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Transsurrection: All the documented events that aren't happening. TRANS WOMEN ARE MEN

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Click to read entire thread. These people are sick and evil.





Advocates of gender-affirming care say it’s evidence-based.

But now, newly released internal files from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) prove that the practice of transgender medicine is neither scientific nor medical.


American Medical Association, The Endocrine Society, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and thousands of doctors worldwide rely on WPATH. It is considered the leading global authority on gender medicine.


And yet WPATH’s internal files, which include written discussions and a video, reveal that its members know they are creating victims and not getting “informed consent."


Victims include a 10-year-old girl, a 13-year-old developmentally delayed adolescent, and individuals suffering from schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses.

The injuries described in the WPATH Files include sterilization, loss of sexual function, liver tumors, and death.


WPATH members indicate repeatedly that they know that many children and their parents don’t understand the effects that puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries will have on their bodies. And yet, they continue to perform and advocate for gender medicine.


The WPATH Files prove that gender medicine is comprised of unregulated and pseudoscientific experiments on children, adolescents, and vulnerable adults. It will go down as one of the worst medical scandals in history.




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Your kid can't have their tonsils out without your say-so,


But change their sex ?   . . . . . . . . . . . Sure.


Just left a meeting with a whistleblower from Planned Parenthood

that told me there are at least 9 school districts within Arizona

that are allowing students to get treatment for transgender hormone therapy,

birth control, and abortions without parental consent or acknowledgement.

She exposed that these schools are partnering with their local

Planned Parenthood and it often happens during school hours.

The “health clinics” coming into high schools like Catalina Foothills High School

will allow these treatments to be done on school property.

There was a “trial” done at Sunnyside School District on the south side

of Tucson and now it is being implemented in other high schools.


Arizona- Casa Grande Elementary School District No 4

Creighton Elementary District No 14

Ganado Unified School District

Kayenta Unified School District

Mesa Unified School District

Naco Elementary School District No 23

Osborn Elementary School District No 8

Scottsdale Unified School District

Tucson Unified School District






BUT, you know, Christo-fascists.





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The Next Step Is Here: Anybody at Any Age Has Right to Change Sex






Should a child be allowed to medically alter their body if she decides one day that she wants to be a boy?


According to the author of a new piece in New York Magazine, the answer is "Yes, absolutely." And if she wants to do it several times or ruin her body, the answer is still "Yes."





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