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Transsurrection: All the documented events that aren't happening. TRANS WOMEN ARE MEN

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2 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:


1 minute ago, Chris farley said:

The truth with today's socialist.


or DEMS.



Whatever the dogma or ideology followed by authoritarians, the truth is always their enemy.  The biggest lairs are always the loudest voices to make such claims against other, mostly powerless, people. 

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8 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:


Whatever the dogma or ideology followed by authoritarians, the truth is always their enemy.  The biggest lairs are always the loudest voices to make such claims against other, mostly powerless, people. 


Are you serious?


You freaks denied THIS:




jfc - you are a hack

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2 minutes ago, B-Man said:



Back to Nashville Murder.





Again… where is the manifesto?





its locked up with the laptop and a bunch of falsified FISA warrant applications because members of the Kings court don't want the peasants to know the truth.

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1 minute ago, BillsFanNC said:




to be a fly on the wall with one of his "surmons"


BTW, the comments on his tweet are epic.


from his twitter page.

"State Representative for District 52. Community Organizer. HBCU grad. On the journey, searching for higher ground. Carrying my ancestors prayers"


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2 hours ago, redtail hawk said:

well at least you're being open and honest.  the forum really isn't well designed for a thorough debunking of holocaust denialism but there are plenty of good, non banned sources available.


Thanks for proving my point.

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16 hours ago, ChiGoose said:


The problem with these laws, aside from the idea of the government criminalizing books (which is a huge deal that conservatives should oppose), is that they are often vague to the point that it is not readily apparent how to comply with it.


There was a photo going around a while ago with empty bookshelves. Liberals decried it as DeSantis goal for schools while Conservatives said it was a hoax. The reality is that when you have these types of laws, it's not always apparent how to be in compliance. To avoid criminal charges, the school removed all books temporarily until they could be reviewed by the government censors. These laws are going to result in people being overly cautious and self-censoring if they're not 100% sure about a specific book. If you choice is keeping one more book off the shelf or potentially being charged with a crime, you're not likely to stock that book.


Also, what are you going to do if you have a precocious child who is reading above their grade level? A very smart 12 year old can probably handle The Handmaid's Tale, but no librarian is going to make it available to them if they could be charged with a crime for doing so. 


And maybe people support this idea because it's their side writing the laws about which books are crimes. But would you still support government criminalization of books if it was being done by the most lefty pinko commies around? Would you support a ban on any books that mention the founding fathers but doesn't include that they were slaveholders? How about a ban on books whose characters are not sufficiently diverse? Should a librarian be charged with a crime if they stock a book that doesn't have enough minority characters?


It still blows my mind that conservatives are arguing for government book censors. 


as i stated i wish a law like this wasnt needed and if vague needs to be refined. maybe a simple rating system the same way movies has and clear age range given. 


you seem to be really concerned about the law, its implementation and effects. i agree if its ambiguity is causing issues. but i also accept that there were to many demented examples of sick people in schools giving kids access to things that are completely inappropriate. it was happening so much it could easily be construed as a trend. a trend the left seemed unbothered by and in many instances endorsed. this is what happens alot. the left pushes things far past the boundaries of common sense reasoning and then only gets outraged at the reaction by the right. 


the left "under the guise of inclusion" has advocated the exact playbook of pedophile groomers and found a way to justify it. 


approaching children with subjects on sexuality they are to young to understand. check.


isolating the child and promoting secrecy about these topics. check


telling the child they are the ones who understand noone else will so come to them. check


inviting them to participate in adult activities ie drag shows. check.


now there are certainly alot of examples that were not in these catagories but that doesnt change the fact they are happening and they are adjacent. democrats put them ALL as innocent nothing to see here and advocated it all. 


what do you expect to happen here? you think parents are not going to want to be sure their kid is exposed to any of this. of coarse they will and that gives the only people firmly on the parents side the ability to go in a draft laws like the one your talking about. this didnt come out of the blue. it could have been avoided if the left agreed with everyone else. but just as you have shown in this thread you are more concerned about the response then you are about the actions that led to it. its was all ok and perfectly normal. just  conservatives lies and misinformation on perfectly innocent behavior without research the real examples of depravity that have been sent to you in this very thread. 


you say if ponography is getting distributed. arrest them. thats not addressing the complete cover given for somthing like that more easily happen and even giving the excuse of...its educational.

Edited by Buffarukus
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4 minutes ago, Buffarukus said:

what do you expect to happen here? you think parents are not going to want to be sure their kid is exposed to any of this. of coarse they will and that gives the only people firmly on the parents side the ability to go in a draft laws like the one your talking about. this didnt come out of the blue. it could have been avoided if the left agreed with everyone else. but just as you have shown in this thread you are more concerned about the response then you are about the actions that led to it. its was all ok and perfectly normal. just  conservatives lies and misinformation on perfectly innocent behavior without research the real examples of depravity that have been sent to you in this very thread. 

And how does the administration in Washington regard parents that raise objections to school boards and libraries about inappropriate topics and material for young children?  At the request of powerful teachers unions, as extremists and terrorists that the DOJ concludes will requires investigation by the FBI.  So send in the storm troopers to push around parents with threats of violence and criminal charges but hands off the purveyors of sexual exploitation of young children in schools?  That hardly feels like a fair and balanced approach to the issues.  Which leaves it up to grass roots parenting movements going up against big money backed liberal PAC's and State and local governments stepping in to fight the Federal agencies, with of course, the media is waiting in the wings to demonize anyone that resists the movement.    




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1 hour ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

And how does the administration in Washington regard parents that raise objections to school boards and libraries about inappropriate topics and material for young children?  At the request of powerful teachers unions, as extremists and terrorists that the DOJ concludes will requires investigation by the FBI.  So send in the storm troopers to push around parents with threats of violence and criminal charges but hands off the purveyors of sexual exploitation of young children in schools?  That hardly feels like a fair and balanced approach to the issues.  Which leaves it up to grass roots parenting movements going up against big money backed liberal PAC's and State and local governments stepping in to fight the Federal agencies, with of course, the media is waiting in the wings to demonize anyone that resists the movement.    





exactly. the left keeps talking about "fringe". i dont approve its just the loud minority. no if the top levels of washington are advocating and sicking military type operations on parents. id say that is no longer "fringe".


people arent going to just take it. when we are talking about peoples families and children i am very suprised that we arent seeing more violent types of reactions. i certainly hope not. but keep poking with a stick. keep pushing people into corners on issues with family and your playing with very serious fire. 


there are only so many ways to warn someone. LEAVE PEOPLES CHILDREN OUT OF THIS WOKE POLITICAL CULTURE WAR CRAP. PERIOD. be as enclusive and woke as you want but please stop pushing that s#it on everyone else especially their kids. its either going to result in laws you dont like getting made that noone really wants but is necessary. if that doesnt work and they still do it people are going to say f it i tried the resposable thing..now im going to take it in my own hands. you keep declaring the country is brimming with  "far right terrorists" and we are talking about people with no political affiliation that are forced into taking a side because people can't just admit their side has gone to far.


Edited by Buffarukus
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