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Believe in Conspiracy Theory against Bills?

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Also, what ever happened to Bills fans being amongst the most knowledgeable?


There is only one way to be.  We will go 16 - 0.  If you say anything different you will be ridiculed.  This attitude helps people who find it too painful to think for themselves.  It's a world of conformity .. conform or be ignored or mocked.


Say some thing now, you're too early.

Say something when the season starts, too early to tell.

Say something at mid season, nothing can be done about it now.

Say something at the end of the season, we'll fix it in the off-season.

Tell people nothing is happening in the off-season (again) you still can't win.


These folks will drive a car cross-country with one flat tire because to admit one tire went flat would admit something is wrong with the car.  There can't be anything wrong with the car, because the owner would have to first think and then fix it.  If you don't like the car with a flat tire, become a Dolfins fan.  Get it?


As for the conspiracy.  There are no conspiracies.  Just ask anyone with their head in the sand.  They won't see any.  The Bills will stay in the shadows until Wilson meets his maker.


Have a nice day ~


The Thread Killer ... Surf


LMAO....This may be the best post ever on TBD. A shot to all the regulars who do nothing that swarm like sharks to try to be comedian of the year while posting about 400 times a day.


AMEN to this.

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LMAO....This may be the best post ever on TBD.  A shot to all the regulars who do nothing that swarm like sharks to try to be comedian of the year while posting about 400 times a day.


AMEN to this.


I find no humor in this. Anyone else?

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LMAO....This may be the best post ever on TBD.  A shot to all the regulars who do nothing that swarm like sharks to try to be comedian of the year while posting about 400 times a day.


AMEN to this.



I think that you have it ass-backwards. Surfmeister is a long-time and well respected poster on TSW. He goes back to and perhaps before the Flutie days.


Years ago, there was constant disagreement about personnel issues, etc.

Today, things are different. If one takes certain positions that go against the party line, they are often ridiculed.

I once suggested a trade of Travis Henry for Jay Fiedler. There were so many personal insults that Mark, to his credit, had to delete the thread, which consisted of at least 60 posts. The party line was that Travis was worth AT LEAST a 2nd, and that I was WAY out of line. One jerk-off even called it the most stupid post he had ever seen.


It IS cool to say that Bledsoe sucks and was to blame for everything that ever went wrong for the Bills in 04.

It is NOT cool to say that MW is overpaid, nor to assert that Travis Henry has little to no trade value, recent results notwithstanding.


This is STILL the best site on the web. I heap unlimited praise upon SDS and every moderator.

That said, I am thankful that there are still some "old-timers" left on TBD. Were it not for them, I am thinking that you would enjoy this board a lot less.


In summary, I salute the long time posters that helped to make this board so great, and I welcome newcomers that want to talk some serious football. :w00t:

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It IS cool to say that Bledsoe sucks and was to blame for everything that ever went wrong for the Bills in 04.

It is NOT cool to say that MW is overpaid, nor to assert that Travis Henry has little to no trade value, recent results notwithstanding.


This is STILL the best site on the web. I heap unlimited praise upon SDS and every moderator.

That said, I am thankful that there are still some "old-timers" left on TBD. Were it not for them, I am thinking that you would enjoy this board a lot less.


In summary, I salute the long time posters that helped to make this board so great, and I welcome newcomers that want to talk some serious football.  :w00t:



I completely agree with what you are saying. There is a little too much groupthink on this board sometimes. That being said, it is still the best sports board on the web even with this problem.

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remember the man with the cigarette on the  "x-files" said the bills will never win a superbowl as long as he was in charge



but the cancerman isn't in charge anymore. TDs running the show now and since he took over the bills...


umm, nevermind

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I completely agree with what you are saying. There is a little too much groupthink on this board sometimes. That being said, it is still the best sports board on the web even with this problem.


I just do not buyt this. IMHO,one tends to look at ones own position to determine if there is groupthink(majority disagree) or lots of smart people(majority agree). To me , when the majority want Drew to get the hell out of town, that is not group think, but rather a majority opinion.


In terms of trade ideas, if my buddy suggested a Fiedler for Henry trade, I would tell him what a knucklehead he is, he would tell me im an idiot for not making it, and we would go back to telling dirty jokes.


I would hope it is the same here. Just cause I say I think your an idiot for suggesting thats a dumb trade, it doesn't mean i think you are truly an idiot. I remember getting blasted here for suggesting the Bills really didn't like Shelton when evryone was screaming for the trade, but thats what makes it fun.

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LMAO....This may be the best post ever on TBD.  A shot to all the regulars who do nothing that swarm like sharks to try to be comedian of the year while posting about 400 times a day.


AMEN to this.



You got it ~

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So, you don't believe in a league wide conspiracy to keep the small-market Bills down?


Try this fact on for size: THIS SEASON the Bills play a team coming off a bye three times despite playing a game themselves the week before. I looked it up, and NO OTHER team has this anomaly occur more than once!!!!


Can this be a freak coincidence? No, not when I looked it up from the year before and it happened twice then too. So, five times in the last two years? No other team had this happen to them more than three times over the last two years!!


Read it and weep:


WEEK 5 - Sunday Oct. 9 - Miami at Buffalo (Miami takes a bye in week 4, Bills play at New Orleans)


WEEK 8 - Sunday Night Oct. 30 - Buffalo AT New England (Pats bye in week 7, Bills played AT Oakland the week before! So, we play AT N.E. on a Sunday night, they take a bye the week before and rest, and we go all the way out west, and second week in a row on the road. Nice scheduling by the league. We get reemed.)


WEEK 11 - Sunday Nov. 20 - Buffalo AT San Diego (San Diego byes in week 10, and we play home against K.C. in week 10. Again, we are on the road to a team coming off a bye when we played the week before, and it is ALL the way to the west coast. This is totally ridiculous)


You don't believe this? Look it up for yourselves. NO other team has to play teams coming off byes when they played the previous week as much as the Bills. I haven't seen another team that this happens more than once to! Factor in that two of these are on the road, and I'd say we've got a story here. It should come as no surprise to us. When you've got a 9-7 team that gets less national televised exposure than stink pots like the Cowboys, Raiders, Redskins, Chiefs, Giants. . . you know that something sour is going on.


I felt it was my duty to report the painful truth here. I don't like it anymore than you all should.


I am not at all surprised at this. I meant to look this up myself because i was semi-expecting it, as this seems to become common practice with the Bills schedule. Just like the Sabres seem to get more back to back games with the second one on the road than any other NHL team. I am not saying I believe in conspiracy theories, but it does make one wonder what's up with that.

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