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How would you rank?

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BTW: Saw ROTS Saturday afternoon and the theatre was only about 20% full. It is worth seeing again, especially at a matinee price!  :w00t:



Rock I agree. Saw it Saturday afternoon with my daughter. In the large theatre, new sound system in there, digital screen and there wasn't 30 folks in the movie.

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1. Revenge of the Sith. People rank the newer ones lower, partly I think because the old ones have that nostalgia element. But this movie has everything you could wish for--good plot, good battles, no major intrusions of annoying characters, incredible special effects.


2. The Empire Strikes Back. This is a good movie because of what doesn't happen. No major characters get killed, no Death Star gets destroyed, and the Empire takes a step forward by destroying the Rebel base.


3. A New Hope. This movie sets the series up nicely; with Luke Skywalker being a modern day Limbergh--a young hero and an excellent pilot.


4. Return of the Jedi. I wasn't as annoyed by the Ewoks as most people were. At least they didn't say anything--in English, at any rate. This was a good ending to the series, with Luke saving the seemingly unsavable Darth Vader.


5. Attack of the Clones. I hate rating this movie so low. Count Dooku was an excellent villian, and this movie did a lot to tie the series in to Episode 4. A very good film overall, just not as good as the first four I mentioned.


6. The Phantom Menace. Darth Maul didn't do anything for me. Other than slapping a coat of red paint on his head, he didn't seem that scary or sinister. He killed Qui Gon Jin, but that was in a fair fight (or rather, an unfair fight, because Qui Gon Jin and Obi Wan Kenobi were ganging up on Darth Maul). And I hated Jar Jar Binks. That character was more annoying than all other Lucas's annoying characters put together. There were some good points to this movie, like Anakin and Qui Gon Jin. But overall, this movie is far weaker than any of the other five.

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how come people dont like return of the jedi so much






1& 2 dont even worth mentionning

when people ask me which one i should watch first, i say if u watch 1& 2 ull be well rested to watch the rest

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