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No talk of the 'Housewives' finale?(spoilers?)

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i thought it was great, lots of things left to ponder for the next season. who are the new neighbors and what are they hiding? Is rex really dead? will zach and mike come together? what a good show that has turned into! can't wait for next season

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Loved it when the husband who just got fired/quit his job was playing air hockey and trash talking the little kids! :w00t:


"Leave right now, or I'll say something I'll regret". And she left! If more wives would just give their men some breathing room, instead of demanding to talk to death every little thing right there and then, there'd be less divorce in this country.


Edit: Don't think Rex is dead either.

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Not only do I think Rex is dead, but I think Bree will be a suspect in his death. They set it up so the note plus the doctor's comments about his potassium level going up and the question who is feeding him all leads to Bree getting arrested in next season's opener.

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I only watched a few episodes, but I always enjoyed when I did.


To those who think Rex is alive, do you think the doctor lied to Bree when he told her on the phone or do you think there was just a mistake?



He got the news that he was being poisioned, and probably instantly thought of Bree. Especially how she delayed taking him to the hospital last week. Rex actually is/was a doctor, so it's not w/o question that he'd have a friend who might cover for him if he faked his own death.


I didn't think of the Mike/Zach father/son connection until they were in the mine and he rushed off. He should've shot Paul. Question I've got is as an ex-felon, why didn't the police arrest him for gun possession when he "shot himself while cleaning [his] gun"? That's 5 years in prison, mandatory.


"Sometimes, evil drives a minivan."

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I actually watched the premier episode and thought it was very funny and well-written. I then watched about 20 minutes of the 2nd one and realized it had already peaked, decided it had already begun its inevitable downward spiral into a primetime soap and never saw it again.

My question is did they ever reveal why the narrator killed herself in the opener?


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How the heck could Rex not be dead? Thought that it was kinda normal episode and nothing earthshattering.


Faking the death (with help from his doctor friend) to put the screws to Bree.


And yes Simon, the last episode did (almost) reveal why she killed herself.

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Got news for youse. If you watch ANY primetime drama, you're watching a soap opera.

That's why my viewing options are limited to football, hockey, playoff hoops, the Simpsons, Family Guy and the History/Discovery channels. And yes I am boring. :doh:


And yes Simon, the last episode did (almost) reveal why she killed herself.

But you're not going to tell me why? :w00t:

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That's why my viewing options are limited to football, hockey, playoff hoops, the Simpsons, Family Guy and the History/Discovery channels. And yes I am boring.  :doh:

But you're not going to tell me why?  :w00t:



If it's not on ESPN, one of the major sports broadcasts, History Channel, Discovery, TLC or public television, it's probably CRAP.


There are a few exceptions, the Condender being one.

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I think they made it disappointingly obvious that Bree is going to be arrested for poisoning him.




We all know it's the phamacist. Right?

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