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You are right: his perspective could be broadened further by living in Israel. But as a general rule, I trust life experience more than media accounts.


I also believe in this philosophy. I never trust the media to give a full account of a situation. All I am wondering is the amount of research that went into getting the other side of the story. Only hearing one side will jade your perspective. I could take any situation in the world and live one perspective. That does not mean that it is the truth or even close to the truth. It is just looking at the situation from one perspective.

According to him, most of the problems in Palestine have been created by the Israelis. He's also said the Israelis are experts at manipulating the media; and that the Palestinians are a bit naive about it. The Israelis apparently find ways to quietly provoke the Palestinians, then to draw massive media attention to the resulting retaliation.


Yeah, that's how it is. 0:)


I never said one side or the other was above reproach. It takes two to tango.


Both Darin and KRC make good points. Ultimately it would be impossible to be completely sure of everything going on over there; but based on what I've learned, both sides, but especially the Israelis, are deeply flawed.

Not really.  It's something that truly needs to be seen.  I couldn't do it justice.



What??? :D<_<


that would require actually sitting down and watching it and having to think for ourselves. :blink:


its unamerican i tell ya!!! we need our info spoonfed in 30 seconds or less so we have time for American Idol!


oh hey, my hotpockets are done

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