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I watched two documentaries this weekend by Pierre Rehov. One is called "The War of Images" and the other is called "The Trojan Horse". For those of you who think our media is telling us the truth about what is going on between the Palestinians and Israel, you may want to take a look at these. They are available on Netflix.


Rehov isn't exactly an outsider (he's Jewish) but he uses a ton of clips from Palestinian television and speeches from religious leaders throughout - very powerful.



Can you give a summary of what these documentaries have to say?


Not really. It's something that truly needs to be seen. I couldn't do it justice.



You were a moron as KurtGodel77, you're still one as Pac_Man.


You've said some idiotic things recently, but calling me a moron takes the cake. It's clear you have some inner need to get into a flame war with someone, so maybe making idiotic and inflammatory statements is your way of achieving that.


Why do you say that I'm the same as KurtGodel77? Was he someone else you tried to get into a flame war with?

Why do you say that I'm the same as KurtGodel77? Was he someone else you tried to get into a flame war with?



It is because you are using his computer.

It is because you are using his computer.





Apparently Kurt hasn't heard of IP tracking.


Anyhoo....Darin, got any links to any further information about this documentary?



Apparently Kurt hasn't heard of IP tracking.


Anyhoo....Darin, got any links to any further information about this documentary?



Kurt hasn't heard of a lot of things. Maybe he'll grace us with further discourse on how Stalin was a stooge of FDR. Ignorant friggin' bonehead.

Apparently Kurt hasn't heard of IP tracking.


Are you guys telling me the IP addresses of posters are made publicly available?

Are you guys telling me the IP addresses of posters are made publicly available?



Nope, but alias' can be.



One of my friends from high school spent over a year living in Palestine. He was raised Christian, but is not particularly religious. He's intelligent, of good character, and a nice guy.


According to him, most of the problems in Palestine have been created by the Israelis. He's also said the Israelis are experts at manipulating the media; and that the Palestinians are a bit naive about it. The Israelis apparently find ways to quietly provoke the Palestinians, then to draw massive media attention to the resulting retaliation.


This guy began giving talks about the Palestinian situation at the college he graduated from. However, the college had to cancel his talks, after wealthy Jewish donors threatened to stop making contributions unless he was silenced.


This guy began giving talks about the Palestinian situation at the college he graduated from. However, the college had to cancel his talks, after wealthy Jewish donors threatened to stop making contributions unless he was silenced.



The global cabal thanks you for the daily reaffirmation.

One of my friends from high school spent over a year living in Palestine. He was raised Christian, but is not particularly religious. He's intelligent, of good character, and a nice guy.


According to him, most of the problems in Palestine have been created by the Israelis. He's also said the Israelis are experts at manipulating the media; and that the Palestinians are a bit naive about it. The Israelis apparently find ways to quietly provoke the Palestinians, then to draw massive media attention to the resulting retaliation.


This guy began giving talks about the Palestinian situation at the college he graduated from. However, the college had to cancel his talks, after wealthy Jewish donors threatened to stop making contributions unless he was silenced.


who are you today ? 0:) why did you change who you are ? :angry:

In other words...everything you're not, Kurt?


By the time I was in third grade, the vast majority of my classmates had already begun to demonstrate a far greater level of maturity and wisdom than can be found in CTM's posts.

One of my friends from high school spent over a year living in Palestine. He was raised Christian, but is not particularly religious. He's intelligent, of good character, and a nice guy.


According to him, most of the problems in Palestine have been created by the Israelis. He's also said the Israelis are experts at manipulating the media; and that the Palestinians are a bit naive about it. The Israelis apparently find ways to quietly provoke the Palestinians, then to draw massive media attention to the resulting retaliation.


This guy began giving talks about the Palestinian situation at the college he graduated from. However, the college had to cancel his talks, after wealthy Jewish donors threatened to stop making contributions unless he was silenced.



Did he also live in Israel to see things from their perspective? It is fine to get one side of the story, but to be truly informed about a situation you need to analyze both sides.

Did he also live in Israel to see things from their perspective? It is fine to get one side of the story, but to be truly informed about a situation you need to analyze both sides.


You are right: his perspective could be broadened further by living in Israel. But as a general rule, I trust life experience more than media accounts. When I first heard about this guy's experience, I didn't want to believe it myself. My feeling was the Jews had gotten a raw deal throughout most of human history, and if anything were (on average) more intelligent and capable than Gentiles.


But the more I considered things and the more I learned, the more it became clear to me that the Israelis were no angels. When people you trust--who are in a position to know more about something than you do--tell you something, it pays to listen. That's also why I sat up and took notice when Ronald Reagan made the following remarks in his autobiography.


Israeli planes, gunboats, and artillery units had begun attacking the fringes of West Beirut in what appeared to be a relentless and indiscriminate bombardment of neighborhoods filled with Lebanese civilians who had absolutely no role in the Israeli-PLO conflict. . . . Then on August 4 . . . I was awakened at 6:30 AM by my national security advisor. He said that the Israelis had just moved into new positions within West Beirut and were shelling the city with a savage ferocity that was killing more and more civilians. . . . mounting attacks by Israel were taking an increasing death toll on the women and children of Beirut. . . . Despite our appeals for restraint, Israel opened a new and even more brutal attack on civilian neighborhoods in Beirut that sickened me and many others in the White House. . . . I told [begin] it had to stop or our entire future relationship was endangered. I used the word ‘Holocaust’ deliberately and said the symbol of his country was becoming, ‘a picture of a seven month old baby with its arms blown off.’ . . . After the phone calls, Israel reduced the intensity of its bombardment in Beirut—but its ground and air forces then began attacking populated areas in northern Lebanon, apparently with the intent of eradicating PLO strongholds in that region. . . . In Beirut, [a minor militia group] entered a Palestine refugee camp and massacred men, women, and children. The Israelis did nothing to prevent or halt it. George Schultz and I met and agreed upon a blunt statement which he delivered to the Israeli ambassador. .  . . Brezhnev sent me a message accusing Israel of perpetrating a ‘bloody orgy,’ and implied we were a party to it. In February 1983, after a judicial panel asserted that he had been indirectly responsible for the massacres at the Palestinian refugee camps, Ariel Sharon resigned as Israel’s minister of defense. . . . I hoped this would mark a change in Israeli policies and help get the peace process started again.
An American Life by Ronald Reagan, pp 423 – 442.
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