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[OT] Can anyone tell me how Pataki and Bloomberg

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...a 2.2 billion dollar stadium care of the NYS taxpayers when ground zero is still a barren hole in the ground? 100 years from now when people look at this time period in New York State history they will undoubtedly shake their heads and wonder how this stadium was approved before the rebuilding of the devestation that was 9-11. This whole thing is so disgusting to me and I don't even live in New York State anymore. Isn't there anything better NYS and NYC can do with 2.2 billion rather than lining Woody Johnson's already bulging pockets?

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Because they're politicians more interested in a legacy than anything else?



If they were more interested in their legacy wouldn't the rebuilding of ground zero be about 100 times more important than building a football stadium?


As for the Olympics the previous poster mentioned, since they've let in all the pros and half of them are cheating steroid tests no one really cares about them anymore, do they?


I guess as long as there's no real resistance coming from the NTS taxpayers then maybe I shouldn't give a you-know-what. They're the ones paying for it after all.

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If they were more interested in their legacy wouldn't the rebuilding of ground zero be about 100 times more important than building a football stadium?


As for the Olympics the previous poster mentioned, since they've let in all the pros and half of them are cheating steroid tests no one really cares about them anymore, do they?


I guess as long as there's no real resistance coming from the NTS taxpayers then maybe I shouldn't give a you-know-what. They're the ones paying for it after all.


Why? Ground Zero will be nothing more than a big goddamn building. We're talking the Roman mentality. Think Coloseum, baby!


Since when did any kind of protest from taxpayers matter in NYS? As long as the idiots continue to vote incumbents in at a 95% clip nothing is going to change. That's the only kind of protest that matters and the lemmings have an obviously difficult time grasping such a simple concept.


I'm sure Elliot Spitzer will fix everything. <_<

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Thsi CBA situation is getting me nervous. I had no idea that it was a serious as it is. Sounds like the future of the league as we know it (and maybe the Bills) is at stake.

Bob Dicesare's article mentions how this ties in directly with the CBA. On a side note- if the Jets get this stadium, the average Joe that supports the Jets will not be able to go to games. That will be one expensive ticket.

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As for the Olympics the previous poster mentioned, since they've let in all the pros and half of them are cheating steroid tests no one really cares about them anymore, do they?




Billions of tourist dollars speak pretty loudly to politicians:


"In the simplest and broadest terms, the short-term economic impact of hosting the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games on Georgia's economy is projected at $5.1 billion. Out of this amount, $2.6 billion will be generated through ACOG's expenditures and $2.5 billion through spending by out-of-state visitors.


Hosting the Games will add $1.9 billion in earnings to the state's economy and over 77 thousand full- and part-time jobs. The Games should boost Georgia Department of Revenue collections by $176 million."





Here's the website for NYC's bid for the 2012 games. Check out the "Olympic Stadium" portion of the venue descriptions:



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If they were more interested in their legacy wouldn't the rebuilding of ground zero be about 100 times more important than building a football stadium?




The problem with Ground Zero redevelopment seems to be finding tenants to go into whatever office building is constructed on the site.


There's no great demand for the space, as many firms have relocated from lower Manhattan and have spread their people around in different locations to minimize the risk of having "all their eggs" in one basket, so to speak.


I doubt we'll see anything on the scale of the World Trade complex constructed in NYC ever again.

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Billions of tourist dollars speak pretty loudly to politicians: 


"In the simplest and broadest terms, the short-term economic impact of hosting the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games on Georgia's economy is projected at $5.1 billion. Out of this amount, $2.6 billion will be generated through ACOG's expenditures and $2.5 billion through spending by out-of-state visitors.


Hosting the Games will add $1.9 billion in earnings to the state's economy and over 77 thousand full- and part-time jobs. The Games should boost Georgia Department of Revenue collections by $176 million."



That's only if the IOC actually grants New York the Olympics. They've already said that if the new stadium isn't built New York won't get it but not that they will get it if they do.


If the IOC wasn't so notoriously corrupt, I might think it would be a good idea.


So if NY builds the stadium and then another city pays a bigger bribe to the IOC and they award that city the 2012 games... boom... the NY taxpayers take the shaft once again.


If the Jets want a stadium, they should build it in Queens or Brooklyn. I'd even support a $100M in state money to help build one on the island (one Super Bowl would pay that back), but the west side of Manhattan is just too expensive (and you couldn't tailgate there)

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One reason is because it's a lot easier to build a football stadium than the WTC site where:

Plans for the site, to be dominated by a 1,776-foot Freedom Tower, have been stalled lately because of security concerns, though Gov. George Pataki assured New Yorkers last week that the project was not losing momentum.



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...a 2.2 billion dollar stadium care of the NYS taxpayers when ground zero is still a barren hole in the ground? 100 years from now when people look at this time period in New York State history they will undoubtedly shake their heads and wonder how this stadium was approved before the rebuilding of the devestation that was 9-11. This whole thing is so disgusting to me and I don't even live in New York State anymore. Isn't there anything better NYS and NYC can do with 2.2 billion rather than lining Woody Johnson's already bulging pockets?



how else can they buy enough votes to get re-elected?

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