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Overall fitness

RJ Sykes

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Hey everyone, long term bills fan from Australia and something that I don’t think has really been spoken about much in relation to the Bills season is general fitness of our players. 

what concerned me was how fired up we came out of the blokes this year playing at an astonishing level, however once the bye week occurred we haven’t recovered.


it got me thinking and it actually was quite obvious on the field is that we seemed somewhat flat in pretty much every game in the second half of this year. So did the Bills over emphasis fitness in the preseason which led to burnout throughout the latter part of the year ? Or perhaps we didn’t emphasis it enough which meant we couldn’t catch up to the opposition fitness levels later down the end of the season. 


further to the point, what was really obvious was how poor our one on one tackling was especially on 3rd downs, many in 1 on 1 situations. When I played Rugby League sloppy tackling was naturally attributed to Poor technique, but also poor fitness. You generally dont loose the ability to tackle once you had the technique don’t pat? But it seemed players just didn’t have the fight, endurance, speed or care to show extra stamina ( apart from a few).

It was strange that we only really seemed to play well when we really really had too, and for the rest of the game just plain inconsistency. 

Something occurred imo during the bye week, as we just weren’t the same, and It seemed to affect both sides of the ball.


Anyway my thoughts.

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