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Transsurrection: All the documented events that aren't happening. TRANS WOMEN ARE MEN

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Related: I fought for gay rights — but trans activists have destroyed the meaning of Pride.

By Bruce Bawer


I’m old enough to have been active in gay rights when you could be arrested in some American jurisdictions for a kiss.


Back then, a rainbow flag outside a bar or other establishment meant you could walk in without being kicked out — or worse. Flying it was a risk — and an act of humanity.


Then gay rights emerged, and Pride marches — i.e., earnest demonstrations for equality — morphed into Pride parades — i.e., silly displays.


Pride Month was born, complete with corporate sponsors.


These sponsorships were calculated acts, predicated on the determination the companies involved would win more gay customers than lose anti-gay customers.

The rainbow flag became just another logo.


For my part, I wish Pride would go away.


We’ve won equality. Why should gays continue to be singled out, even for the purpose of being celebrated?


And for what are we being celebrated, anyway?


I don’t expect to be applauded for being left-handed. Being gay is an attribute, not an accomplishment.


Then there’s this: Pride Month isn’t just about gays anymore.


It’s about the whole “LGBTQI+” crowd — a “community” most gays never asked to join and whose guiding ideology makes most of us scratch our heads in confusion.


Indeed, we’re in the odd position of seeing what used to be our movement co-opted by activists whose wacky theories about the nature of gender render such labels as male and female, gay and straight, utterly meaningless.


Who’s thrilled by this development? Not many people, gay or straight.



MORE at the link: https://nypost.com/2023/06/01/i-fought-for-gay-rights-but-trans-activists-have-destroyed-the-meaning-of-pride/




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5 hours ago, B-Man said:






I watched the film this weekend. I think it was really well done, and how discourse about controversial topics should be had. 


I don't agree with Walsh's ultimate binary stand on biological sex. Precisely because there are real people who are truly intersex, and there probably a dozen different ways that a people can have both biological codings within them. The most intense example I have seen is a baby that was born white on the left side, black on the right, with an ovary on the left side and a testical on the right. 


And so I think conservatives should have a bit more compassion and understanding about real intersex conditions, and need to know that there are many ways that people can have both male and females genetic coding in a variety of systems in their biology... 


But where Walsh is completely spot on is in his criticism over social contagion with children. You're not the opposite sex just bc you say you are. For most transgender youth it has become a fad, like dressing up as a goth, or identifying as a head banger, or a white kid listening to rap and thinking he's really black. 


The magnitude of the decision to block puberty and begin transition in youth is not at all like pressing pause on a CD, it's life altering. And I can't blame states for passing laws barring such medical intervention in children. 



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I have zero patience for Pride at this point. 

I grew up going to the parades and events.  Now I want nothing to do with these LGBTQ missionaries. 

It’s a state sanctioned religion. 


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2 hours ago, SCBills said:

I have zero patience for Pride at this point. 

I grew up going to the parades and events.  Now I want nothing to do with these LGBTQ missionaries. 

It’s a state sanctioned religion. 


Haters gonna hate 

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Just now, Tiberius said:

Yup, MAGA is gonna keep losing 

I’m not MAGA. 
But there is nothing wrong with restoring this country to the greatness it once had instead of this circus dumpster fire that’s going on today.

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2 minutes ago, Westside said:

I’m not MAGA. 
But there is nothing wrong with restoring this country to the greatness it once had instead of this circus dumpster fire that’s going on today.

MAGA wants to hurt our country out of spite 

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Meh. They say they are not doing surgeries on kids.  But right at the pride event this weekend. In little upstate NY church promoted event.  Reporters found one person to talk to.  A high schooler that's already done surgery and hormones.  Wearing scars like pride 



Edited by Chris farley
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Five Days Into Pride Month and the Rainbow Weariness Is Already Bone-Deep. 



Gosh, are we almost through the first week of June already?


Despite the fact that Pride Month has been a thing for a very long time, I never really paid that much attention to it. It was easy to do if you didn’t live anywhere near a Pride parade.


The last several years, however, the left has really gone into full “You Will Be Made to Care” mode when it comes to all things LGBTQ+. Yes, they’ve always been pushy when it comes to the June rainbow, but the lefties have gotten super insistent since they’ve had their drooling puppet in the Oval Office. I believe last year was the first time I even bothered to write about it.


It is the nature of the woke left to never be satisfied with anything. Pride Month isn’t just a month for them anymore. Think about it. We’ve been talking about Pride Month since, well, last Pride Month.


Anyway, I have been made to care, just not in the way they would like. No doubt many others have too.


“We care about being held hostage by the fringe of a fringe.


We care about being told that the rules of biology and nature have been suspended and that there are more genders than there are flavors of ice cream at Baskin-Robbins.


We care about being called bigots if we think that it’s monumentally unfair that biological male athletes are competing against biological females and ruining their dreams.”






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