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"Our guy" said that he couldn't pre-take our order, meaning I had to call this morning.  I called at 9:00, which was when my son's little league game started.  The game ended and they still hadn't answered.  We headed to his soccer game and as I figured, they picked up when I was driving - 80 minutes later!!!


I was able to get our tickets, however.  We will be in section 337, rows 25-29 I think he said.  I officially received orders for 127 tickets, and I got 8 extras.  The tickets will be sent out and I should get them in 2 to 3 weeks.




Hey Jay!


IF you get the ticktes before the 21st or so AND you can possibly get them in the mail to me, the CNJBBB meets on the 25th. It would be fantastic to get the tickets by that time.


Go Bills!




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