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I know it's football, I know people get hurt,

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When the same players injures three players in one season by using the same god awful tackling technique, then it's time for the NFL to step in.


Look at the Smith photograph. There is absolutely nowhere for his leg to go, so he snaps his leg. Between getting collared, and having Williams weight on the lower leg Smith is lucky he didn't end up with a Theismann. Williams can gripe all he wants, he's full of BS and anyone with half a brain can see that.


BS linky

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Yep.  That's why I'm boycotting football until they let them play with medieval battle axes and maces..


Do the runners get shields? At least give them some defense.

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Football is a rough sport.....hitting should be verocious....but i agree there are certain football tackles and blocks that should not be used and I FEEL take away from the game.....


On another item....but football related.....there are also blocks that should be done away with....


Case in point....


2 years ago in a youth football playoff game because the opposing coach could not stop my son from penetrating the backfield and wreaking havoc (short of grabbing 2 fistfulls of jersey) but they were calling that this game......


So he started double teaming him with a very nasty tactic....one player would reach out and "punch block" to keep him from getting a low stance while another player would go straight for his ankles.....this was not to move him out of the way but simply to get him on the ground and out of the play......


I was working the chaingang that day....and I could hear my sons coach was just furious....not just because he was getting taken down on every play....but because with each passing hit he was getting more and more chance of injury......


Halftime comes....and I calmly quietly ask one of the refs how this was not illegal...the ref said that he didn't agree with it....but he couldn't throw a flag on it.....but then the ref ALSO hinted to me that there would be no flag if for some reason the submarining player took a shot for his efforts of going low.....


I explained that to the coach...the coach said something Brett at the start of the 3rd quarter and for 4 consecutive series the DL player next to Brett hit the OL player standing Brett up from the side so that he had to defend himself....and 4 consecutive plays Brett layed a whallop on that kid with everything he had....every play coming up with a facemask full of mud and sod.....


They pulled him out....and changed tactics after that......

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To paraphrase what Chris Spielman said today: "What are they doing? It's FOOTBALL. May as well put flags on them and play two hand touch"


Broken legs, broken necks, cheap shots, clotheslines, bloody noses. All part of the game. These guys get paid big, big money to play ball. Injuries are part of it. Don't want to get hit? Go play chinese checkers and live off welfare. The big money is starting to sissify the game. People aren't going to pay big bucks to go watch two hand touch.


I'd like to hear what Chuck Bednarik has to say about this new rule.

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Yep.  That's why I'm boycotting football until they let them play with medieval battle axes and maces..



Oh come on, the three of you. Which one of you hasn't cheered a wicked hit?




It's a PHYSICAL sport. The more physicality you take away, the more it loses appeal. Stupid rule, if they accept it.

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Oh come on, the three of you. Which one of you hasn't cheered a wicked hit?




It's a PHYSICAL sport. The more physicality you take away, the more it loses appeal. Stupid rule, if they accept it.



Why not allow tackles by the facemask then? <_< Or clotheslining? :(



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To paraphrase what Chris Spielman said today:  "What are they doing? It's FOOTBALL. May as well put flags on them and play two hand touch"


Broken legs, broken necks, cheap shots, clotheslines, bloody noses. All part of the game. These guys get paid big, big money to play ball. Injuries are part of it. Don't want to get hit? Go play chinese checkers and live off welfare. The big money is starting to sissify the game. People aren't going to pay big bucks to go watch two hand touch.


I'd like to hear what Chuck Bednarik has to say about this new rule.


Chuck Bednarik knew how to tackle. Williams is using that 'technique' because he thinks it's cool. It injured three players seriously last year. How much do you need to see?


Face mask? Go for it, break his fuggin neck!

Clipping? Hell yes, POS doesn't need his knees anyway!

Chop Block? Friggin linemen shouldn't be trying to run anyway!

Head Slap? Concussion? What concussion? Who me?

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Oh come on, the three of you. Which one of you hasn't cheered a wicked hit?




It's a PHYSICAL sport. The more physicality you take away, the more it loses appeal. Stupid rule, if they accept it.



it also has to be a reasonably SAFE sport. football players (at least the good ones) are not a commodity, and they are paid an ungodly amount of money. yes, it's a physical game. yes, the fans (and players) enjoy that physicality. but when there is a specific act that has been shown to cause injury at a higher rate than an otherwise acceptable method of tackling, it's not unreasonable to penalize those who insist on continuing to use it.


that doesn't make it a sissy sport. there are plenty of clean plays that are also "wicked." skill and teamwork should dictate who wins and loses -- not which side is better able to knock players out of the game.

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Chuck Bednarik knew how to tackle.  Williams is using that 'technique' because he thinks it's cool.  It injured three players seriously last year.  How much do you need to see?


Face mask?  Go for it, break his fuggin neck!

Clipping?  Hell yes, POS doesn't need his knees anyway!

Chop Block?  Friggin linemen shouldn't be trying to run anyway!

Head Slap?  Concussion?  What concussion?  Who me?


Your argument is totally off base! How can you compare a clothesline or facemask to grabbing a buy by the back of the shoulder pads. And if you can, why then is it still OK to grab by the jersey right at the line of the shoulderpad and drag someone down.

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Your argument is totally off base! How can you compare a clothesline or facemask to grabbing a buy by the back of the shoulder pads. And if you can, why then is it still OK to grab by the jersey right at the line of the shoulderpad and drag someone down.


Number one, I never mentioned the clothesline, but only because I didn't think of it. What do they all have in common? Simple, they are illegal because they have been shown to injure people. This too will be illegal beginning next season.


There are other tactics that are legal in the trenches (within 1 yard of the LOS I believe) but illegal in the open field, so I would say your argument is totally off base.

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Oh come on, the three of you. Which one of you hasn't cheered a wicked hit?




It's a PHYSICAL sport. The more physicality you take away, the more it loses appeal. Stupid rule, if they accept it.



A wicked CLEAN hit. Even on occasion when it's caused injury to the player hit.


A wicked dirty hit, though...never that. Except maybe against Dan Marino... <_<

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Totally unrelated to the discussion here, but then again I don't see what this was doing in the article either...


"According to an Associated Press report Monday, Calico was cited May 12 for public indecency, a misdemeanor, for having sex with an 18-year-old woman in his sport-utility vehicle."


Anyone notice that in the middle of the article? WTH does that have to do with anything?

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