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Wisconsin Police 'Acting Like Thugs' Arrest Christians for Preaching at 'Trans' Event Targeting Children




Crackdowns on religious — that is, Christian — freedom in America are growing. Over the weekend, a group of Christians protested a so-called “trans” event targeting children in Wisconsin. But once they began to read and quote from the Bible, police quickly moved into action, detaining, handcuffing, and arresting.


The incident was videotaped. One speaker can be heard saying, “You guys are acting like thugs” to the police as they arrest a young man who is reading from the Bible.



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He’s leaving the state over a bill that prevents the genital mutilation of minors. Let that sink in.



Dr. says he is leaving Louisiana over LGBTQ bills


NBC has reported that Pediatric heart surgeon, Dr. Jake Kleinmahon, is leaving the state of Louisiana over recent LGBTQ legislation. Dr. Kleinmahon is gay and feels the recent legislation to ban sex transition care such as hormone blockers, hormones, and surgery to MINORS is discriminatory. 




Think about that. He is leaving over the protection of MINORS.


This writer has no issue with trans people and neither do most other people we know.


The issue is not Trans people. The issue is KIDS do not have the ability to understand what they may be doing to themselves.


Protecting kids from things they may not be able to fix down the road is not discriminatory. 





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On 7/28/2023 at 7:25 PM, BillsFanNC said:



Wonder if Mary Margaret is half as worried about guns slaughtering kids in school and you know…stuff like child poverty, hunger, affordable child care as she is about this stuff

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On 8/3/2023 at 2:30 PM, TH3 said:

Wonder if Mary Margaret is half as worried about guns slaughtering kids in school and you know…stuff like child poverty, hunger, affordable child care as she is about this stuff

I agree about the shooting in schools, and the easiest solution is to remove all weapons from liberals since they are by a HUGE margin the perpetrators of violence in schools. 

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Watch: Transgender Person Proves Gender Fluidity Is Nothing More Than Self-Centered Nonsense



I’ve been saying for some time now that the long-running transgender trend isn’t truly a mental illness so much as a political mind virus fostered by an ironic mix of narcissism and insecurity. The upkeep that belief in the lie requires is massive, as it means you have to actively choose to believe a myriad of lies all at once.


Funny enough, if you get them to talk for long enough, they’ll start exposing their real issues pretty quickly and you’ll find that their transgenderism is just a mask for something else.


Watch this man-on-the-street interview (they/them-on-the-street?) with a transgender person who immediately proclaimed that the transgender community is getting intense amounts of hate, but upon asking where the hate is coming from in particular, she begins to stumble. Eventually, she points a finger at the government which makes no sense given the fact that the federal government has rolled out the red carpet for transgender people.


But the real revelation comes when the interviewer asks the transgender person to narrow down where she’s feeling the hatred the most. After thinking about it, she confesses that the hate she’s feeling comes from herself.



This falls in line with a lot of things we understand about transgenderism. The entire trend is coated in self-absorption. Introduction to it usually starts during the teen years when insecurities are at their height and the search for an independent identity begins. This natural insecurity is made worse through interactions with the internet as young adults are bombarded by influencers, most of which don’t have your kid’s best interests in mind if they have a mind on the youth at all. Moreover, the youth tends to compare themselves to others who are always posting their best selves on the internet.





* of course, even though there is a video,

you don't have to believe it because it's Redstate.




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