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Transsurrection: All the documented events that aren't happening. TRANS WOMEN ARE MEN

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11 minutes ago, BillStime said:


They knew their pathetic simps wouldn't actually click/read the LINK they provided... lmao


We currently can only see people who are 18 years or older


These idiots try so hard.




Lol, you’ve got to be kidding me.  They are literally grooming - no one said medicating 2 year olds - but they are absolutely “transitioning” them:



ECU Heath recently jumped on the bandwagon and opened it's own "Pride Clinic" seeing children of all ages. The activist who directs the clinic, Dr. Colby Dendy said this in an interview with the East Carolinian:


“The literature tells us that kids can start around age four having their gender identity, so we do not want to exclude anybody within the pediatrics realm,” Dendy said. “A big part of our goal is to provide affirming primary care to everybody in LGBTQ+ spectrum.”


A majority of ECU Health family medicine doctors indicate they are trained and ready to accept an influx of patients on the center's website.


Dendy and her colleagues at ECU published a recent paper calling for doctors and clinics to push puberty blockers and hormones through telemedicine and school awareness programs.


A month after the doctors at the ECU Pride Clinic published the paper, the school announced it received $3.2 M for a telepsychiatry program for school children.


All of these institutions offer intensive therapy sessions for children wishing to change genders with conversion therapy. But what about medication?


In court testimony, Duke doctor Deanna Adkins explained how she treats youngsters:


Before puberty, treatment does not include any drug or surgical intervention. For this group of patients, treatment is limited to “social transition,”which means allowing a transgender child to live and be socially recognized in accordance with their gender identity.


This can include allowing children to wear clothing, to cut or grow their hair, to use names and pronouns, and to access restrooms and other sex-separated facilities and activities in line with their gender identity instead of the sex assigned to them at birth.



Social transition is a critical part of treatment of patients with gender dysphoria of all ages and it is the only treatment for pre-pubertal children.


A recent study published in Pediatrics examined the 5-year gender identity development trajectory of transgender-identified children who underwent early social gender transition. Five years later, at the average age of 11-12, almost all—97.5%—continued to identify as transgender, including a small subset (3.5%) developing a non-binary identification.


Only 2.5% of the children desisted from transgender identification by the end of the study period, and re-identified with their sex.


Another study conducted by the Left-wing American Academy of Pediatrics reports that once children socially transition at an early age, they will generally remain transgender at five-year followup. This means the four-year-old who has brainwashed to believe he was born in the "wrong body" will remain confused, and depressed, at aged nine.







Get them in at 2-5 years old.  They almost all will continue to be transgender as teenagers.  All because when they were 2 the girl didn’t like the color pink.   



Edited by Big Blitz
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17 minutes ago, BillStime said:


They knew their pathetic simps wouldn't actually click/read the LINK they provided... lmao


We currently can only see people who are 18 years or older


These idiots try so hard.



Did you miss this part?



Duke Medicine opened its Gender Clinic in 2015 to offer a wide variety of services under one roof. The clinic treats children as young as two for gender dysphoria.


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7 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

ECU Heath recently jumped on the bandwagon and opened it's own "Pride Clinic" seeing children of all ages.




Gender Affirming Care | SHAC: Student Health Action Coalition (unc.edu)


We currently can only see people who are 18 years or older







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6 minutes ago, BillStime said:




Gender Affirming Care | SHAC: Student Health Action Coalition (unc.edu)


We currently can only see people who are 18 years or older







Of all the hills, you chose this one to die on.........interesting 

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From @Big Blitz article:



Dr. Deanna Adkins, a transgender activist who runs the clinic, said this about her toddler trans paer expert declaration to a federal district court in North Carolina concerning H.B. 2 Adkins stated, “From a medical perspective, the appropriate determinant of sex is gender identity.”


Adkins argues that gender identity is not only the preferred basis for determining sex, but “the only medically supported determinant of sex.” Every other method is bad science, she claims:


“It is counter to medical science to use chromosomes, hormones, internal reproductive organs, external genitalia, or secondary sex characteristics to override gender identity for purposes of classifying someone as male or female.”




Doesn't sound like science to me.


I wonder if our resident Doctors @Doc or @redtail hawk think this sounds like science to them.


5 years ago this would have been a Saturday Night Live skit.


This stuff gets crazier every day.


And she's running the place.

Edited by reddogblitz
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47 minutes ago, reddogblitz said:

From @Big Blitz article:





Doesn't sound like science to me.


I wonder if our resident Doctors @Doc or @redtail hawk think this sounds like science to them.


5 years ago this would have been a Saturday Night Live skit.


This stuff gets crazier every day.


And she's running the place.


@redtail hawk  may be an MD, and a quack at that, but please don't disparage actual scientists like myself by grouping that nut job in with us.

Edited by BillsFanNC
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42 minutes ago, reddogblitz said:

From @Big Blitz article:





Doesn't sound like science to me.


I wonder if our resident Doctors @Doc or @redtail hawk think this sounds like science to them.


5 years ago this would have been a Saturday Night Live skit.


This stuff gets crazier every day.


And she's running the place.

Still unexplained is the obsession of these medical "professionals" with children.  If an adult with the necessary maturity and self-awareness decides to make a decision for themselves that is their choice.  And nobody should interfere.  But this obsession with kids is psychotic.  And in many ways malicious.  

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Just now, All_Pro_Bills said:

Still unexplained is the obsession of these medical "professionals" with children.  If an adult with the necessary maturity and self-awareness decides to make a decision for themselves that is their choice.  And nobody should interfere.  But this obsession with kids is psychotic.  And in many ways malicious.  


All of the above is true for those of us still living in a world where the sky is blue.


For the commies?  Not so much.

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10 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

Still unexplained is the obsession of these medical "professionals" with children.  If an adult with the necessary maturity and self-awareness decides to make a decision for themselves that is their choice.  And nobody should interfere.  But this obsession with kids is psychotic.  And in many ways malicious.  


OH, so children should just be ignored? 


Once again, why are LGTBQ suicide rates so high?


Why are there so many closet cases? Especially... in the REPUBLICAN party?




MMMMHMMM - Sweep it under the rug like a conservative.


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1 hour ago, reddogblitz said:

From @Big Blitz article:





Doesn't sound like science to me.


I wonder if our resident Doctors @Doc or @redtail hawk think this sounds like science to them.


5 years ago this would have been a Saturday Night Live skit.


This stuff gets crazier every day.


And she's running the place.

That’s religion not science. There is nothing more unscientific than suggesting you can’t define a variable by a set of parameters. 

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54 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

Still unexplained is the obsession of these medical "professionals" with children.  If an adult with the necessary maturity and self-awareness decides to make a decision for themselves that is their choice.  And nobody should interfere.  But this obsession with kids is psychotic.  And in many ways malicious.  

And the lies about self harm


suicide rates among minors are skyrocketing.

Are these experts contending society is less trans tolerant now??


its an absurd argument 

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Bud Light fell into the same trap that many other brands fall into, thinking that the leftist perspective is the reigning perspective in our culture and, as such, allowed a woman who had no business being in charge of marketing for Bud Light in the first place to do something that Americans are clearly insulted by.



The CEO can claim “misinformation” about what’s going on and have confidence about the brand’s recovery all day. This isn’t just a reaction to “one can” with “one influencer” on it. This boycott is now a movement, and it doesn’t seem to be losing steam, at least not yet.



A-B is going to bear this scare for a very, very long time but it can begin the healing process by simply apologizing for what it did. It should come out and tell Americans that it’s sorry that it even gave the time of day to such a divisive influencer who represents something that is hurting people everywhere. It needs to come out and vow to never do it again.


What it chooses to do to make that apology seem more concrete is up to it, but no matter how you swing it, it needs to begin with “we’re sorry.”



The issue is that getting this apology will be like trying to pull a tooth from a very awake badger. While A-B’s customer base primarily consists of red-blooded Americans, they are afraid of the leftist machine just like every other corporation is. Apologizing for putting Mulvaney on the can will be a very loud choosing of sides and once they do, they can kiss their ESG score goodbye. This would be financially damaging to them in a very big way as various investment institutions that prioritize ESG obedience will suddenly not be interested in giving them the time of day.



If an Anheuser-Busch spokesman apologizes, the brand will take a brief, but huge hit on social media from the leftist mob — who don’t drink Bud Light, anyway — but the mob will quickly move on to something else to be angry about. In the meantime, as John Ekdahl tweets, “The biggest problem isn’t even the boycott; it’s that they’ve become a cultural punchline. This is now like having an AOL email address or driving a minivan. People avoid it so their buddies don’t rip them. Not sure how you fix that as a brand.”





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