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key board

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who invented the key board ? it did come from the type writer but who sat down and put the letters in the order that they are in ? the whole layout ? how many times did he or she lay it out before saying this is it .

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who invented the key board ? it did come from the type writer but who sat down and put the letters in the order that they are in ? the whole layout ? how many times did he or she lay it out before saying this is it .



origin of Qwerty keyboard.... http://www.xpertkeyboard.com/history.htm

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Yet more useless information.


qwerty linky


The amazing thing is you could care less about keyboards.  You just want to see how high we'll jump, don't you?


just trying to find the smart people . 0:):angry::) how long did it take to find the best order to put the keys in ??

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just trying to find the smart people . 0:)  :angry:  :) how long did it take to find the best order to put the keys in ??



It's not the best order to put the keys in. The QWERTY keyboard was designed to make typing awkward (I forget why...maybe to keep stenographers employed). People have designed better keyboards that increase typing speed by 50% or so...but everyone's so used to the QWERTY keyboard now that there's no incentive to switch.

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It's not the best order to put the keys in.  The QWERTY keyboard was designed to make typing awkward (I forget why...maybe to keep stenographers employed).  People have designed better keyboards that increase typing speed by 50% or so...but everyone's so used to the QWERTY keyboard now that there's no incentive to switch.


no matter what key board they come up with i will allways be a one finger pecker .

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It's not the best order to put the keys in.  The QWERTY keyboard was designed to make typing awkward (I forget why...maybe to keep stenographers employed). 


They say it is so that you could not type fast enough to foul up the keys. Remember the old manual typewriters? If you got going too fast you would end up with a tangled mess.

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no matter what key board they come up with i will allways be a one finger pecker .



delete "one finger" from the above and i think you're spot on.



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TD invented the keyboard because he is such a genius (see related thread)


He also layed it out in such a manner so everyone would get carpal tunnel because he is the son of satan (see related thread)



LMFAO! <_<

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