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What's This Floating to the Top of the DA's Pool of Justice ?

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I was on my way home last evening & what to my wondrous ears did i here about the NYC - DA Bragg & his totally unbiased actions with the investigation of the former POTUS of some 34 felony charges that he can't pinpoint the actual crime or crimes that he is saying he has proof for and also was indicted on & finger printed with out full proof of said crimes which is unprecedented .


Oh & it only cost the tax payers some $2+ million to shut down the city & extra officers to do so let's not forget . Which if all of this comes to bring nothing he the DA should be made to pay for IMHO .


Oh and that a certain person in the US gov't has found that he used federal funds to look into what ever these accusations are of all of the laws broken which the one he has already been through a trail for with the bimbo Stormy D .


It's always amazes me that if you take a good dump in the water how the turd will eventually float to the top for all to see kind of like those movie scenes where every one is in the pool & then the turd appears and they all run to get out of the pool classic .


I wonder if we will see the same thing with the judge & others surrounding this case running seeing that this turd has come floating to the top of the pool .


Could this be a blatant attempt to derail a election bid for the former Pres. 🤔  ? Just asking questions don't be a hater .


Which in some ways the way that Trump is attacking or trying to eat the others in his own party may be a good thing because he too can't see the forest for the trees & won't realize how he will splinter the party if he continues doing so ! It is just amazing how when people go to DC & the longer they are there how ignorant they become.


But alas I digress this fine upstanding non bias law abiding justice first NY - DA seems to be just another liberal DA with a politically motivated agenda & here they thought he was just trying to be the good guy . But the turd is floating to the top .


Oh if i am hereing wrong about this please let me know .. Thanks !



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