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Biden's Electric Agenda Not Intentionally Pushing up Gas Prices - Or Is It ?

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Just heard this on the local TV station here in PA which is where my job has taken me that this administration is going to charge Fossil fuel companies Billions in taxes for past, present & future carbon emissions so do you think this will cause the price of gas to go even higher ?  


Even though Natural gas & propane are some of the most efficient in the world that makes no difference because it doesn't fit the agenda !


Then in the Diesel vehicles that i & many Americans drive that use DEF & a regen operation (put into law by out gov't operated EPA) to not only make these vehicles in some ways said to be so clean you could directly breath the exhaust & it not hurt you but also makes these vehicles much more expensive . Only to now say it's not enough .


Then right after that on the news they were telling of how this administration will be giving huge tax credits to those that buy EV's some up to $7500 if you go out & purchase a EV automobile even though it takes a diesel powered earth excavator to get the minerals needed to make the batteries & diesel powered generators & power plants to produce the electricity to charge the EV's .


So what's next probably paying a extra tax if you buy a gas or diesel powered vehicle ?? 


Oh too add to that right after these 2 stories they had another led by our distinguished VP of how the US is now going to or has started producing right here on American soil solar panels & the US gov't is investing in companies right here to produce such green energy type products yet we still have everything else that America consumes that is "Made In China" ... But - But 


Do these kind of things just SCREAM POLITICAL AGENDA ??


It won't be long & gas will be made (because of those in power & their electric agenda) to be so freakishly expensive that no one will be able to afford it or be able to make the decision if they so choose to keep their gas powered vehicles because of the expense . All in the name of saving the planet !! 


But wait what happens to the planet when those green energy EV batteries after they are used up or if they are in a wreck & can't be used & they sit in a junk yard or if they catch fire & burn up which sends what into the atmosphere ?


Has any of these political mental giants thought of the ramifications of these types of things 🤔 Oh & hey then we will have to change the materials that these EV's drive on because the roads that are made of asphalt which is oil based will cost more & when it rains rinses the oil into the ground & the water supply but that's OKAY RIGHT ?? 


Oh & during this news session i was watching they also said how much worse Methane gas was for the environment than the carbon produced from fossil fuels but that was okay because it didn't last as long but i wouldn't be surprised if a bill is in the works for butt plugs or those that produce to much BS to be charged for it but of course then they will have to shut down the gov't completely .


Just saying ...



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You should look at the money flowing to the geothermal fields at the salton sea area of cali (Right on the fault).  they are getting lithium as a by product. 


Never mind the fact that site has caused micro swarms of earthquakes in the past. and is being heavily studied.  






But eff it, drill baby drill.


Wait, aint that a righty term


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On 4/7/2023 at 2:46 PM, Wacka said:

Not to mention that China, India, and Russia, and other countries keep spewing out more and more pollution.


Well when you have a weak politician running the country that are very likely in cahoots with them this shouldn't surprise any of us because those politicians are to busy spewing their own pollution here to cover up what is going on behind the curtain as to not get caught in their own webs .


Then continue to blame others for the problems they create . 

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"Head for the mountains of Busch beer..."



maybe we'll be able to drive gas powered boats in Miami and New Orleans.  Meanwhile get in all the skiing in that you can in the next decade.

Edited by redtail hawk
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4 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

"Head for the mountains of Busch beer..."



maybe we'll be able to drive gas powered boats in Miami and New Orleans.  Meanwhile get in all the skiing in that you can in the next decade.

sounding like it might get tight if the coast are shrinking and its still the leading state for domestic migration.


or is just more of the same climate panic script thats just noise at this point.





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11 minutes ago, Chris farley said:

sounding like it might get tight if the coast are shrinking and its still the leading state for domestic migration.


or is just more of the same climate panic script thats just noise at this point.





I'll bet desantis has been looking closely at those snorkeling systems with pumped in air and waterproof electronics.  Another investment opportunity!  He can rule over the next Atlantis.

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15 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

"Head for the mountains of Busch beer..."



maybe we'll be able to drive gas powered boats in Miami and New Orleans.  Meanwhile get in all the skiing in that you can in the next decade.


Pollution in general of any kind is not a good thing & i think that hybrids & even electric in cities such as LA & NYC is a great thing because they can definitely cut down on exhaust in such a concentrated area which is good but this administration is all or nothing in their pursuit of this change and that will do nothing but 1 more time hurt our wallets while making theirs even thicker .


The big thing first in this article is look at who put it out "The Washington Post" & i am finding it harder to believe anything at all that is even relative to that a city . 


If especially in this administration they would a thread of common sense in their planning it would just be astonishing & every thing they do weather it's the appointment of person's to spending of tax dollars all have a agenda to a end & that just disturbs me then you put on top of that how gullible Americans are it just multiply's it .


It seems that there is no independent thinking & that a lot of people in this country & around the world would rather be lead by the hand then take the tie to invest in some research & common sense when it comes to implementation of just every day life let alone the future because if they would have done that we as a country now would have more jobs here & wouldn't be almost totally dependent on a communist country such as China for most of our usable goods .


So to put 100% trust in anything that is coming out of the city of Washington DC is fool hearty at best . 

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3 minutes ago, T master said:


Pollution in general of any kind is not a good thing & i think that hybrids & even electric in cities such as LA & NYC is a great thing because they can definitely cut down on exhaust in such a concentrated area which is good but this administration is all or nothing in their pursuit of this change and that will do nothing but 1 more time hurt our wallets while making theirs even thicker .


The big thing first in this article is look at who put it out "The Washington Post" & i am finding it harder to believe anything at all that is even relative to that a city . 


If especially in this administration they would a thread of common sense in their planning it would just be astonishing & every thing they do weather it's the appointment of person's to spending of tax dollars all have a agenda to a end & that just disturbs me then you put on top of that how gullible Americans are it just multiply's it .


It seems that there is no independent thinking & that a lot of people in this country & around the world would rather be lead by the hand then take the tie to invest in some research & common sense when it comes to implementation of just every day life let alone the future because if they would have done that we as a country now would have more jobs here & wouldn't be almost totally dependent on a communist country such as China for most of our usable goods .


So to put 100% trust in anything that is coming out of the city of Washington DC is fool hearty at best . 

would make a lot of sense if we were also investing in Nuke plants at the same time.  or something that could actually meet the electrical demands of going all electric.  







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1 minute ago, Chris farley said:

would make a lot of sense if we were also investing in Nuke plants at the same time.  or something that could actually meet the electrical demands of going all electric.  








Would make a lot of sense if they would include ALL of what is causing what they are calling climate change but they don't they only focus on what their agenda or the narrative calls for so they can invest in the right places to make millions if not billions .


If they were truly concerned about the country & it's people they would stop the production of round up they would slow the deforestation of the planet which is taking away it's ability to take in the carbon in the first place & cut down on methane in the many different ways it attributes to the problem but they don't .


It's all just the cars & once those are changed it will be their next great thought of what it will be they want to do away with burning things which fire was one of the greatest things man has been able to come up with as a usable piece of industry of most any kind .

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15 minutes ago, T master said:

The big thing first in this article is look at who put it out "The Washington Post" & i am finding it harder to believe anything at all that is even relative to that a city . 

the Post is reporting on two scientific articles in peer reviewed journals.  but you knew that...just didn't care

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1 minute ago, redtail hawk said:

the Post is reporting on two scientific articles in peer reviewed journals.  but you knew that...just didn't care


No as you usually do you assuming something which you are wrong once again about because i did not know that but at least you are holding true to form .

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1 minute ago, redtail hawk said:

the Post is reporting on two scientific articles in peer reviewed journals.  but you knew that...just didn't care

Just saying Peer Reviewed has lost its meaning.  Its like "trust the science" or this is "settled science."












And WA-PO has an agenda. 

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6 minutes ago, T master said:


No as you usually do you assuming something which you are wrong once again about because i did not know that but at least you are holding true to form .

I suppose assuming that you actually read the article was a bridge too far


"A second study by a long list of sea level experts, led by Sönke Dangendorf of Tulane University and published in Nature Communications, finds the same trend since 2010 across the U.S. Gulf Coast and southeastern coastlines, calling the rise “unprecedented in at least 120 years.”"

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3 minutes ago, Chris farley said:

Wonder how much climate change is made by military?  the nord stream?  Every bomb and missile?  the logistics behind everything military. 


Their arguments are if you get rid of roundup. the vegetables will be much more expensive and that hurts the poor.


agree, the problem is global. to just focus on the west and some topics is like not seeing the forest through the trees.







That and the fact that the US like they do with being the worlds sheriff in a military or monetary form now has to make up for China, India & every one else's pollution rather than hold them accountable .


Also cause and effect if they stop making round up & other cancer causing chemicals then big pharma, and all the others that make huge amounts of money off of keeping us sick would no longer be able to profit from the cause of these things which more than likely are the super groups that pay into not only the campaigns but to the lobbyist to get more money for their independent projects .


It's all a vicious monetary circle but American's in general are to foolish to see any of it especially if they vote in those to keep getting their entitlements .

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2 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

I suppose assuming that you actually read the article was a bridge too far


"A second study by a long list of sea level experts, led by Sönke Dangendorf of Tulane University and published in Nature Communications, finds the same trend since 2010 across the U.S. Gulf Coast and southeastern coastlines, calling the rise “unprecedented in at least 120 years.”"


Okay i'll at the very least unlike you & your cohorts here admit that no i didn't read the entire article but i will now if for nothing to pacify you but seeing as there probably were no studies prior to 120 years ago on this subject then this like a lot of things today is just being brought into the public view .


So with no data prior to this how can we know that this wasn't or hasn't been a on going thing before today ? But with that too the US is probably one of the countries that is leading the change in climate change and taking the bulk of the solution on our shoulders while the likes of China, India, & probably a lot of other countries are not being made to conform because we have weak leaders in place that would rather have We the People bear the brunt of the problem .


I don't mind helping out but if you are a problem but others are expecting me to be the solution to the problem you are causing & i need to change to stop what you are doing wrong yet you can continue to do what needs to be corrected then sorry i'm out .


So the US needs to grow a set of BALLS which this administration has none of and hold others accountable which was a HUGE reason why no one liked the previous administration because right wrong or indifferent they brought things in the UN & other places to the fore front even if it went against the status quo or those in the swamp that kept the status quo intact for many many years now .


But ole Joe just falls right back in to the same old BS and every body thinks he's the greatest for it when in fact they are more the problem than the solution but that's just me .

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2 minutes ago, T master said:


Okay i'll at the very least unlike you & your cohorts here admit that no i didn't read the entire article but i will now if for nothing to pacify you but seeing as there probably were no studies prior to 120 years ago on this subject then this like a lot of things today is just being brought into the public view .


So with no data prior to this how can we know that this wasn't or hasn't been a on going thing before today ? But with that too the US is probably one of the countries that is leading the change in climate change and taking the bulk of the solution on our shoulders while the likes of China, India, & probably a lot of other countries are not being made to conform because we have weak leaders in place that would rather have We the People bear the brunt of the problem .


I don't mind helping out but if you are a problem but others are expecting me to be the solution to the problem you are causing & i need to change to stop what you are doing wrong yet you can continue to do what needs to be corrected then sorry i'm out .


So the US needs to grow a set of BALLS which this administration has none of and hold others accountable which was a HUGE reason why no one liked the previous administration because right wrong or indifferent they brought things in the UN & other places to the fore front even if it went against the status quo or those in the swamp that kept the status quo intact for many many years now .


But ole Joe just falls right back in to the same old BS and every body thinks he's the greatest for it when in fact they are more the problem than the solution but that's just me .

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing...

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2 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing...


Agree's but a lot of foolishness or ignorants can be even more dangerous . 


But as they say you can't fix stupid !! But a little bit of common sense could curb it .

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2 minutes ago, T master said:


Agree's but a lot of foolishness or ignorants can be even more dangerous . 


But as they say you can't fix stupid !! But a little bit of common sense could curb it .

Knowledge is not Google, or all book/classroom learned. much is based on experience.  if not the vast majority.  


These PROFILES lack any of the last part, proven by their postings.



Edited by Chris farley
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5 minutes ago, Chris farley said:

Knowledge is not Google, or all book/classroom learned. much is based on experience.  if not the vast majority.  


These PROFILES lack any of the last part, proven by their postings.



uh huh, I can only speak for myself but I've experienced quite a lot.  Mostly good, some bad but highly diverse and global.  So do u want a traditional Cuckoo or a modern one?


I'm partial to this one:



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