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Rain/snow and the game plan

Italian Bills

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On 12/10/2022 at 9:57 AM, YoloinOhio said:

The weaker team likely will also be affected by the conditions. Both need to take care of the ball period. White is prone to interceptions because he want to get the ball out very fast to avoid sacks but can make poor decisions under pressure. He very much relies on timing and doesn’t create/improvise  when things break down. He’s an Andy Dalton type to me.

True, but sloppy conditions always favor the weaker team.


It helps to close the gap between teams. 


Good teams should hate bad weather.



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20 hours ago, Herb Nightly said:

Get off it. You 'domers" embarrass yourselves.  There will be no dome. 

I think it's pretty clear that they are not building a dome.


However, that doesn't change the fact that they should be building a dome, and an open air stadium in Orchard Park simply repeats the same mistakes made in the early 1970s.

Buffalo being Buffalo, this is not surprising.





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