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So California seems to be at the fore front of progressive ideas when it comes to spending money which could be why taxes are probably the highest in that state than most anywhere else . 


Remember not to long ago when they were giving each individual some $1400 per hose hold to help with the increase in gas prices but at the same time adding a 3% tax to that gas being sold sounds like a stroke of genius to me ! But wait they just keep brain storming & have come up with a new way to buy more votes to keep these wing nuts like Newsome, Schiff, Waters, & others in office .


They are now putting together a bill that will give every Black American which i refuse to call African Americans unless they moved here from Africa in their life time if your born in America you are American first & foremost but that's for another discussion so back to what i was gong to say .


The Mental giants that run the state of California have a bill in the works to pay each black American in the state the sum of $223,000 per person in reparations to supposedly make up for slavery think about that for a minute ....................... If they get this money & when it's all spent will they then say nothing more of the past or will it still be a major point of contention for years to come ?


Then does this get paid out to all Black Americans as a blanket payment due to slavery or do they have to go back & find family history to pin point all those that actually had family members that were brought here specifically as a slave ? Then there is the question is it only for those that are dark skinned or will it cover those white & or chinese people that were also sold as slaves ?


It would be best as far as votes go to give it to all those Black Americans despite their family history but then what about those that had a black mother or father & a white mother or father do they only get half or are they shunned because they are half white (you know woke is in) & if they are multiracial & find out that lets say the father being Black American which had a slave in his family & a white mother that is found that her family were slave owners then what ?


And if they do follow through on this who's next ? Do the Jews go for reparations & make every living person of German decent pay them because of what Adolph Hitler did to their family in the war ? What about the American Indians they too are due their reparations too aren't they and that includes England paying too right ? What about the Chinese slaves, some of them were brought here for the same reasons & were slaves then there are the indentured servants .


So is this brilliance just the tip of the ice berg and once this piece of the ice berg falls it will cause a tsunami of others to follow & in the end as i asked before will this do anything truly to change what has been done & make those that receive these monies feel any better about the past & actually forgive those who did this & erase racism or will it continue on as it has in the past going forward . Personally i feel it won't change 1 thing !! 


Or should we learn from the past & teach our children just how wrong it was so they do not repeat the same mistakes & most of all the supposed  "Grown ups" learn to act like adults & realize that if we are cut we all bleed the same color & our insides are pretty much exactly the same .


Does a Dr. when faced with taking a white person gal bladder out have to learn a different way to take out a black persons gal bladder ? If a black person gets cancer does the Dr. treat the disease differently than he does in a white person with the same type of cancer ? If a white person is killed in a car wreck & a black person is in need of a heart & the blood type & all matches does the white heart have different connections than the black persons would ? I think your getting my drift .


How about this we ALL black & white as people learn from the mistakes of the past & GET OVER IT then move forward & treat each other with respect they deserve & teach our children to respect every one no matter the color of our skin & just go about our business . Besides little children don't know racism they are taught it !


Sure there has been a lot of BAD mistakes made IN THE PAST but it wasn't by all it was only by some & all shouldn't be made to pay for those who made these terrible decisions only those who committed them . If not when a black person kills a white person every black person should pay or visa versa or if a Mexican person sells people in general fentanyl which kills someone all those of Mexican decent should pay for it and go to jail ?


This is the logic behind the brilliance that comes out of California (daily) & i know there will be those that read this & totally disagree for what ever their reasons may be which in part some will be due to feeling entitled or for many just out of pure 100% laziness yet once the money is long gone they will be looking for the next pay day & jump on the band wagon to grab that .


So all though one would hope that common sense would prevail in such a thought as this 🤔 but my faith in those first in gov't & second those in gov't in California then third in people in general is just about gone so i believe that there is a great possibility that this could pass but will actually solve nothing ! 


What is it they say the definition of insanity is ? To do the same thing over & over again and expect a different out come . True change comes from forgiveness & from with in each individual !! I pray for that change because that is the only way true change will happen is if it is from the heart first . Not the wallet .


God Bless this American Mess !! 



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37 minutes ago, B-Man said:




Shh. to a certain group. ITS only the USA and only some aspects.


I love when they go all "colonizer" at folks.


when that story goes back to ***** sapiens colonizing them cave men



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Suggesting logic and critical thinking be applied to ideological initiatives is an act of futility.  In this case reparations.  An on again off again topic.  There are lots of questions about criteria and definitions.  One fatal flaws of giveaways is that after 90% of the recipients blow their funds on trivial pursuits and needless stuff, what then?  Demand more handouts, that's what. 


Most likely, there must be a necessity for some politician out there to buy some votes and score some points with another "free lunch" idea.  My guess is its not going to happen because its all a game the pols run to pit the peasants against each other to distract attention away from the elites so they can horde and steal the productive goods and services out of the country and live the good life supplemented by hefty rich people welfare courtesy of the taxpayers.  Its quite a con these psychos are running and its amazing how well it works for them.  For the rest of us, not so much. 

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A state that never allowed slavery giving money to people who were never slaves from people who never owned slaves.

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  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)
On 1/30/2023 at 6:12 PM, T master said:

So California seems to be at the fore front of progressive ideas when it comes to spending money which could be why taxes are probably the highest in that state than most anywhere else . 


Remember not to long ago when they were giving each individual some $1400 per hose hold to help with the increase in gas prices but at the same time adding a 3% tax to that gas being sold sounds like a stroke of genius to me ! But wait they just keep brain storming & have come up with a new way to buy more votes to keep these wing nuts like Newsome, Schiff, Waters, & others in office .


They are now putting together a bill that will give every Black American which i refuse to call African Americans unless they moved here from Africa in their life time if your born in America you are American first & foremost but that's for another discussion so back to what i was gong to say .


The Mental giants that run the state of California have a bill in the works to pay each black American in the state the sum of $223,000 per person in reparations to supposedly make up for slavery think about that for a minute ....................... If they get this money & when it's all spent will they then say nothing more of the past or will it still be a major point of contention for years to come ?


Then does this get paid out to all Black Americans as a blanket payment due to slavery or do they have to go back & find family history to pin point all those that actually had family members that were brought here specifically as a slave ? Then there is the question is it only for those that are dark skinned or will it cover those white & or chinese people that were also sold as slaves ?


It would be best as far as votes go to give it to all those Black Americans despite their family history but then what about those that had a black mother or father & a white mother or father do they only get half or are they shunned because they are half white (you know woke is in) & if they are multiracial & find out that lets say the father being Black American which had a slave in his family & a white mother that is found that her family were slave owners then what ?


And if they do follow through on this who's next ? Do the Jews go for reparations & make every living person of German decent pay them because of what Adolph Hitler did to their family in the war ? What about the American Indians they too are due their reparations too aren't they and that includes England paying too right ? What about the Chinese slaves, some of them were brought here for the same reasons & were slaves then there are the indentured servants .


So is this brilliance just the tip of the ice berg and once this piece of the ice berg falls it will cause a tsunami of others to follow & in the end as i asked before will this do anything truly to change what has been done & make those that receive these monies feel any better about the past & actually forgive those who did this & erase racism or will it continue on as it has in the past going forward . Personally i feel it won't change 1 thing !! 


Or should we learn from the past & teach our children just how wrong it was so they do not repeat the same mistakes & most of all the supposed  "Grown ups" learn to act like adults & realize that if we are cut we all bleed the same color & our insides are pretty much exactly the same .


Does a Dr. when faced with taking a white person gal bladder out have to learn a different way to take out a black persons gal bladder ? If a black person gets cancer does the Dr. treat the disease differently than he does in a white person with the same type of cancer ? If a white person is killed in a car wreck & a black person is in need of a heart & the blood type & all matches does the white heart have different connections than the black persons would ? I think your getting my drift .


How about this we ALL black & white as people learn from the mistakes of the past & GET OVER IT then move forward & treat each other with respect they deserve & teach our children to respect every one no matter the color of our skin & just go about our business . Besides little children don't know racism they are taught it !


Sure there has been a lot of BAD mistakes made IN THE PAST but it wasn't by all it was only by some & all shouldn't be made to pay for those who made these terrible decisions only those who committed them . If not when a black person kills a white person every black person should pay or visa versa or if a Mexican person sells people in general fentanyl which kills someone all those of Mexican decent should pay for it and go to jail ?


This is the logic behind the brilliance that comes out of California (daily) & i know there will be those that read this & totally disagree for what ever their reasons may be which in part some will be due to feeling entitled or for many just out of pure 100% laziness yet once the money is long gone they will be looking for the next pay day & jump on the band wagon to grab that .


So all though one would hope that common sense would prevail in such a thought as this 🤔 but my faith in those first in gov't & second those in gov't in California then third in people in general is just about gone so i believe that there is a great possibility that this could pass but will actually solve nothing ! 


What is it they say the definition of insanity is ? To do the same thing over & over again and expect a different out come . True change comes from forgiveness & from with in each individual !! I pray for that change because that is the only way true change will happen is if it is from the heart first . Not the wallet .


God Bless this American Mess !! 



so badly want this to happen. It will expose the frauds. most people that favor these silly ideas are supportive of redistributing other peoples money especially as recipients. But when it’s time to write the checks with their own money the story changes.

Do it California…. Do it 

Edited by Over 29 years of fanhood
Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, Doc said:

The party of lowering standards.

The party of chaos once agian championing mediocrity and making losers feel "special".   Last I checked that strategy is a certain disaster unless your objective is to make society as unproductive and dysfunctional as possible.  

What's next?  Forcing NFL teams to field teams of old, slow, overweight, and weak players and still call them exceptional athletes?

Edited by All_Pro_Bills

What a mess.  Demented Biden and is dopey buddies have ruined this country in about two years.   Civil war is coming. 

19 hours ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

The party of chaos once agian championing mediocrity and making losers feel "special".   Last I checked that strategy is a certain disaster unless your objective is to make society as unproductive and dysfunctional as possible.  

What's next?  Forcing NFL teams to field teams of old, slow, overweight, and weak players and still call them exceptional athletes?

hold on now, I’m listening….. and meet the criteria..

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