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Anyone got any good ways of killing poison ivy

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wifey got a real bad case, i seem to be immune but it is all over our back yard and unfortunately within 5 feet of my veggie/herb garden. any tried and true techniques would be welcome, short of bush-hogging the entire back yard, we have heavy vegetation for about 20-30 yards backing up to main road. thanks in advance.

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wifey got a real bad case, i seem to be immune but it is all over our back yard and unfortunately within 5 feet of my veggie/herb garden.  any tried and true techniques would be welcome, short of bush-hogging the entire back yard, we have heavy vegetation for about 20-30 yards backing up to main road.  thanks in advance.


My son in law is a landscaper, I will ask him and get back to you.

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I don't have a good way to get rid of the plant, but I have a good way to get rid of the rash. But it takes some balls. Itch up the rash so it's nice and raw. Then pour bleach over it. It's excrutiating at first, but the itch goes away and the ras will clear up in a couple of days. I used to use this technique when I used to work outside. I found the pain preferable to sitting there itching for days.

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Actually, that is what I am doing today around the site. I have a lot of it also in my backyard.


Monsanto (RoundUp) makes a product for poison ivy... It works great. The bottle comes pre-mixed with attached sprayer... No mess... I use it at home.


At work... We just use Round-Up and mix it in a sprayer... I got the luxury of cruising around with either the electric Cushman or haulster type Cushman.


The stuff I used at home (above) works great... Just go easy on the area since it seemed to migrate away from my fence and onto my grass a little!


I am not immune to it! I used to do hydrographic survey work along the Upper Mississippi River and the stuff was nasty. When "cutting line" with a machete, you would always come into contact with it.


Supposedly, your first exposure doesn't affect you... It may get worse with more exposure. My kid (don't ask... under my wife's supervision, he was playing in back of the wood pile and making "boats" out of the leaves!) didn't show signs of outbreak for 2 weeks!


Hope this helps!

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I don't have a good way to get rid of the plant, but I have a good way to get rid of the rash.  But it takes some balls.  Itch up the rash so it's nice and raw.  Then pour bleach over it.  It's excrutiating at first, but the itch goes away and the ras will clear up in a couple of days.  I used to use this technique when I used to work outside.  I found the pain preferable to sitting there itching for days.





They have "ivy block" now... After work, I would take a hot soapy shower to get the oil off... Wash all tools and clothes too!


When the leaves are red and waxy... LOOK OUT!


Take a machete and hack at the vine (around the tree or what not).


Ivy love shaddy, wet areas. Make it sunny and dry and it should get rid of it?

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I don't have a good way to get rid of the plant, but I have a good way to get rid of the rash.  But it takes some balls.  Itch up the rash so it's nice and raw.  Then pour bleach over it.  It's excrutiating at first, but the itch goes away and the ras will clear up in a couple of days.  I used to use this technique when I used to work outside.  I found the pain preferable to sitting there itching for days.


For real? I am constantly hiking or mountain biking and I get bad cases of poison ivy just by looking at it. If this is legit I will most definately do it next time

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wifey got a real bad case, i seem to be immune but it is all over our back yard and unfortunately within 5 feet of my veggie/herb garden.  any tried and true techniques would be welcome, short of bush-hogging the entire back yard, we have heavy vegetation for about 20-30 yards backing up to main road.  thanks in advance.


All you need to know about poison ivy is RoundUp.

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I don't have a good way to get rid of the plant, but I have a good way to get rid of the rash.  But it takes some balls.  Itch up the rash so it's nice and raw.  Then pour bleach over it.  It's excrutiating at first, but the itch goes away and the ras will clear up in a couple of days.  I used to use this technique when I used to work outside.  I found the pain preferable to sitting there itching for days.



I can't remember why but my doctor told me not to do this. I am very allergic to poison ivy, I can't go a summer without getting it. Now the itching doesn't bother me so much anymore but before it was awful. If she does have it bad have her go to her doctor. They can prescribe some steroids that will clear it up pretty fast. I had it covering one side of my face one summer, swelled my eyes closed and all. It was ugly. Got the steroids and in like 15 mins it went down to almost normal. If it isn't that bad get some Calamine lotion or some caladryl (same stuff but clear) and leave it alone. As for killing it round up should work as does a little gas but that isn't real great for the environment. Mowing it down will NOT kill it. You must kill the roots or it will just grow back. One more thing, just because you haven't reacted to it yet doesn't mean you won't in the future. Be careful, wear gloves, long sleeve shirts and pants. Good luck.

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For real?  I am constantly hiking or mountain biking and I get bad cases of poison ivy just by looking at it.  If this is legit I will most definately do it next time



Yeah I'm for real. Kent14 is saying that his Dr. told him not to do this, but I have done it plenty of times and it's worked for me with no side effects. It hurts like a bastard, but it dries it right up and your itch will be gone. If you decide to do it just remember to scratch it up real good before you pour the bleach in.

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Yeah I'm for real.  Kent14 is saying that his Dr. told him not to do this, but I have done it plenty of times and it's worked for me with no side effects.  It hurts like a bastard, but it dries it right up and your itch will be gone.  If you decide to do it just remember to scratch it up real good before you pour the bleach in.



I've done it before - my only concern was scarring...nothing like opening a flesh wound and pouring a harsh chemical in.


I, however, am not a Dr. :lol:

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i've deteted my post. but re bleach - scroll down to the last bit of text - bleach is not so good.





Thanks for the head's up, but I'll keep doing it when I get poison ivy. I've never had any problem with my skin afterwards. Of course now that I've said this next time a limb will probably fall off.


That's actually a good site that you found. Very informative and one of the rare places that I have seen that gets all the facts about poison ivy correct.

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