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Lawfare Victim Trump indicted.Commies celebrate.Pelosi:Trump has right to trial to prove innocence.

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3 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

yes, and having an affair with a porn star isn't weird at all....

Right after your wife had a kid.


The ends to which they defend this scum never cease to amaze.  But a lot of these guys don't even like him.....


Can't even tell the truth to themselves. 

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53 minutes ago, SCBills said:


This should just reinforce the need for the further Balkanization of America.  If you’re a conservative, why live or do business in places that hate you? 

good luck with that.  Whose going to pay for welfare and medicaid in all the red zones?  I'm sure the best and brightest will be flocking to Mississippi, Louisiana and West Virginia.

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50 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

yes, and having an affair with a porn star isn't weird at all....

very sophisticated and classy



Not sure what that has to do with what you said, and I responded to. 

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40 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

good luck with that.  Whose going to pay for welfare and medicaid in all the red zones?  I'm sure the best and brightest will be flocking to Mississippi, Louisiana and West Virginia.

Georgia straight up just doesn’t have the level of social services New York has.  

I know people who stay in NY for that reason.  

For the rest of us.. Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas etc are where I’d want to be. 

Not coincidentally, those are also the fastest growing states in the country. 

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19 minutes ago, SUNY_amherst said:


you can say that again. Atlanta is a dump. You couldn't pay me to live there


Florida used to be cool but now they are banning books and stuff, I wouldn't want to raise my kids in that kind of environment





Buckhead and the Metro ATL suburbs are nicer than anything in NY outside some enclaves on Long Island. 

Sorry the state doesn’t tax it’s citizens to pay for you to live your life, I guess. 

Your Florida comment isn’t worthy of a response. 

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Is that really all there is to the Trump indictment? How pathetic

by Michael Goodwin


Now that we’ve seen what District Attorney Alvin Bragg has, the old Peggy Lee song comes to mind.


Is that all there is? Yes, that’s all there is.


The charges against Donald Trump are almost exactly as predicted. They are weak and, most important, political. As such, they are shockingly-blatant punishment for Trump daring to become president.


In this sordid case, the letters D.A. stand for Democrat Attorney. The charges are the crime. Shame on Bragg for abusing his authority and turning his office into a partisan outpost.


The prosecutor who thinks most violent criminals are simply misunderstood youths just made history on a legal move that is breathtakingly flimsy.


Manhattan is a 24-hour crime scene where innocent citizens and visitors are assaulted, raped, robbed and killed, but the city’s most famous and arguably most important law enforcement officer has been focused on weaving a fantasy.






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3 hours ago, SCBills said:

Weird flex simping for celebs. 

You can keep your actual life liberal women..  Conservative women tend to be far more attractive and far happier.


Side note:  Every woman I’ve met off Tinder or Bumble that says she’s liberal, somehow agrees with me on almost every political topic.  So, at the very least, your side is easily turned. 

Now the polyamorous, overweight, openly vocal about abortion rights and the patriarchy… yea, those are all yours. Have fun with that. 


You're basically just a product of Fox News. There is no real measured difference in women who are liberal or conservative, most people in general aren't even heavily political. You're just going off of the extreme TikTok "liberals" that you're told to look at. Just like I don't think most Conservative women are fat hillbillies. 


All that stuff is just so silly and childish. 

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Bragg’s ‘Indictment’ Even Fails as an Indictment

by Andrew C. McCarthy


It’s always possible to be surprised. The indictment brought by Manhattan’s elected Democratic district attorney Alvin Bragg against Donald Trump is even worse than I’d imagined.


Bragg’s indictment fails to state a crime. Not once . . . but 34 times. On that ground alone, the case should be dismissed — before one ever gets to the facts that the statute of limitations has lapsed and that Bragg has no jurisdiction to enforce federal law (if that’s what he’s trying to do, which remains murky).


more at the link: https://www.nationalreview.com/2023/04/braggs-indictment-even-fails-as-an-indictment/




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23 minutes ago, HomeskillitMoorman said:


You're basically just a product of Fox News. There is no real measured difference in women who are liberal or conservative, most people in general aren't even heavily political. You're just going off of the extreme TikTok "liberals" that you're told to look at. Just like I don't think most Conservative women are fat hillbillies. 


All that stuff is just so silly and childish. 

Have you been on Tinder or Bumble recently?  There is very much a difference in appearance between conservative women, “liberal” women and true liberal women that make it known reproductive rights and LGBTQIA+ ally is part of their persona. 

I see plenty of attractive women that identify as liberal, but they’re really not.  They just think they are.  I know this because I won’t date someone who’s belief system is antithetical to mine, and when it comes up .. we usually have a ton of common ground. 

Truly liberal women.. the ones that make it known.. typically overweight, angry and/or childless over 30.  

Anecdotal, sure, and there’s exceptions to the rule… but from talking to others (and polling on married women vs single women), pretty common phenomena. 

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9 minutes ago, SCBills said:

Have you been on Tinder or Bumble recently?  There is very much a difference in appearance between conservative women, “liberal” women and true liberal women that make it known reproductive rights and LGBTQIA+ ally is part of their persona. 


No, but I also think those toxic apps are not a good source of information or judge of women in general. 


Most people I interact with don't care about politics and it mostly doesn't come up in our conversations when we hang out. If people are making their politics outwardly known in their profiles, they're probably the extremes. Also, if someone is only seeking a partner that shares all of their political beliefs on either side, they want to live in an echo chamber, that wouldn't be someone I'd be interested in anyways. 


I see you added this part:


I see plenty of attractive women that identify as liberal, but they’re really not.  They just think they are.  I know this because I won’t date someone who’s belief system is antithetical to mine, and when it comes up .. we usually have a ton of common ground. 


I think a lot of people would find common ground because most people are moderates of each side. The extremes on both sides are a small percentage and are weaponized by the media and political people on both sides to make you believe the other side is evil. 

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34 counts of…Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree.


I saw a remark on Twitter about it seeming like the same thing copied and pasted 34 times.


Essentially, that’s what it was, but that’s also how pleadings like this tend to work. They’re supposed to be precise – almost mathematical.




But here’s the thing about math: 34 times zero is still zero – and that’s all Alvin Bragg appears to have here.




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1 hour ago, SCBills said:

Buckhead and the Metro ATL suburbs are nicer than anything in NY outside some enclaves on Long Island. 

Sorry the state doesn’t tax it’s citizens to pay for you to live your life, I guess. 

Your Florida comment isn’t worthy of a response. 

you all can have Long Island in the red country


I've also been thru MTG's Ga district.  seems a lot like W virginia, as do rural areas in most of the states you mentioned.

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10 minutes ago, B-Man said:


34 counts of…Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree.


I saw a remark on Twitter about it seeming like the same thing copied and pasted 34 times.


Essentially, that’s what it was, but that’s also how pleadings like this tend to work. They’re supposed to be precise – almost mathematical.




But here’s the thing about math: 34 times zero is still zero – and that’s all Alvin Bragg appears to have here.






They lost the January 6 hearings when they lost the House and their credibility.  

Keeping this going into 2024 was the play.  


Banana Republic.  

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44 minutes ago, HomeskillitMoorman said:


You're basically just a product of Fox News. There is no real measured difference in women who are liberal or conservative, most people in general aren't even heavily political. You're just going off of the extreme TikTok "liberals" that you're told to look at. Just like I don't think most Conservative women are fat hillbillies. 


All that stuff is just so silly and childish. 

I'm gonna link this again cuz it's emblematic of the cultural divide we now see.  Maybe dividing the country makes sense...as long as Va stays blue.



“I think that there are very few issues that are really dealbreakers in relationships for most folks, even for folks that identify as quite liberal,” said Daniel Cox, director of the Survey Center on American Life. “But again, Trump is an absolute dealbreaker.” 

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3 minutes ago, SUNY_amherst said:


WTF did I just read


"Guys let's use sex apps as proof women are ugly. Then let's tie it to politics somehow so I can sprinkle in my ignorant take". LOL




Here's my mostly-serious take on the situation. Most women are liberal and most trump-supporters middle aged white dudes.


When you wear one of those red hats you can figure out which of those 2 groups will be more impressed haha






Right, and I think some of it is this classification that you have to be part of one side.


You can be someone that has both liberal and conservative views. In fact, that's what MOST people probably are. Both parties have always wanted this, to make people choose a side or classify other people as being something.


I might have a conversation with a woman whose conservative and we would probably find a good amount of common ground. Same would go the other way.


I'm weary of anyone who chooses a side because you don't have to. 

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43 minutes ago, SCBills said:

Truly liberal women.. the ones that make it known.. typically overweight, angry and/or childless over 30.  

yeah, those ugly hollywood stars are such a turn off?


Have you looked at the women in the crowds at trump rallies?  Or the demographics of MAGA's?  Poor and uneducated groups have not generally been the places talent agents go looking for models...

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3 hours ago, SCBills said:

Buckhead and the Metro ATL suburbs are nicer than anything in NY outside some enclaves on Long Island. 


I guess you have never been to the suburbs outside NYC - like Fairfield County in CT, Westchester County in NY, and a number of incredibly wealthy towns in New Jersey just outside the city.


Buckhead wishes they had that wealth - AND - proximity to the ocean.


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2 hours ago, Big Blitz said:



They lost the January 6 hearings when they lost the House and their credibility.  

Keeping this going into 2024 was the play.  


Banana Republic.  

Keep screeching it over and over. 

it means nothing after the way the right wing went after Hillary nonstop.

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Of course, Pelosi’s tweet is in line with how the mainstream media is framing this sordid affair. In a nutshell, according to the vast majority of legacy news outlets (also known as fake news), Trump is guilty, and the onus is on him and his legal team to prove his innocence.


Fortunately, for Trump, that should be relatively easy, considering that the case against him is flimsier than Alex Murdaugh’s alibi.


For starters, Trump is being pursued by a district attorney, Alvin Bragg, who boasted during his campaign that he would leave no stone unturned in his quest to get Trump. In fact, the very case Bragg is pursuing was not pursued by his predecessor, Cy Vance, or the Federal Election Commission because it lacks merit. In other words, no crime took place.


Moreover, as has been widely reported, the statute of limitations on the alleged crimes has expired. And, in order to bring the charges against Trump, Bragg had to bend longstanding legal logic on its head, twisting it into a pretzel that no legal scholar would dare defend.


In reality, Bragg is a far-left zealot who is soft on crime and beholden to George Soros. In his two years on the job, Bragg has bent over backward to ensure that violent criminals are treated with kid gloves.


Consider this stunning juxtaposition. To date, Bragg has downgraded 52 percent of felonies to misdemeanors. Over the same period, Bragg has emptied out New York City’s prisons even as crime has soared throughout New York City.


Yet, while appearing before the media to announce the Trump indictment, Bragg had the gall to say, “These are felony crimes in New York state, no matter who you are. We cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct.”


That sure sounds like a two-tiered justice system.





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