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Cold medicine to be behind-the-counter now

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It doesn't affect your access, but aren't you a bit concerned that you have to give your drivers license and sign a log in order to get COLD MEDICINE?


And why aren't there these restrictions on bunsen burners?  Draino?


And how is this really helping anything?  Why won't Mr. Meth maker go to Walmart for a couple packages, Target for a couple more, WalGreens, RiteAid, etc?  IF someone wants to make meth, this is hardly a deterrant.  All it does is forces normal citizens to "show your papers" to get cold medicine.  All security is a tradeoff -- and in this case, I don't see any benefit to outweigh the negatives.






Wouldn't they be in a database if they were going from store to store... A red-flag would show?



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Wouldn't they be in a database if they were going from store to store... A red-flag would show?





I don't think so; from what the articles I've read say, you sign a logbook and show an ID. Doesn't sound like that information is going to be shared in some central location - if it were, that raises even MORE red flags (who controls the data? Who has access to the data? Who pays to keep the data?). They might write your driver license number down in the book as well, but that's about it.


Besides, if you're cooking a few hundred thousand dollars worth of meth, how hard would it be to get a few fake IDs?



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In my younger days I use to work at a grocery store. Part of my nightly duties was to clean up the restrooms in the store. Every night I would find a few home pregnancy tests in the girls bathroom. If the test came up negative, the girl would leave the test in the bathroom stall. However, I have never seen a girl leave a positive test.

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Are we going to get to the point where the counter is at the very front of the store and virtually everything is behind the counter?



Even more reason to do all of your shopping online. :blink:



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Until the late 60's, Black Beauties used to be made on Jefferson Road at the Strasenburgh Laboratories. They exported them in 55 gallon drums to Mexico.

Funny thing, but they found their way back into the US somehow or other.


Strasenburgh Labs sold out to a British Pharma when the gov'mnt cracked down on speed.

I think you can only get a script for meth now if you have narcolepsy.


Things just aren't the same since the Kennedy's were running the country.

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