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The Horseshoe Theory of Modern Politics - The Far Left and Far Right Merge

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The Bernie Bros who then voted for Trump.

Many of the "right" posters here who agree with the nuttery RFK Jr. is bringing to the 2024 race.

And as my primary exhibit, I give you France:


Within the left-wing Nupes grouping, a majority of supporters of the Communist and France Unbowed parties prefer Le Pen, while backers of the Greens and Socialists favor Macron.




Remember, these are unabashed Communists. Not what some of our faves here like to call "commies." Real, honest-to-goodness, Workers-of-the-World-Unite Marxist communists. And they prefer an unabashedly right-wing "nationalist" (read: racist) candidate over an (Bill) Clinton-Obama-Biden type democrat.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_theory#:~:text=In political science and popular,a horseshoe are close together.


In political science and popular discourse,[1] the horseshoe theory asserts that the extreme left and the extreme right, rather than being at opposite and opposing ends of a linear political continuum, closely resemble each other, analogous to the way that the opposite ends of a horseshoe are close together.

The theory is attributed to the French philosopher and writer Jean-Pierre Faye.[2] Proponents point to a number of perceived similarities between extremes and allege that both have a tendency to support authoritarianism or totalitarianism. 


Edited by The Frankish Reich
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