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(ot)Wish me Luck

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You can cheat almost as easily in live games...in both instances, its easy to spot if you know what you're looking for.



I wouldn't say "almost as easy". I have a group I play with every saturday afternoon. If they were sending signs, I would pick up on it (moving chips, certain motions, etc). With online, you can literally call someone else at the table and tell them what you have.


And as far as spotting it? If I spotted it during a live game, the guilty party would be picking up his teeth from the floor. Online? The guy disconnects, or just tells you to F--- off.

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I wouldn't say "almost as easy".  I have a group I play with every saturday afternoon. If they were sending signs, I would pick up on it (moving chips, certain motions, etc). With online, you can literally call someone else at the table and tell them what you have.


And as far as spotting it? If I spotted it during a live game, the guilty party would be picking up his teeth from the floor. Online? The guy disconnects, or just tells you to F--- off.



Thats not the point though, collusion in poker only works by setting up the mark and raising bets (sucking him into a pot he has no business being in). So if you spot it online, you know which pots to avoid. Thus, it doesn't affect your chips.


You can protect yourself online from cheats (just as you can in live games) by being aware of what's going on. That's all I'm saying.

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Thats not the point though, collusion in poker only works by setting up the mark and raising bets (sucking him into a pot he has no business being in). So if you spot it online, you know which pots to avoid. Thus, it doesn't affect your chips.


You can protect yourself online from cheats (just as you can in live games) by being aware of what's going on. That's all I'm saying.



good point

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But, doesn't the on-line engine give you a perfect random shuffle each time? How often does that happen around the card table? It would almost seem that the opposite would be true.



I have made a couple of straight flushes in live card rooms. I've also had 4 of a kind several times. It's not impossible, but it's just easier for someone to blame a computer when they lose a pot than it is to blame themselves.

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