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Transsurrection: All the documented events that aren't happening. TRANS WOMEN ARE MEN

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12 minutes ago, BillStime said:



Wrong thread.








On 9/1/2023 at 12:44 AM, John from Riverside said:

I don’t know why you guys keep on putting up those kinds of cartoons. Little kids are not getting surgeries.





Thousands of Minors Went Under the Knife to ‘Affirm’ a Transgender Identity, Study Shows.





Transgender advocates repeatedly claim that minors only take “puberty-blocking” drugs or cross-sex hormones, but never undergo surgeries in an attempt to force their male or female bodies to resemble the opposite sex, yet a new study estimates that more than 3,000 minors underwent transgender surgeries in a five-year period, and more than 400 of them had their genitals removed.


The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study Wednesday estimating that 48,019 Americans underwent “gender-affirming surgeries” from 2016 to 2020, and 3,678 of them underwent surgery between ages 12 and 18.








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3 hours ago, B-Man said:

Wrong thread.












Thousands of Minors Went Under the Knife to ‘Affirm’ a Transgender Identity, Study Shows.





Transgender advocates repeatedly claim that minors only take “puberty-blocking” drugs or cross-sex hormones, but never undergo surgeries in an attempt to force their male or female bodies to resemble the opposite sex, yet a new study estimates that more than 3,000 minors underwent transgender surgeries in a five-year period, and more than 400 of them had their genitals removed.


The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study Wednesday estimating that 48,019 Americans underwent “gender-affirming surgeries” from 2016 to 2020, and 3,678 of them underwent surgery between ages 12 and 18.








Dingdong from Riverside said this doesn’t happen. How much more do you want?

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7 hours ago, John from Riverside said:


although it is no surprise, b mans article came from the heritage foundation, a conservative right wing think take


Did you read your own article?



Drugs that suppress puberty are the first medical treatment that may be offered to a transgender minor, the guidelines say. Children may be offered drugs to suppress puberty beginning when breast buds appear or testicles increase to a certain volume, typically happening between ages 8 to 13 or 9 to 14, respectively.


Generally, someone may start gender-affirming hormone therapy in early adolescence or later, the American Academy for Pediatrics explains. The Endocrine Society says that adolescents typically have the mental capacity to participate in making an informed decision about gender-affirming hormone therapy by age 16.


Older adolescents who want flat chests may sometimes be able to get surgery to remove their their breasts, also known as top surgery, Olezeski said. They sometimes desire to do this before college. Guidelines do not offer a specific age during adolescence when this type of surgery may be appropriate. Instead, they explain how a care team can assess adolescents on a case-by-case basis.


Maybe the first 2 are not technically surgery but would argue giving a kid chemical castration drugs is a serious medical procedure with potential long  term consequences.


What part of a double mastectomy isn't surgery?

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4 hours ago, reddogblitz said:


Did you read your own article?



Maybe the first 2 are not technically surgery but would argue giving a kid chemical castration drugs is a serious medical procedure with potential long  term consequences.


What part of a double mastectomy isn't surgery?

I'd make the argument the grounds and reasons for determining "medical necessity" in the cases involving children that have partially developed minds and bodies vs. that of fully developed adults is insufficient and bordering on medically unethical to warrant these procedures where "buyers remorse" is common.   

A surgeon could remove your gall bladder and appendix tomorrow along with cutting off your left leg but if its not medically necessary professional and ethical doctors are not going to do it.  And your insurance won't provide an authorization or pay for it.

Edited by All_Pro_Bills
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All Hail the Trans Narrative !!



California Dems Could Remove Visitation Rights for 'Non-Affirming' Parents

by Susannah Luthi


California Democrats are threatening the visitation rights of divorced or separated parents who don’t "affirm" their gender-confused child’s identity under a last-minute change to a proposal meant to protect children from abusers.


The Democrats have put forward two bills that would change California family law to make "gender affirmation" part of a child's health, safety, and welfare, trying to pass them side-by-side. The first, which was introduced earlier this year, would allow judges to remove custody from "non-affirming" parents. The second would force custody judges deciding visitation rights to consider "a parent's affirmation of the child's gender identity or gender expression," according to language added to the bill last week that will take effect if the first proposal passes.




Neither bill defines what "affirmation" means, leaving it to judges to decide if it includes irreversible puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and genital surgeries. Nor does it specify what age a child should be before his or her preferred identity should be unquestioningly "affirmed."




The revamped parental visitation bill puts "non-affirming" parents in the same league as abusers—







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9 hours ago, Doc said:

Sad.  I feel bad for these kids.  They are confused and in many cases getting bad/misleading advice from people they think have their best interest at heart.

As in any job, most teachers are good people but the bad ones pretend they are "brave" by validating this insanity. Kids often go to the adult that tells them what they want to hear and terrible adults do that. 

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