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Transsurrection: All the documented events that aren't happening. TRANS WOMEN ARE MEN

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1 hour ago, JaCrispy said:

This is what I was talking about, with the Trans Agenda being pushed by globalist billionaires…Don’t believe me- go listen to Klaus Schwab (head of the World Economic Forum) speak it  from his own mouth- that it’s the job of the elites to steer the world in the direction they want it to go…


Thats why the Biden Administration is pushing people to invest in woke causes even if it loses money…They simply don’t care what you want or what you think…

Are they harming you any different than others? Don't worry, you're not going to hell.


Why not steer the world to accepting everyone, equality. Why not embrace differences with people. Unless, you like division among people.


I simply don't understand why differences and accepting those differences bothers people. Is it order? Control? Creating underclasses of undesirables? Or just wanting to view life and society in an orderly manner. It certainly can't be about money and economics, because why would anyone alienate a paying customer?


"You get more flies with honey then you do vinegar" if you really simply just oppose the agenda. 

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5 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

Are they harming you any different than others? Don't worry, you're not going to hell.


Why not steer the world to accepting everyone, equality. Why not embrace differences with people. Unless, you like division among people.


I simply don't understand why differences and accepting those differences bothers people. Is it order? Control? Creating underclasses of undesirables? Or just wanting to view life and society in an orderly manner. It certainly can't be about money and economics, because why would anyone alienate a paying customer?


"You get more flies with honey then you do vinegar" if you really simply just oppose the agenda. 

here here, to each their own.  


would add its the Child issue that has quite a few giving a rats. Like who thought that drag and children go together. Strange


that we would even be discussing child genital mutilation it the political arena.  Or giving Children lifelong controlled substances with severe side affects.





But at the same time it's smart to notice that the results of citizens united has morphed into Social PACS that also are political.


by far the largest donors to say The Human Rights Campaign are corporate. 


here they are listing their largest ones. crazy how military industrial is right up there.














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25 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

Are they harming you any different than others? Don't worry, you're not going to hell.


Why not steer the world to accepting everyone, equality. Why not embrace differences with people. Unless, you like division among people.


I simply don't understand why differences and accepting those differences bothers people. Is it order? Control? Creating underclasses of undesirables? Or just wanting to view life and society in an orderly manner. It certainly can't be about money and economics, because why would anyone alienate a paying customer?


"You get more flies with honey then you do vinegar" if you really simply just oppose the agenda. 


Isn't it amazing how the left immediately goes to the what is it harming you and what are you a transphobe lines?


Nobody gives a rats ass about drag shows or adults undergoing gender surgery.


But we do care about CHILDREN being involved in any of this in any way.


The question for leftists is...do you care?


Do you think that it's appropriate for men dressed as women to be gyrating in front of first graders any more than it would be appropriate for a woman to do so?


Do you think it's appropriate to be promoting irreversible gender surgery on children?


If no, then thank you and kindly STFU and stop with the strawmen,


If yes, why is it appropriate you pedophiles?


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4 hours ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

Are they harming you any different than others? Don't worry, you're not going to hell.


Why not steer the world to accepting everyone, equality. Why not embrace differences with people. Unless, you like division among people.


I simply don't understand why differences and accepting those differences bothers people. Is it order? Control? Creating underclasses of undesirables? Or just wanting to view life and society in an orderly manner. It certainly can't be about money and economics, because why would anyone alienate a paying customer?


"You get more flies with honey then you do vinegar" if you really simply just oppose the agenda. 

For me, I don’t see it as a matter of equality, but rather a matter of truth…


Science tells us that there are 2 types of human being- ones that produce eggs and ones that fertilize the egg…these are NOT interchangeable, NOR can someone decide that they want to be the other….and NOTHING else matters when defining males and females…


Sorry, but for me, that’s the end of the conversation…people can play dress up all they want- they can engage in whatever sexual fetish floats their boat…I don’t really care what’s in people’s heads…it still changes nothing for me, on what is truth…



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Thank you Isaiah !! 🙌

Woe to those who call evil good & good evil - who put darkness for light and light for darkness - who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter !! 


This situation is something tragic in every sense of the word & should have been avoided, anyone that is believes they are something they are not & are on some kind of drug regimen to alter their body should not be allowed to buy weapons and may need to be put on some kind of registry or something to avoid this in the future .


That being said if anyone thinks the shooter is a martyr in any way shape or form is just as sick as the act that person committed . It was nothing but a sick evil person committing premeditated murder & i hope that person rots in hell .

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4 hours ago, JaCrispy said:

Science tells us that there are 2 types of human being- ones that produce eggs or ones that fertilize the egg…these are NOT interchangeable, NOR can someone decide that they want to be the other….and NOTHING else matters when defining males and females…




This is an overly simplistic point of view. Even if we do not consider anything that can happen after the fertilization of the egg, strictly on a genetic basis Science tells us that things are more complicated. You might know that the sex chromosomes of a "normal" male are XY, that of a female XX. However, there are all kinds of chromosomal aberrations affecting more than 1 in 450 individuals, a bit less than 1 million Americans. There are individuals with Turner syndrome (X-), Klinefelter syndrome (XXY), Swyer syndrome (women with XY chromosomes) or male XX syndrome.

Furthermore, and probably statistically much more important, during development of the embryo there are factors that can affect the brain and the gonads (the sex organs) in different ways, resulting in gender dysphoria, “a conflict between a person’s physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/they identify”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7415463/


Do you think you can treat all these people fairly by your man/woman differentiation?

Edited by DrW
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14 hours ago, DrW said:


This is an overly simplistic point of view. Even if we do not consider anything that can happen after the fertilization of the egg, strictly on a genetic basis Science tells us that things are more complicated. You might know that the sex chromosomes of a "normal" male are XY, that of a female XX. However, there are all kinds of chromosomal aberrations affecting more than 1 in 450 individuals, a bit less than 1 million Americans. There are individuals with Turner syndrome (X-), Klinefelter syndrome (XXY), Swyer syndrome (women with XY chromosomes) or male XX syndrome.

Furthermore, and probably statistically much more important, during development of the embryo there are factors that can affect the brain and the gonads (the sex organs) in different ways, resulting in gender dysphoria, “a conflict between a person’s physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/they identify”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7415463/


Do you think you can treat all these people fairly by your man/woman differentiation?

I believe in gender dysphoria- however rare it might be…but this does not change the fact that the person is still either male or female based on their biology Imo…


But I want to make it clear- most people today who “claim” to be trans DO NOT suffer from gender dysphoria- there are other issues and motivations at hand here…


I go by the original meaning of male and female when the species was first categorized hundreds of thousands of years ago- maybe even millions…because the original meaning of the male and female were what was intended…all these new definitions and variations have nothing to do with the original concepts…


There is an ulterior motive at hand here, by a certain political faction, to eradicate biological sex altogether- that’s the actual goal of the Trans agenda- I do not support this effort…Reality is all about the “Yin and Yang”.👍

Edited by JaCrispy
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3 hours ago, JaCrispy said:

The Patriarchy wins again! 😉

Are you afraid of strong women?  Sexiest beings on earth (excepting MTG- she's just aberrant).  What the hell is wrong with you?

8 hours ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

Are they harming you any different than others? Don't worry, you're not going to hell.


Why not steer the world to accepting everyone, equality. Why not embrace differences with people. Unless, you like division among people.


I simply don't understand why differences and accepting those differences bothers people. Is it order? Control? Creating underclasses of undesirables? Or just wanting to view life and society in an orderly manner. It certainly can't be about money and economics, because why would anyone alienate a paying customer?


"You get more flies with honey then you do vinegar" if you really simply just oppose the agenda. 

Simple.  They're afraid that on an equal playing field they'll fall further in the social order.

3 hours ago, DrW said:


This is an overly simplistic point of view. Even if we do not consider anything that can happen after the fertilization of the egg, strictly on a genetic basis Science tells us that things are more complicated. You might know that the sex chromosomes of a "normal" male are XY, that of a female XX. However, there are all kinds of chromosomal aberrations affecting more than 1 in 450 individuals, a bit less than 1 million Americans. There are individuals with Turner syndrome (X-), Klinefelter syndrome (XXY), Swyer syndrome (women with XY chromosomes) or male XX syndrome.

Furthermore, and probably statistically much more important, during development of the embryo there are factors that can affect the brain and the gonads (the sex organs) in different ways, resulting in gender dysphoria, “a conflict between a person’s physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/they identify”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7415463/


Do you think you can treat all these people fairly by your man/woman differentiation?

Yes, they've ignored that in the recent past.  It doesn't fit their preconceived ideas.  And science is bad...If it's not black or white they can't imagine it.

Edited by redtail hawk
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8 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

Simple.  They're afraid that on an equal playing field they'll fall further in the social order.

Yup! That about sums it up! Society is a pecking order with conservatives.


Pack animals need an alpha dog.


Like the time my conservative sister inlaw came into my work... First thing out of her mouth: "Now who's above who here?" I pointed 👉 to the chain of command photos on the wall in the lunchroom. /smdh...

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2 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

Yup! That about sums it up! Society is a pecking order with conservatives.


Pack animals need an alpha dog.


Like the time my conservative sister inlaw came into my work... First thing out of her mouth: "Now who's above who here?" I pointed 👉 to the chain of command photos on the wall in the lunchroom. /smdh...

A big part of it is creating an in-group and out-groups. This allows them to demonize the “other” to scare people in the in-group to supporting their preferred policies. 

Combine with the hierarchical focus you’ve pointed out and you have a superior in-group against inferior out-groups. It’s a very effective tool.


Think about the way people here talk about “the left,” “liberals,” etc. and who are considered “true” or “real” Americans. That kind of language isn’t nearly as common with liberals who talk more about Republican officials and policies than actual Republican voters. 

Transpeople are just the latest in a string of out-groups demonized for political leverage. Same with drag performers. While children’s drag brunches have all of the sexuality of a Chuck E Cheese show, demonizing it as some sort of sexual grooming thing triggers the in-group to action.


It’s manipulative and dishonest as hell (not to mention dangerous), but it works. 

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1 hour ago, ChiGoose said:

A big part of it is creating an in-group and out-groups. This allows them to demonize the “other” to scare people in the in-group to supporting their preferred policies. 

Combine with the hierarchical focus you’ve pointed out and you have a superior in-group against inferior out-groups. It’s a very effective tool.


Think about the way people here talk about “the left,” “liberals,” etc. and who are considered “true” or “real” Americans. That kind of language isn’t nearly as common with liberals who talk more about Republican officials and policies than actual Republican voters. 

Transpeople are just the latest in a string of out-groups demonized for political leverage. Same with drag performers. While children’s drag brunches have all of the sexuality of a Chuck E Cheese show, demonizing it as some sort of sexual grooming thing triggers the in-group to action.


It’s manipulative and dishonest as hell (not to mention dangerous), but it works. 

Yes, one of the teletubbies was supposedly gay.  How can you hate a teletubby?  Gotta hate someone when things aint goin right...


Do they scare me?  Crazy people are always scary.  Never know what they'll do but coming out ahead almost never happens.  Best we can do is be boy scouts and be prepared.  btw, my ex girl scout niece told me about using dryer lint in empty toilet roll as a fire starter.  Worked amazingly well.  Who knew?   Smores...


"It’s manipulative and dishonest as hell (not to mention dangerous), but it works. It’s manipulative and dishonest as hell (not to mention dangerous), but it works." 

It works for about 30% of the population.  Don't believe that's enough.

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1 hour ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

Yup! That about sums it up! Society is a pecking order with conservatives.


Pack animals need an alpha dog.


Like the time my conservative sister inlaw came into my work... First thing out of her mouth: "Now who's above who here?" I pointed 👉 to the chain of command photos on the wall in the lunchroom. /smdh...


So are you for or against exposing children to trans culture?

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Just now, ExiledInIllinois said:

I am not against. I guess that makes me for. 


So then you're for exposing children to hetero culture in the form of   women in bikinis on stripper poles and Chippendale dancers as well then, right?



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6 hours ago, DrW said:


This is an overly simplistic point of view. Even if we do not consider anything that can happen after the fertilization of the egg, strictly on a genetic basis Science tells us that things are more complicated. You might know that the sex chromosomes of a "normal" male are XY, that of a female XX. However, there are all kinds of chromosomal aberrations affecting more than 1 in 450 individuals, a bit less than 1 million Americans. There are individuals with Turner syndrome (X-), Klinefelter syndrome (XXY), Swyer syndrome (women with XY chromosomes) or male XX syndrome.

Furthermore, and probably statistically much more important, during development of the embryo there are factors that can affect the brain and the gonads (the sex organs) in different ways, resulting in gender dysphoria, “a conflict between a person’s physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/they identify”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7415463/


Do you think you can treat all these people fairly by your man/woman differentiation?

Yes. You are what your genitals say you are from birth. ( yes some are indistinguishable but that is even more rare ) That’s about as fair as it can be. Biological males competing against biological females is not fair in any sense. 

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