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Was watching this documentary on Patty Hearst

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last night. Now, I was just a youngling when she carried on with the whole SLA thing....I have a few questions for those seasoned enough to remember the specifics of her case.


I know she started out as a captive of these Berkley-type nutjobs. Did she at some point convert to their cause? I know she had a hand in the murder of an innocent woman dirung a bank robbery. Her cohorts were all imprisoned, yet somehow both Jimmy Carter and bill Clinton (suprise) granted her a pardon.


WTF? No one gets brainwashed enough tot he point where they will indiscriminately kill. What's the deal with Patty Hearst? How is she still walking the streets? Any input?

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From what I remember, she was in the bank robbery, but at that one, no one was hurt. The SLA did kill someone in another robbery, but she wasn't there.

She was convicted and did serve some time (1-2 years I think), but Carter pardoned her.


If I'm wrong, it's senility.This all happened 25-30 years ago.

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Additionally, she's from the Hearst Castle, Newspaper Hearst family.  Need I say more?



Well, duh, I knew THAT. I was just looking for insight as to why Jimmy boy and Billy-bob would have pardoned her.

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With all due respect, Nixon never robbed banks.



Let me see, a wayward rich kid gets caught up in a scumbag gang and robs a bank. Not good. Deserves her fate. No question about it.


The President of the United States, the man at the top, is charged with committing high crimes and misdemeaone charges, including abusing the power of his office, failing to submit materials asked for by the Congress and the courts, and trying to stop the investigation into the Watergate affair. Not to mention all the other fun things he was accused of during his presidency.


The first is a serious crime, no doubt about it, but it doesn't undermine the foundation of our nation, like the second offense.


Perhaps it would have been better if Nixon HAD just robbed banks.

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Not to mention all the other fun things he was accused of during his presidency.


The first is a serious crime, no doubt about it, but it doesn't undermine the foundation of our nation, like the second offense.


Perhaps it would have been better if Nixon HAD just robbed banks.



Accused of. ACCUSED of. That's the key point. Look, Bill Clinton was likely behind Vince Foster's suicide, but I bet you'd ever admit that his dealings with the Clintons and Whitewater were the reason Foster killed himself, would you?

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Accused of. ACCUSED of. That's the key point. Look, Bill Clinton was likely behind Vince Foster's suicide, but I bet you'd  ever admit that his dealings with the Clintons and Whitewater were the reason Foster killed himself, would you?



And your point is? Look, the junk Nixon was accused of was small potatos to what he resigned over, no?

As to Vince Foster, knock yourself out hunting down conspiracy theories.

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And your point is?  Look, the junk Nixon was accused of was small potatos to what he resigned over, no? 

As to Vince Foster, knock yourself out hunting down conspiracy theories.



So you think it's a COINCIDENCE Foster died within a week or two of obtaining a position of importance within Clinton's white house? I don't.

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So you think it's a COINCIDENCE Foster died within a week or two of obtaining a position of importance within Clinton's white house? I don't.



Then how come your buddy Ken Star, who spend 30-some million of our dollars couldn't make any of this stick? 30 million bucks to prove our president lied about getting a BJ. Why don't you get upset about that? That's real.

Look, there's no point in wasting any more bandwidth on this topic. You are free to believe whatever you want to about this.

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Then how come your buddy Ken Star, who spend 30-some million of our dollars couldn't make any of this stick?  30 million bucks to prove our president lied about getting a BJ.  Why don't you get upset about that?  That's real.

Look, there's no point in wasting any more bandwidth on this topic. 


LA County spent countless millions on trying OJ and couldn't make murder charges stick, either.


You are free to believe whatever you want to about this.

That's mighty big of you. :blink:

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LA County spent countless millions on trying OJ and couldn't make murder charges stick, either. 


Isn't there a difference between a botched trial and a situation where something never even came to trial?




That's mighty big of you.  :blink:



It was meant as a figure of speech.

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