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(OT) Review: Episode III Revenge of the Sith

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maybe when Vader turned back to Anakin, he realized that the love and meaning of his life was gone(Padme) so he gave up on life just as she did.


I always thought part of the reason he died at the end of ROTJ was that he'd given up on the Dark Side, which was one of the things keeping him alive as Vader.


Just got back from the movie and LOVED it.


I loved how the handled the two fights at the finale. I got the sense Yoda could defeat the Emperor but that he couldn't do it fast enough and the Emperor was going to call in his armies (which he, of course, did). Anakin losing to Obi-Wan because he was too arrogant to know he was making a really bad move - great.


And it makes perfect sense to me that basically all the galaxy's problems are because of a woman. I also loved how Anakin offered to kill the Emperor for her like it was no big deal. :doh:

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And it makes perfect sense to me that basically all the galaxy's problems are because of a woman. 





Fox was showing Ep.II today while I was playing poker....I forgot that Lucas had Jar Jar be the one who proposed to the senate the idea of giving Palpatine emergency powers. I wonder if that was Lucas' punishment to that character for sucking :D

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I loved how the handled the two fights at the finale.  I got the sense Yoda could defeat the Emperor but that he couldn't do it fast enough and the Emperor was going to call in his armies (which he, of course, did).  Anakin losing to Obi-Wan because he was too arrogant to know he was making a really bad move - great.


And it makes perfect sense to me that basically all the galaxy's problems are because of a woman.  I also loved how Anakin offered to kill the Emperor for her like it was no big deal.  :doh:



i definatly thaught yoda could defeat the emperor, but he fell... :D , i dont see why he went in to hiding. he could have just gotten to the emperor some other time.


it is all because of a woman. he does all this just on the half ass of a chance that in the 3 weeks befor the child(s) are born that darth and the emperor can learn how to bring people back to life. (cus the emperor said he could NOT do it).


Anakin did say he could kill the emperor after he learned how to bring back Padme.

but just befor the final fight scene anakin said he wants power. so even if he does kill the emperor, he would take his place, rather than go back to the jedi.

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Take this for what it's worth, but I just read on another website that in an interview with Ian McDiarmid (Palpatine) he said that althogh it was not explained in the the film, Palpatine/Sidious had the ability to alter his face, and that how it looked after the Windu confrontation was how it *really* looked. He had to alter it to make it more acceptable when he was involved in the senate, and then - as stated above - to use it as evidence against the Jedi.



It's called force camoflague.


Expeanded Universe kind of stuff, but Sith Assassins are said to use it.

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Overall, I liked it. Of course, there were a few things that I imagined happening differently, but I'm sure that is true of everyone.


The opening scene where the camera follows the two ships was awesome! My good friend was raving about it for hours, he works for a CGI company and he said that scene must have been a nightmare to render.




A friend of mine works at Skywalker Ranch and he said that the opening space battle was the most complex piece of special effects ever. Also the largest space battle ever. I think it will take about 12 viewings of the movie to catch everything that happened in it -- even then, maybe a few more times will reveal more ...


I saw it on a standard screen and it felt like an IMAX film.

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I saw it tonight...it sucked.


You know, I agree with you. The acting is worse then daytime soap opera's. All the neat sound's and graphics can't overcome the horrible acting in the last 2 SW movies.

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You know, I agree with you.  The acting is worse then daytime soap opera's.  All the neat sound's and graphics can't overcome the horrible acting in the last 2 SW movies.


Are you saying Phantom Menace had good acting? I thought Sith had very good acting. For once, it actually seemed like the actors had something to work with and I cared about what was going on on-screen. It was the first prequel that made me feel anything when I was watching it.

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Are you saying Phantom Menace had good acting?  I thought Sith had very good acting.  For once, it actually seemed like the actors had something to work with and I cared about what was going on on-screen.  It was the first prequel that made me feel anything when I was watching it.



It's not the acting that's bad. One consistent feature of Lucas' films is that his direction sucks. I mean, Ewan McGregor's a pretty good actor, as is Samuel L. Jackson...but when they get outperformed by an animated garbage can, a mystical frog with odd speech patterns, and a tall man covered entirely in dog pelts, the problem's probably behind the camera rather than in front of it.


And even as bad as some of the acting is...it in NO WAY approaches the thespian atrocity of Mark Hamil's performance in Return of the Jedi. :doh:

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And even as bad as some of the acting is...it in NO WAY approaches the thespian atrocity of Mark Hamil's performance in Return of the Jedi.  :doh:



Mark Hamill's performance throughout most of the original trilogy was darn near as bad as JarJar or Jake Lloyd. Sorry, but this whole epic of SW was never based on good acting. It's the story. It's the ground breaking VFX.

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Mark Hamill's performance throughout most of the original trilogy was darn near as bad as JarJar or Jake Lloyd.  Sorry, but this whole epic of SW was never based on good acting.  It's the story.  It's the ground breaking VFX.


Hence the reason I have never considered any of the Star Wars movies to be great flicks. If they even had average acting then okay, but the acting in the last 2 films have been horrible. The guy who has played the grown up Anikan might as well give up acting now, he is maybe the worst actor ever. Natalie Portman looks good and was decent in #1 plus she has actually shown pretty good skills elsewhere, but as CTM said it maybe behind the camera.


Too much time spent on gimmics and and not enough on plot and storyline, maybe???? But I have seen some limited storylines save a movie with good acting. The acting in the last two has just been the worst thesbian skills ever. Hell Sponge Bob is more believable.

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Just saw the movie and really liked it. The only thing....


How could Padme "Lose the will to live" when she was just shown two beautiful babies? I thought that was very disingenous and left a hole. Maybe I need to see it again, but even if Anakin broke her heart, you'd think the babies would be used by her to try and turn anankin back. I think that was poor storytelling.

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Mark Hamill's performance throughout most of the original trilogy was darn near as bad as JarJar or Jake Lloyd.  Sorry, but this whole epic of SW was never based on good acting.  It's the story.  It's the ground breaking VFX.



I didn't think he was horrible in the first one (didn't think he was good..."watchable" at best.) But in ROTJ he set a new standard for shreikingly putrescent acting. I've never seen an actor try to play a part as stoic and detached, and come off as comatose like he did as a Jedi. His performance there makes Elizabeth Berkely's performance in Showgirls look Oscar-worthy.

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Just saw the movie and really liked it.  The only thing....


How could Padme "Lose the will to live" when she was just shown two beautiful babies?  I thought that was very disingenous and left a hole.  Maybe I need to see it again, but even if Anakin broke her heart, you'd think the babies would be used by her to try and turn anankin back.  I think that was poor storytelling.



My opinion is that Sidious killed her in the force and lied to Vader essentially to close the deal and make sure that he was his minion forever. Just as the entire epic of 6 movies was simply the story of Anakin (his rise, fall, and redemption), the prequels are the story of Palpatine as the puppet master. Everything that happened, came about because he had his hands all over it.

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I didn't think he was horrible in the first one (didn't think he was good..."watchable" at best.)  But in ROTJ he set a new standard for shreikingly putrescent acting.  I've never seen an actor try to play a part as stoic and detached, and come off as comatose like he did as a Jedi.  His performance there makes Elizabeth Berkely's performance in Showgirls look Oscar-worthy.



Unfortunately in this discussion, Mark Hamill was the only actor that was a main focus in three movies. JarJar was a secondary character in one movie, support in another, and barely there in a third. Jake Lloyd was a major focus in one movie. His quantity of bad-watchable acting more than makes up for a little bit of horrendous acting.


But again, SW is not about Oscar winning acting. It's about a story. A modern day legend/myth. A story about rising, falling and redemption.

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he was too arrogant to know he was making a really bad move - great.


And it makes perfect sense to me that basically all the galaxy's problems are because of a woman.  I also loved how Anakin offered to kill the Emperor for her like it was no big deal.  :doh:



Padme is the one that fought to get the old Chancellor out of office and bring Palpatine in. Jar Jar Binks is the one who let the vote to give emergency powers to Palpatine.

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Unfortunately in this discussion, Mark Hamill was the only actor that was a main focus in three movies.  JarJar was a secondary character in one movie, support in another, and barely there in a third.  Jake Lloyd was a major focus in one movie.  His quantity of bad-watchable acting more than makes up for a little bit of horrendous acting.


But again, SW is not about Oscar winning acting.  It's about a story.  A modern day legend/myth.  A story about rising, falling and redemption.



Don't even talk to me about Jar Jar. My conscious mind has blocked all memory of him.


The worst part by far about Revenge of the Sith, I though, was that Jar Jar lived.

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