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Lawfare Victim Trump indicted.Commies celebrate.Pelosi:Trump has right to trial to prove innocence.

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22 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

Bringing a charge against the former president of the United States on a case you expect to lose would be a profoundly stupid thing for anyone to do. 

Seems incredibly unlikely. 


id say the same about impeaching...twice. sending the feds in for "clasified" documents with impending charges to "come soon" and a host of other things that resulted exactly zilch. 


so for all the crimes that this demonic criminal has done to our great nation. cheating and paying hush money on decade old charges that USUALLY at most be mistermeanor convictions is the one they got him on a air tight case? 


no its just more political fodder to rile up his base..prob hoping for some violence since they finally realize jan 6th is cold stale and news cycle that will declare him a criminal for however many months they drag this on. 


good luck. im happy eveeen presidents are not above the law. its a good thought but unfortunately it will prob only be politically biased towards this particular one as all the rest enjoy their retirements in peace and indictment free.

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12 minutes ago, Buffarukus said:

so for all the crimes that this demonic criminal has done to our great nation. cheating and paying hush money on decade old charges that USUALLY at most be mistermeanor convictions is the one they got him on a air tight case? 

Yup, you know.  I thought you were a good guy.  I was right.

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22 minutes ago, Buffarukus said:


id say the same about impeaching...twice. sending the feds in for "clasified" documents with impending charges to "come soon" and a host of other things that resulted exactly zilch. 


so for all the crimes that this demonic criminal has done to our great nation. cheating and paying hush money on decade old charges that USUALLY at most be mistermeanor convictions is the one they got him on a air tight case? 


no its just more political fodder to rile up his base..prob hoping for some violence since they finally realize jan 6th is cold stale and news cycle that will declare him a criminal for however many months they drag this on. 


good luck. im happy eveeen presidents are not above the law. its a good thought but unfortunately it will prob only be politically biased towards this particular one as all the rest enjoy their retirements in peace and indictment free.


A couple of things here.


For one, impeachment is a political process, not a legal one. Nobody can lose their liberty or their rights through impeachment, and politicians may move forward with an impeachment they believe they will lose for political or other reasons.


This indictment is a legal process. Trump's liberty is at risk and the stakes are higher for him than they were when he faced impeachment. However, unlike a politician, the DA's job often depends on securing convictions. This is why prosecutors often only bring charges they are confident that they can win. The downsides of losing a big case, especially this one, greatly outweigh whatever they may gain from a quixotic indictment with little chance of success.


You also seem to be implying that this is all part of a big liberal plot to get Trump. We can say for certain that nobody is pulling the strings here because if they were, this would not be the first case to have Trump indicted. Both Jack Smith and Fani Willis have much stronger, and more important cases. If there was a great plot afoot here, one of them would have indicted first. The NY grand jury is supposed to go on a month's long break. They never would have held the vote before that break if this was a coordinated effort.


I know it seems unbelievable to many people here, but could the real reason behind the prosecution simply be that the DA believes he can prove a crime was committed?

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1 hour ago, ChiGoose said:

In times like these it’s helpful to remember that there is often a difference between what is disclosed to the parties versus what is disclosed to the public. 

It is likely that Trump’s lawyers know more about the charges than we do.


Of course the talking heads need to fill the airtime, so we’ll have just rampant speculation between now and when the indictment is unsealed. 

My suggestion: we can assume there is at least one charge of falsifying business records and one other charge of a different crime. Reporting is that there are 30+ charges including at least one felony. But beyond that, just sit tight and wait for the actual indictment to be released before wading too far into speculation and predictions. 

If you or I were charged with something I think we would be aware of what we are charged with, we would know. IDK... this seems hokey.

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37 minutes ago, T&C said:

If you or I were charged with something I think we would be aware of what we are charged with, we would know. IDK... this seems hokey.

As I said, we don’t know what they know. Best to just wait until Tuesday before speculating wildly. 

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1 hour ago, ChiGoose said:


A couple of things here.


For one, impeachment is a political process, not a legal one. Nobody can lose their liberty or their rights through impeachment, and politicians may move forward with an impeachment they believe they will lose for political or other reasons.


i realize that. the point im making is charges for impeachment you would like to think would be more air tight then criminal charges seeing as the result is subverting the selection of half the country. so you should prob make the reasoning behind it something that everyone but the most radical on your political opponents side at the very least agree that the charges are worthy of going through with. seeing as the first one was based on a action the former vice president said on video..and was ignored. let alone fully investigated. i know i know. completely different joe biden did nothing wrong and trump claiming wanting answers for it or he would withold aid..completely different as usual. the second one i acctually do agree with but seeing as trump was leaving office a hour after it did seem like a ploy to not have to face him again. well we will see if they have more luck criminally. im sure now that denying elections is now a big deal we will back trace all the politicians who have done it and hold them accountable as well 🙄



1 hour ago, ChiGoose said:


This indictment is a legal process. Trump's liberty is at risk and the stakes are higher for him than they were when he faced impeachment. However, unlike a politician, the DA's job often depends on securing convictions. This is why prosecutors often only bring charges they are confident that they can win. The downsides of losing a big case, especially this one, greatly outweigh whatever they may gain from a quixotic indictment with little chance of success.


the DA ran on "getting trump" so this is him fulfilling his campaign promise to his base. that is as political as it gets and i doubt he cares if he wins because he can say i tryed. im sure next election cycle he will dig for new charges from decades ago since the strategy of cleaning up trump crime is more important then boring old city crime to the people of NY. its the gift that can keep on giving.


1 hour ago, ChiGoose said:


You also seem to be implying that this is all part of a big liberal plot to get Trump. We can say for certain that nobody is pulling the strings here because if they were, this would not be the first case to have Trump indicted. Both Jack Smith and Fani Willis have much stronger, and more important cases. If there was a great plot afoot here, one of them would have indicted first. The NY grand jury is supposed to go on a month's long break. They never would have held the vote before that break if this was a coordinated effort.


lol are you serious. read above. like i said im glad we finally have standing that politicians will be held accountable for the crimes they commit but lets not act like going after trump is not extremely politically biased and banana republic like. all the crimes by presidents and politicians in general my entire life time and it just so happens that precedent is set on the same guy that had the fbi verifiably lie as being treason. media lie about pee tapes losers and suckers..almost daily come up with ridiculous claims. meantime cuomo murders elderly. sexually assaults. endorses fraud. labtops sit on desks for going on over 4 years without a peep. wars get fought over lies killing thousands of civilians drone striking innocent families as a norm despite any Geneva on the books. insider trading beyond belief. politicians go in poor walk out multi millionaires with no questions. the list is long and includes alot of people and the worst anyone has seen is "resigning in discrace" lol aka going to a resort to live out their days on a money pile.


1 hour ago, ChiGoose said:

I know it seems unbelievable to many people here, but could the real reason behind the prosecution simply be that the DA believes he can prove a crime was committed?


read above above. yes it is unbelievable and polls are pretty clear most people are not biased enough to think a new standard of justice for all. your on your own on this one goose. regular unbiased people saw the desperation for a very long time and just going off of the crime they are pursuing..this one may top the list.

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I'm wondering when we'll hear about the arrest of the person that leaked the indictment information to The Times.  Its a class E felony by NYS law punishable by imprisonment.  I'm certain the DA will pursue this leaker as everybody keeps repeating and telling us that "nobody is above the law".  Ha, ha.

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35 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

I'm wondering when we'll hear about the arrest of the person that leaked the indictment information to The Times.  Its a class E felony by NYS law punishable by imprisonment.  I'm certain the DA will pursue this leaker as everybody keeps repeating and telling us that "nobody is above the law".  Ha, ha.


either that or maybe the fbi kicks in the journalist door guns drawn and handcuffs ready like they did with 2 of them at project veritas. maybe it will be the taibbi treatment and have irs agents pay the the writer a home visit on the morning of explaining the weoponization of government..irony. where then congress can repeatedly grill him/her on who their sources are.


standard procedure for authoritarian gov stuff.


oh wait you said NY times. they will kick in the door to personally present them a pulitzer. lol

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47 minutes ago, Buffarukus said:


either that or maybe the fbi kicks in the journalist door guns drawn and handcuffs ready like they did with 2 of them at project veritas. maybe it will be the taibbi treatment and have irs agents pay the the writer a home visit on the morning of explaining the weoponization of government..irony. where then congress can repeatedly grill him/her on who their sources are.


standard procedure for authoritarian gov stuff.


oh wait you said NY times. they will kick in the door to personally present them a pulitzer. lol

I think there's a point you guys are missing.  They could have just went out, and arrested Trump, without saying a word.  Doing it this way is actually doing him a solid.  

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On 3/30/2023 at 10:45 PM, Big Blitz said:


It’s gone.  You’re the reason why.  

You don’t believe in it.  You don’t understand what it stood for.  

I could obviously go on and on to tell you why you destroyed it and your just left to sit around staring at the manufactured news all day to keep you distracted from the real problems and angry enough at all things not Communist.  

But.  I did that for over 2 years watching Covid deliver the final nail.  Made possible by both the architects behind it and the useful idiots that hated Trump because of reasons still not understandable by science and logic.  




On 3/30/2023 at 10:45 PM, Big Blitz said:

Quick test to prove - with logic - that America is gone:


Can ANY candidate running for office campaign on this:


”America First.”


Should no doubt be able to.  Simply say those words or anything close to it.  Can’t.  

I rest my case. 





My God I’m right about everything.   

Totally flattered to have recognized this before Zero Hedge:




The Death Of Patriotism


From 1998 to the present, the percentage of Americans who say that patriotism is an important value has crashed from 70% to 38%. The bulk of the fall has happened since 2019.

The poll doesn’t define for the respondents what patriotism is but reflect on the word. It can mean love of country and homeland. It’s perhaps true that this has fallen. That’s believable since the U.S. in three years ceased to place freedom as a first principle.


Indeed, there is a growing cultural movement, extending from academia to the mainstream, that encourages loathing of American history and its achievements. No “Founding Father” is safe from being called the worst-possible names. Hatred of this country has risen to be an expected norm.


But the problem goes even deeper.

When you are locked in your home, your business is closed, your church is shut, your neighbors are screaming at you to mask up, then the doctors come at you with shots you don’t want, and you are further prevented from leaving the country to anywhere but Mexico, and the president calls the unvaccinated enemies of the people, sure, one can imagine that affections for the homeland decline.


Americans Have Lost Faith in Their Institutions


…These include schools, courts, politics and all the institutions of government at all levels.


Civic trust in these are surely at rock bottom. The courts did not protect us. The schools shut, particularly the public ones, which are supposed to be the crowning achievement of Progressive ideology. Our doctors turned on us.


And let’s say that we consider the media to be part of civic culture. It has been that way since at least FDR’s Fireside Chats. It’s always been the mouthpiece for what we are supposed to be thinking about as a people.


The media too turned on regular people for three years, calling our parties super-spreader events, jeering pastors who held worship services, demonizing live concerts and screaming at everyone to stay home and stay glued to the tube.


We tend to learn from our errors. So when the pollsters come around and ask if we are feeling patriotic, it’s hardly unusual that people would respond: Not really.


And we could say the same about the other poll result: The importance of religion has fallen from 62% in 1998 to 39% in 2022. Again the bulk of the crash happened after 2019. No question that the nation was already trending secular….

Young People Don’t Even Want Kids Anymore

In the final results of the poll, the importance of having children went from 59% to 39% and the importance of community involvement peaked at 62 at the height of lockdowns to fall to an astounding 27%.


Again, the culprit here seems pretty obvious: it was the pandemic response. All the policies were structured to shatter human relationships. People are nothing but disease vectors. Stay away from everyone. Don’t become a super-spreader by daring to hang around others. Be alone. Be lonely. That’s the only proper way…


We Need an Honest Accounting


The trouble with the survey is not the numbers but the interpretation. This is being seen as some weird fog of nihilism and greed that has mysteriously slipped over the population, as if it were an entirely organic trend over which no one has any control. That’s wrong. There is a definite cause and it all traces to the same egregious policies without precedent.


We still do not have honesty about what happened. And until we get it, we cannot repair the grave damage to the culture or the national soul.


We are living in crisis times but that crisis has an identifiable cause and hence solution.


Until we can speak frankly about it, the situation can only get worse.



Edited by Big Blitz
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1 hour ago, daz28 said:

I think there's a point you guys are missing.  They could have just went out, and arrested Trump, without saying a word.  Doing it this way is actually doing him a solid.  

Yup... Like they busted Blago.


Yet... How would Secret Service have reacted? They'd have to honor the bust, right?

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2 hours ago, daz28 said:

I think there's a point you guys are missing.  They could have just went out, and arrested Trump, without saying a word.  Doing it this way is actually doing him a solid.  


im not sure on that


this country has never had a party corrupt enough to actually persecute a political rival, let alone former president, on some inflated decade old charges that american citizens seriously dont give a $#[t about, right as he is beginning his campaign. this is new low imo. but thats what you get when garbage circles the toilet. it gets lower and lower. guy is what 75 the entire american democrat judicial apparatus and these are what they found? on satan in human form? lol. 


but hey im all for it. dont do solids. drag the guy into a car after tasing him. f it. the visuals will help people understand how close this is to a 3rd world $#it hole sham democracy? now that the line is crossed its just going to go the other way. rep gunna find some tax bs or dwi from college keep it in there pocket with a friendly judge in a district a jury will never be impartial and pull the trigger when the "enemies" front runner has momentum.


then liberals are going to lose their damn minds about the sanctity of elections or whatever bs makes the situation different from the one they are perfectly fine justifying at this very moment. rinse and repeat then escalate to the next portion of this reality show.


its all good. maybe it will put alot of these criminals in cages finally. maybe people will see how far weve gone and start reversing from a popularity contest to professionalism and integrity one. maybe while Rs and Ds are locking each other up a 3rd party candidate silently walks fist fighting lunatics to grab the microphone and express moderate policies that neither democrat or republican can rally as "their" cause but makes sense to a hell of alot of people in the middle that arent tribalist and just wants their country to succeed. 


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"America First"... The Firsters is straight out of the 1930s... They are the Charles Lindberghs, Henry Fords, and Joe Kennedy's that wanted to align and appease Hitler and the fascists. The fascists are the Putin's and Xi's today hybridized 30 years strong from old communists...


I mean knock Hillary all you want, she was right 10 years ago when she said the GOP all they want to do is roll the clock back to 1929 for a conservative "do-over."




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17 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

"America First"... The Firsters is straight out of the 1930s... They are the Charles Lindberghs, Henry Fords, and Joe Kennedy's that wanted to align and appease Hitler and the fascists. The fascists are the Putin's and Xi's today hybridized 30 years strong from old communists...


I mean knock Hillary all you want, she was right 10 years ago when she said the GOP all they want to do is roll the clock back to 1929 for a conservative "do-over."





what is your difference between patriotism and fascism because liberals seem to equate the two so much that they hate the american flag. 


i think everyone wants to role the clock back to a country that manufactured the things they used. college was not a necessity. good paying jobs were plentiful and homes were affordable. one person could work while the other could care for the family.


same question i guess. how can people convey they want that success that we once had. that afforded people what was once known as the american dream without lunatics shoving the idea that it means people want racism jim crow and every other negative as the goal? how does one do that?


make america great again and not racist like the libs are talking about we want american prosperity for all so everyone has the freedom and opportunity this country stands for.


its kinda long and im sure STILL not good enough to dismantle into some "dog whistle" dillusion.

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9 minutes ago, Buffarukus said:


what is your difference between patriotism and fascism because liberals seem to equate the two so much that they hate the american flag. 


i think everyone wants to role the clock back to a country that manufactured the things they used. college was not a necessity. good paying jobs were plentiful and homes were affordable. one person could work while the other could care for the family.


same question i guess. how can people convey they want that success that we once had. that afforded people what was once known as the american dream without lunatics shoving the idea that it means people want racism jim crow and every other negative as the goal? how does one do that?


make america great again and not racist like the libs are talking about we want american prosperity for all so everyone has the freedom and opportunity this country stands for.


its kinda long and im sure STILL not good enough to dismantle into some "dog whistle" dillusion.

Not everyone...


Sheesh... Where do I begin:


"...You can get just so much from a good thing
You can linger too long in your dreams
Say goodbye to the oldies but goodies
'Cause the good ole days weren't always good
And tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems..."

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1 hour ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

Not everyone...


Sheesh... Where do I begin:


"...You can get just so much from a good thing
You can linger too long in your dreams
Say goodbye to the oldies but goodies
'Cause the good ole days weren't always good
And tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems..."


ummm ok. well thats a very bleak way to watch the history channel. lol. tesla invented the AC transmission and transformer which revolutionized life as we know it. "not for everyone! people in poverty were forced to use candles! cant believe they put that man on a pedistool when there was suffering going on" 


is that how it goes? you look for the bad and think nothing good should be brought up if it existed? you see flags and patriotism and think its secretly a dedication to fascist dictators? you use the most biased viewpoint.a description by a political rival that lost a election as some sort of fact? yikes. btw dont use hillary quotes in public the left can barely stand her.


you want to know about the genocidal roots of identity politics that the dems are embracing? millions with a M. oh and that racism segragation that comes with it.  


how about the rich long history of censorship and governments who consolidate power under the guise of saftey as our recent history had with democrats? i hope you didnt gloss over that nazi tactic while researching republican fascism.  did you know dems in ny still wont reinstate fired med workers as the state faces shortages causing patients with serious issues waiting time for available help? 


history is interesting when you read it through a politically biased viewpoint filled with modern day "dog whistles" that anyone can make up on the fly. "what you really mean is"


anyways. if you ever want to answer my questions directly. i think it would be a good read.

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I still believe Trump loves all this. He loves playing the role of the billionaire victim. He is once again relevant and in the news. His greatest fear is becoming mute and irrelevant. Good news or bad news doesn’t matter to him. 

The time elapsed since the alleged crime is irrelevant provided the charge is within the scope of the law. Remember Barr and everyone else claiming a sitting President can’t be charged. As far as it never happened before, well Trump intentionally wanted to be unlike prior Presidents. A first is what he is in many ways. It’s the path he has chosen.

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I believe he will not show in NY. He is a bully and coward and  will try bully tactics to avoid the perp walk. 

Come get me in FLA , Bragg.

Just so you know, I believe this charge is so dumb and political, but somewhat appropriate based on his style.


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