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Posted (edited)
  On 3/31/2023 at 5:14 PM, Tiberius said:

First order of business of government is providing safety. 



when did that start?


burning looting and murdering for racial harmony..keep up the good work ✊🏼. lets provide those covid patients saftey in your grandparents retirement home. science! trains and lead in water poisoning entire cities and towns. nothing to see here!  violent criminals getting a revolving door from woke DAs to create more victims in the streets. equity! fentanyl murdering thousands and children being trafficked crossing our boarder..yawn!


maybe if you realize the truth of the situation your in you will also realize why so many are pretty avid that the only saftey they can count on is THEMSELVES.


but your you soooo nevermind.


good luck out there.


Edited by Buffarukus
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  On 4/1/2023 at 12:21 PM, Orlando Tim said:

When the issue was car deaths @Tiberiuswhy did you not try to ban cars? 


Because banning guns will help the government* keep us safe!!!


*Same government that perpetuated the following:


Tuskegee Experiments

Operation Paperclip

Operation Northwoods

Operation Mockingbird

Gulf of Tonkin


Project Artichoke

Subproject 68

Kent State


Iran Contra


Chicago Black Sites

Iraq “Incubator Babies”

Ruby Ridge


Missing Trillions from the Pentagon Before 9/11

Abu Ghraib

NSA Spying


Operation Fast & Furious

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  On 4/1/2023 at 12:21 PM, Orlando Tim said:

When the issue was car deaths @Tiberiuswhy did you not try to ban cars? 


Cars are a necessity. Assault weapons are not 



  On 4/1/2023 at 1:03 PM, LeviF said:

Because banning guns will help the government* keep us safe!!!


*Same government that perpetuated the following:


Tuskegee Experiments

Operation Paperclip

Operation Northwoods

Operation Mockingbird

Gulf of Tonkin


Project Artichoke

Subproject 68

Kent State


Iran Contra


Chicago Black Sites

Iraq “Incubator Babies”

Ruby Ridge


Missing Trillions from the Pentagon Before 9/11

Abu Ghraib

NSA Spying


Operation Fast & Furious


So the government should just stop doing anything? What silly point are you trying to make here? 

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  On 4/1/2023 at 3:15 PM, redtail hawk said:

His point is that he's a victim of the government.  You know, like the wackos at Waco...


It doesn’t take a lot of critical thinking to figure out why the same government that burned out Koresh and his followers and actively armed cartels would want to disarm their own citizens. 

But it does take some, along with a smidge of honesty, and you’re missing the capacity for at least the latter. 

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  On 4/1/2023 at 4:12 PM, LeviF said:

It doesn’t take a lot of critical thinking to figure out why the same government that burned out Koresh and his followers and actively armed cartels would want to disarm their own citizens. 

But it does take some, along with a smidge of honesty, and you’re missing the capacity for at least the latter. 


sometimes if you break the rules, you get away with it.  If you do it repeatedly, you almost certainly won't.  there's a simple solution.  play by the rules.  And win.

  On 4/1/2023 at 3:11 PM, Tiberius said:

Cars are a necessity. Assault weapons are not


The right to self defense is a much more basic right than the right to travel large distances. Your comment shows you are basing your argument on emotion and not logic. 

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  On 4/1/2023 at 3:11 PM, Tiberius said:

Cars are a necessity. Assault weapons are not 



So the government should just stop doing anything? What silly point are you trying to make here? 


you don’t support sending weapons to Ukraine? Seems like they’re necessary there no?

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Posted (edited)


  On 4/1/2023 at 3:11 PM, Tiberius said:

Cars are a necessity. Assault weapons are not 



they are? i could of sworn we have a thing called mass transit public transportation that could take millions of cars off the road and let pappa gov take the wheel. no the real reason you haven't advocated for that is because it would inconveniences you personally. pretty much the same story from libs. advocate/condemn things unless it burdens them. its why you all squeel about equity and human rights on phones and computers that you know very well are made from slave labor. i dont see any of you walking around naked while eating cartel controlled avacado toast and sipping your 7 dollar coffee. 


never seems to be we will be the ones to personally sacrifice. everyone else can relax. why is that? pretty sure if you guys donate your entire paychecks to causes we would see alot more action on the things you "care" about. imagine poor ghettos getting direct influx of white liberals paychecks every week. chester and his friends showing up at a crip stronghold the same way they showed up to gov buildings to demand the murder of unarmed black people end. not only will you never do that but your also fine with all those blm donations getting handed to democrat campaigns slush funds and mansions. lol things will only get fixed if you pay the gov as a middle man. but you go first. its a good way to pretend to care. why havent you all become police officers in mass..show em how its done in a kinder gentler way. why are they struggling to recruit? exactly. much easier to just sit and b!+ch about how everything needs to fundamentally change to whatever you feel at the time and if your wrong move on to the next issue.


  On 4/1/2023 at 3:11 PM, Tiberius said:


So the government should just stop doing anything? What silly point are you trying to make here? 



no the point made is you should have a healthy scepticism about the real objectives of people in power. its called history. you might want to give it a quick glance. it will be facinating to see how many awful places that exist on this planet came to be. its packed with tiberius's all through time saying we can trust our gov. its there job to make us safe. those other places will never be us. whats the worst that can happen? 🤨

Edited by Buffarukus
Posted (edited)
  On 4/1/2023 at 8:04 PM, Buffarukus said:

they are? i could of sworn we have a thing called mass transit public transportation that could take millions of cars off the road and let pappa gov take the wheel. no the real reason you haven't advocated for that is because it would inconveniences you personally. pretty much the same story from libs. advocate/condemn things unless it burdens them. its why you all squeel about equity and human rights on phones and computers that you know very well are made from slave labor. i dont see any of you walking around naked while eating cartel controlled avacado toast and sipping your 7 dollar coffee. 


Many rural areas including mine don't have public transport.  The closest mini mart to me is 2 miles.  I can walk it but not on a regular basis for essentials.  (If they let me drive my ATV on the streets I could probably do without a car if ride sharing was available).  We do lots of delivery tho and that's something great that came out of covid.  I do suspect even Wal mart (where we usually grocery shop online) has increased prices to compensate but it's worth it.  If i could, i'd love too not have a car.  So much wasted money and time.  but right now, not feasible.  Don't drink $& coffees and the price of avocados would be unchanged if MAGA was in charge.  there is a near monopoly.

Edited by redtail hawk
  On 4/1/2023 at 8:04 PM, Buffarukus said:

entire paychecks to causes we would see alot more action on the things you "care" about. imagine poor ghettos getting direct influx of white liberals paychecks every week. chester and his friends showing up at a crip stronghold the same way they showed up to gov buildings to demand the murder of unarmed black people end. not only will you never do that but your also fine with all those blm donations getting handed to democrat campaigns slush funds and mansions. lol things will only get fixed if you pay the gov as a middle man. but you go first. its a good way to pretend to care. why havent you all become police officers in mass..show em how its done in a kinder gentler way. why are they struggling to recruit? exactly. much easier to just sit and b!+ch about how everything needs to fundamentally change to whatever you feel at the time and if your wrong move on to the next issue.



I've paid the same tax rates (theoretically) as billionaires for decades.  I'd be better with that if they actually paid the same percentage of income but willing to pay my share and do. In fact, I almost always vote for candidates that will raise my taxes, not because I like self mutilation but because I agree more with their positions.  Don't donate to black live matters.  Plenty of poor around here and am active in fundraising, volunteering and charity.  It feels right and good.  I have family members in law enforcement that are young, by my standards and are staying.  They want to retire early and it will be deserved.  I don't want everything to fundamentally change.  I want some changes.  I agree that education needs to be better if we are to compete globally.  And we must think globally.  I'm all for fairness but I suspect your and my definitions are very different.

  On 4/1/2023 at 9:31 PM, redtail hawk said:

Many rural areas including mine don't have public transport.  The closest mini mart to me is 2 miles.  I can walk it but not on a regular basis for essentials.  We do lots of delivery tho and the something great that came out of covid.  I do suspect even Wal mart (where we usually grocery shop online) has increased prices to compensate but it's worth it.  If i could, i'd love too not have a car.  So much wasted money and time.  but right now, not feasible.  Don't drink $& coffees and the price of avocados would be unchanged if MAGA was in charge.  there is a near monopoly.



the point is selective outrage. noone is talking or outraged by the amount of innocent lives taken by automobiles.  there are many things that kill people but we just go on with life in a free society that is inherently more dangerous. you name it people have most likely died from it. should the gov prosecute people with pools because idiots fell asleep with small children near them? on and on and on we can go. nothing is necessary when it comes to saftey. you have feet or a bicycle. 5 kids died in a driving accident..dont you care!!! its not hard to do especially when illegal gun use is flat out ignored. if liberals want to live in a bubble wrapped gov controlled society id suggest going to a authoritarian one that will be more then happy to monitor your every move and make sure you dont do a single thing it deems unsafe.

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  On 4/1/2023 at 8:04 PM, Buffarukus said:

no the point made is you should have a healthy scepticism about the real objectives of people in power. its called history. you might want to give it a quick glance. it will be facinating to see how many awful places that exist on this planet came to be. its packed with tiberius's all through time saying we can trust our gov. its there job to make us safe. those other places will never be us. whats the worst that can happen? 🤨


I'm certainly skeptical and there are scoundrels on both sides.  I want them all prosecuted when they break the law.  If they don't represent the people as their highest priority, I won't vote for them or vote for the alternative that will do it more

  On 4/1/2023 at 9:39 PM, redtail hawk said:

I've paid the same tax rates (theoretically) as billionaires for decades.  I'd be better with that if they actually paid the same percentage of income but willing to pay my share and do. In fact, I almost always vote for candidates that will raise my taxes, not because I like self mutilation but because I agree more with their positions.  Don't donate to black live matters.  Plenty of poor around here and am active in fundraising, volunteering and charity.  It feels right and good.  I have family members in law enforcement that are young, by my standards and are staying.  They want to retire early and it will be deserved.  I don't want everything to fundamentally change.  I want some changes.  I agree that education needs to be better if we are to compete globally.  And we must think globally.  I'm all for fairness but I suspect your and my definitions are very different.



if your being honest then you should talk to more progressives. you know you dont need to vote or do anything to give more money to the government. enough of you get on board with large portions of your income and you no longer have to fight and argue with those who would rather keep their money or dont believe in the same causes. its always we and never i. feel bad about your historical ancestors and slavery? by all means hand over the keys to your house to a person you feel had his land taken.


nothing is stopping any of this.

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