drivers scored that high - if 38th of 48 can be considered high. In PA, every yield sign is a stop sign. No one on an interstate will ever move over a lane - even if that lane is wide open - to let you merge.


And if there is a road consruction sign saying that the right lane will be closed in 5 miles, everyone immediately jams left, making the backup several miles longer than it should be. In these cases, the state has had to put up signs which say, Use Both Lanes to Merge Point.


Here in the Outer Banks, you will see LAPD t-shirts - Locals Against Pennsylvania Drivers.

Here in the Outer Banks, you will see LAPD t-shirts - Locals Against Pennsylvania Drivers.



Gotta agree. Ever since I was a kid I've heard the saying.......Pennsylvania drivers. :P



  cåblelady said:
Gotta agree. Ever since I was a kid I've heard the saying.......Pennsylvania drivers.  :P





I still say Baltimore drivers take the prize. But, they should do one by city. Using the whole state can water down the results.

  Ghost of BiB said:
I still say Baltimore drivers take the prize. But, they should do one by city. Using the whole state can water down the results.


Maryland tied to get in the bottom 5. Seems about right. They have some of the worst drivers. Although I have been to Massachusetts and they are 10 times worse. Folks that make right turns from left lanes on a 4 lane crowded inner city street.


In the midwest we always say Iowa has bad drivers. " Idiots Out Wandering around" I-O- W-A Looking at the survey Iowa rates higher than Nebraska but both states are in the top ten. Funny. Maybe its a county thing.

  /dev/null said:


i guess knowing the laws aren't the same as obeying them



No kidding, Dev. I almost went nuclear trying to get on Monroe one morning. Do you keep a bulldozer in the yard for bad tunnel days? Just stay on the friggen beach.


Let alone the beltway up here-but one has to factor in DC. Actually, 295 Baltimore is a lot worse than 495 DC in terms of stupidity. I have seen more than one 5 plus vehicle multi-cars up there.

  diver said:
In the midwest we always say Iowa has bad drivers.  " Idiots Out Wandering around"  I-O- W-A  Looking at the survey Iowa rates higher than Nebraska but both states are in the top ten.  Funny.  Maybe its a county thing.




Some of us midwesterners say that about Ohio drivers and their driving ability or lack thereof. But they are not completely at fault as apparently car manufacturers do not put turn signals on the cars they sell in Ohio.


By the way, I really like Ohio - and once they stop issuing drivers licenses at the local Wal-Marts and start making Ohio drivers actually take a test to drive I will start loving them! - All in good fun. :lol:


Surprised California scored as high as 43rd. They took licensed drivers-there are tons of illegals driving here.

No signals, cutting across 4 lanes to get to the exit ramp and thinking that thier merging car have the right of way are the worst things drivers here do.

I never heard of overturned cars in Buffalo, but hear of one almost every day in the SF bay area.

The traffic reports are 24 hrs here.

  BILLS02138 said:
Not surprised - it's an incredibly dense, highly populated region....



It is pretty populated, impatient, and VERY dense!


Dealing with the redneck drivers while growing up in the NW panhandle of Florida was always a treat. Switching lanes without signaling, tailgating, you name it, these numbnuts did it. I am surprised Florida didn't score lower considering a good portion of these rednecks have an extra chromosone floating around...


The worst I have to deal with now is driving on campus at the University of Illinois where I work. These kids are pretty dumb, but they're not in the league of the idiots I grew up with in Florida.


Absolutely, 100% correct that the Rhode Island drivers are the dumbest in this country (and perhaps anywhere). I went to college in Rhode Island and I can attest to that - they are horrible, clueless, idiotic and uncoordinated.

  EC-Bills said:
Dealing with the redneck drivers while growing up in the NW panhandle of Florida was always a treat.  Switching lanes without signaling, tailgating, you name it, these numbnuts did it.  I am surprised Florida didn't score lower considering a good portion of these rednecks have an extra chromosone floating around...


The worst I have to deal with now is driving on campus at the University of Illinois where I work.  These kids are pretty dumb, but they're not in the league of the idiots I grew up with in Florida.



You've got that right. I'm surprised Georgia didn't score worse than it did. Between the mirror-loving cell phone addicts around Atlanta and the hillbillies beyond the bypass, I had always imagined this was one of the worst places in the country.


It's great, actually. I get cut off and tailgated by Mr. Important in his beamer leaving the office, and then I get passed by Billy Bob and Budweiser his dog in a dented 1989 F-150 around a curve on a two lane highway. He's usually going just slow enough to let me get an eye-full of "#8" and an ear-full of "Yee Haw." Both happen daily.


I really disagree with NY being where it is. I'd assume that's because of the NYC population skewing the numbers (gee, where have we heard that before?). I've been to quite a few places, more states than not, and I still think Buffalo drivers are some of the best.


Whoever made that comment regarding no turn signals in Ohio... Man have you got it right. I drive through that state 8 times a year or so going back and forth to Buffalo. I think I point that out to my copilot each time through. That, and Ohio has more personalized license plates than any state I've been too.


Regardless, I think we have perma-rush hour here now. I can leave work at 1:30 in the afternoon and traffic sucks.



I'm surprised Pennsylvania drivers scored that high - if 38th of 48 can be considered high. In PA, every yield sign is a stop sign. No one on an interstate will ever move over a lane - even if that lane is wide open - to let you merge.


And if there is a road consruction sign saying that the right lane will be closed in 5 miles, everyone immediately jams left, making the backup several miles longer than it should be. In these cases, the state has had to put up signs which say, Use Both Lanes to Merge Point.


Here in the Outer Banks, you will see LAPD t-shirts - Locals Against Pennsylvania Drivers.



The problem is two fold. First, it's everyone jamming over to the left as soon as they see the sign. It's further magnified by the guys that want to fly up the right hand lane as far as they can, requiring those that had actually gotten over prior to slamming into the crane to slow down and let them in.

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