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1 hour ago, ChiGoose said:

Beloved is pornography? The Handmaid’s Tale is pornography? Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West is pornography? Those books have been banned in compliance with Florida’s new censorship law.


There are laws against distributing pornography to minors. If that’s actually what is happening, arrest the perpetrators. We don’t need a new law for it, they can be charged under existing law.


My point is that we shouldn’t criminalize books. That’s it. If you think someone is giving porn to kids, then report them to the police. These laws aren’t about protecting kids. We already have laws in place to do that. These laws exist solely to gain political support and dupe people. 



ok well handmaids tale premise is women are routinely raped.  what age do you think that story is appropriate? whatever your answer what makes that correct for someone elses child? whatever answer can these "banned" books be picked up at a bookstore? if it can its not banned at all. its just not supplied at a school library PUBLIC school aka gov funded so gov is already involved for unsupervised children to take or deranged teachers to assign to other peoples children knowing it is innapropriate 


thats it. thats the crux of the hysteria is florida is removing questionable books that may be age inappropriate..and as been talked about in earlier replies most likely is washed out because there are far more sick examples that people and misguided teachers ARE DEMANDING be available or assigned under the darkness of night. a teacher desperately wants a story of rape to be in the curriculum? inform the parents to go buy the book. but that is a problem i guess because then the parents have no choice but to be aware of what it is that is being assigned when they go and get it from a section or bookstore that def is not the childrens section.

Edited by Buffarukus
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19 minutes ago, Buffarukus said:


ok well handmaids tale premise is women are routinely raped.  what age do you think that story is appropriate? whatever your answer what makes that correct for someone elses child? whatever answer can these "banned" books be picked up at a bookstore? if it can its not banned at all. its just not supplied at a school library PUBLIC school aka gov funded so gov is already involved for unsupervised children to take or deranged teachers to assign to other peoples children knowing it is innapropriate 


thats it. thats the crux of the hysteria is florida is removing questionable books that may be age inappropriate..and as been talked about in earlier replies most likely is washed out because there are far more sick examples that people and misguided teachers ARE DEMANDING be available or assigned under the darkness of night. a teacher desperately wants a story of rape to be in the curriculum? inform the parents to go buy the book. but that is a problem i guess because then the parents have no choice but to be aware of what it is that is being assigned when they go and get it from a section or bookstore that def is not the childrens section.

The problem is making it a crime.

In a sane world, you could have Handmaiden’s Tale in a school library where a teen could check it out. If a librarian let a 6 year old take it, then the librarian could be disciplined. But at no point has anyone committed a crime. 

If someone provides actual pornography to kids, then that person can already be charged with a crime under existing law. 

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4 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

The problem is making it a crime.

In a sane world, you could have Handmaiden’s Tale in a school library where a teen could check it out. If a librarian let a 6 year old take it, then the librarian could be disciplined. But at no point has anyone committed a crime. 

If someone provides actual pornography to kids, then that person can already be charged with a crime under existing law. 


this we absolutely agree on. in a sane world the librarian would be a adult and so would the teacher to be responsable enough to not expose children to obscenity. just like a bartender. just like a ticket stub attendant. example after example is showing that inclusivity and virtue signaling is now more important then being responsible, and decent human being when it comed to the care other peoples children. they just HAVE to expose children to alternative life choices and flat out disgusting things. in their warped minds if they dont do it then that child will become a bigot and they will just be a ordinary teacher. activism! they also have thoughts that parents can't be trusted to teach there kids at a appropriate time/age. its up to them alone! its twisted that this is also the exact way pedos groom kids. secrecy. introduction to adult topics based on sex. running perfect cover for those, and they do exist in schools, scum of the earth. 


either way nothing is banned. its simply not EASILY accessible  WHICH IT SHOULD NOT BE. if they simply cannot help themselves even when a law is in place...which we both agree should not be necessary..there is somthing extremely wrong with that person and it should bring about attention of people outside the situation. parents, police i dont care but thats a urge that needs investigation. if nothing is wrong then i doubt someone being charged for innocent mistakes. ill see proof of otherwise as it is a concern but as of now its a empty concern to run cover.


id hope most teachers librarians are not so deranged they would ever have to worry about a law that doesn't apply to them. the fact a law needs to exist is the left pushing it past a point of with the combination of sex/drag queens/hiding things from parents/advocation of transitioning young is going to get backlash. alot of the issues the left says about the right is this fact. at least its in a form of the law and not worse, violence from people on staff. we are after all talking about peoples children. dont like the law then take the side of rational people that want it away from kids and it will not head to more states.

Edited by Buffarukus
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It’s called ESG…It’s an acronym for a globalist economic takeover of the central banking system…It’s to force businesses to promote a Woke agenda or banks won’t lend to them…


That’s why we are seeing this madness in every corporation, even when an overwhelming majority of society doesn’t want it…The globalists don’t care- they will try to force it down our throats at all costs…That’s why we have to all come together to oppose it…They can’t stop all of us. 👍

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59 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

The problem is making it a crime.

In a sane world, you could have Handmaiden’s Tale in a school library where a teen could check it out. If a librarian let a 6 year old take it, then the librarian could be disciplined. But at no point has anyone committed a crime. 

If someone provides actual pornography to kids, then that person can already be charged with a crime under existing law. 

Your just being a pathetic political hack at this point. There was porn in the library and your side fought for it to be available to children. Explain how giving a middle schooler a book that shows them how to meet grownups online for the purpose of meeting in real life is not criminal? Seriously why are you fighting for that person?

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1 hour ago, Buffarukus said:


this we absolutely agree on. in a sane world the librarian would be a adult and so would the teacher to both be responsable enough to not expose children to. just like a bartender. just like a ticket stub people but example after example is showing that inclusivity and virtue signaling is now more important then being responsible with other peoples children. they just HAVE to expose children to alternative life choices. if they dont do it then that child will become a bigot and they will just be a ordinary teacher. cant trust parents to talk to there kids at a appropriate time/age. either way nothing is banned. its simply not EASILY accessible because there are to many people with warped set of values. if they simply cannot help themselves even when a law is in place...which we both agree should not be necessary..there is somthing extremely wrong with that person and it should bring about attention of a authority figure/ police.


id hope most teachers librarians are not so deranged they would ever have to worry about a law that doesn't apply to them. 


The problem with these laws, aside from the idea of the government criminalizing books (which is a huge deal that conservatives should oppose), is that they are often vague to the point that it is not readily apparent how to comply with it.


There was a photo going around a while ago with empty bookshelves. Liberals decried it as DeSantis goal for schools while Conservatives said it was a hoax. The reality is that when you have these types of laws, it's not always apparent how to be in compliance. To avoid criminal charges, the school removed all books temporarily until they could be reviewed by the government censors. These laws are going to result in people being overly cautious and self-censoring if they're not 100% sure about a specific book. If you choice is keeping one more book off the shelf or potentially being charged with a crime, you're not likely to stock that book.


Also, what are you going to do if you have a precocious child who is reading above their grade level? A very smart 12 year old can probably handle The Handmaid's Tale, but no librarian is going to make it available to them if they could be charged with a crime for doing so. 


And maybe people support this idea because it's their side writing the laws about which books are crimes. But would you still support government criminalization of books if it was being done by the most lefty pinko commies around? Would you support a ban on any books that mention the founding fathers but doesn't include that they were slaveholders? How about a ban on books whose characters are not sufficiently diverse? Should a librarian be charged with a crime if they stock a book that doesn't have enough minority characters?


It still blows my mind that conservatives are arguing for government book censors. 

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Every kid knows the banned books are the “best books”. Personally, I think parenting has a much greater influence on kids than teachers or books. Sooner or later, kids are going to be exposed to inappropriate stuff. It’s the role of parents to guide them through life. 

To most average people, I think it all seems a bit hypocritical to be talking about protecting kids from books but not taking substantial actions to protect them from gun violence. Esp when guns are the number one cause of children and teen mortality in America. 

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8 hours ago, Andy1 said:

Every kid knows the banned books are the “best books”. Personally, I think parenting has a much greater influence on kids than teachers or books. Sooner or later, kids are going to be exposed to inappropriate stuff. It’s the role of parents to guide them through life. 

To most average people, I think it all seems a bit hypocritical to be talking about protecting kids from books but not taking substantial actions to protect them from gun violence. Esp when guns are the number one cause of children and teen mortality in America. 

Killing others is banned. Kids having the guns they are killing the other kids with is banned, now what? All ears. 

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