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Transsurrection: All the documented events that aren't happening. TRANS WOMEN ARE MEN

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The child sex change industry is going to end soon.  Doctors, counselors, politicians or even parents aren't going to stop it, insurance companies are.  Chloe's is the first in what could become thousands of lawsuits regarding doctors providing surgeries and hormone blockers to minors.  In 2021 alone over 5,000 minors in the US were being prescribed puberty blockers by medical professionals. 


Kaiser Permanente Sued Over Hormone Therapy


‘Chilling Effect’: Here’s How Lawsuits Could Take Down The Child Sex Change Industry

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In academia, if you say there are only two genders–sexes–you will get fired.


In big business, if you say there are only two genders–sexes–your career may be derailed.


If you say such a thing on Twitter or Facebook, God help you.


But it turns out that, despite the intense “trans” propaganda of recent years, that is what just about everyone understands.


By a 3-to-1 margin, Americans believe there are only two genders, and a majority support laws against transgender treatment for minors.


The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 71% of American Adults agree with the statement that “there are two genders, male and female,” including 57% who Strongly Agree. Twenty-three percent (23%) disagree, including 10% who Strongly Disagree. …


Several states have recently enacted legislation prohibiting transgender treatment for minors. Sixty-two percent (62%) of Americans approve of legislation making it illegal to perform sex-change surgery on minors, including 46% who Strongly Approve of such laws. Thirty percent (30%) disapprove of states passing laws to ban such surgeries on minors, including 18% who Strongly Disapprove.




There are, in fact, two sexes, male and female, defined by obvious physical characteristics and ultimately by chromosomes. “Gender” is just a slightly more genteel word for sex. Leftists have tried to create a new definition of “gender,” unmooring it from sex and making it an arbitrary mental state. As usual, liberals think that by manipulating language, they can change reality. They are wrong, and the vast majority understand that they are wrong.


Which raises the questions: How can a small minority successfully bully the large majority? Why does corporate America sign on with a dissident and often unstable fringe? Why is it that normal people, not those with extreme views, are afraid to express their opinions for fear of damaging their careers? The answers to those questions hold the key to understanding politics in our current bizarre moment.




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No idea what happened behind closed doors, but Elon redeems himself once again. 

Clearly there was an internal struggle and certain high level employees went rogue, directly going against Elon/Twitter’s directives. 

Now we see two high level employees have resigned and Elon, not only shared the movie “What is a Woman”, but personally boosted it as a promoted tweet. 

Well done. 

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15 minutes ago, SCBills said:

No idea what happened behind closed doors, but Elon redeems himself once again. 

Clearly there was an internal struggle and certain high level employees went rogue, directly going against Elon/Twitter’s directives. 

Now we see two high level employees have resigned and Elon, not only shared the movie “What is a Woman”, but personally boosted it as a promoted tweet. 

Well done. 

Wow - lol - #winning 

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4 minutes ago, Wacka said:

I'll wait for the next one.

New York state public-benefit corporations and authorities operate like quasi-private corporations, with boards of directors appointed by elected officials, overseeing both publicly operated and privately operated systems. Public-benefit nonprofit corporations share characteristics with government agencies, but they are exempt from many state and local regulations. Of particular importance, they can issue their own debt, allowing them to bypass limits on state debt contained in the New York State Constitution. This allows public authorities to make potentially risky capital and infrastructure investments without directly putting the credit of New York State or its municipalities on the line. As a result, public authorities have become widely used for financing public works, and they are now responsible for more than 90% of the state's debt.

The growing influence of public authorities over state and local financing, coupled with their ability to avoid regulations applicable to government agencies, has led to calls for reform. Some reforms were passed in the Public Authorities Accountability Act of 2005.[1] The New York State Authorities Budget Office, in their 2018 annual report, noted that there were 47 state authorities and 531 local authorities, including 109 IDAs and 292 not-for-profit corporations created locally, that they provided oversight for in New York State.[2] According to this same ABO report, the operating expenses in 2017 for the 47 state authorities was $34.82 billion.[3] Additionally, the 47 state authorities carried a total of $160.4 billion in outstanding debt.[4]


Does the NFTA make a profit?



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