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(OT) Review: Episode III Revenge of the Sith

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Hollywood sucks!  I have Team America #1 on my Netflix list(America !@#$ yeah!).  Check out my homepage on my profile.  Give me substance over style anyday


hehehe..hillarious flash on your site Pete! Brilliant use of a movie soundtrack! Im bookmarking that one!

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I thought it was brilliant. Now, I can't wait to watch a IV through VI again. It will be a different experience. Then I want to go see III ASAP. It had so much going on. It requires another immediate viewing. Bravo to Lucas- I loved this film.

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I just got back, I thought it was brilliant. Now, I can't wait to watch a IV through VI again. It will be a different experience. Then I want to go see III ASAP. It had so much going on. It requires another immediate viewing. Bravo to Lucas- I loved this film.



Yep, the way they leave off, you can't help but want to go pop in the OT lol. To SOME degree, it's almost like we get to watch the OT for the first time, cause we'll be able to view it from a new perspective. I think that speaks to just how good Ep.III really is. Any fan of this series will have no problem finding aspects of this movie that they love.

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I thought it was super cool when he just shot lightning out of his fingers in ROTJ for a couple of minutes, and now he's fighting in TWO lightsaber battles!  Too cool.

Good point.  This was the first one I got spoiled on, because I already knew the plot.  I'm certain that my spoilage will not detract from my experience at all.  Reading it and seeing it are two completely different animals.

Yeah, I very much enjoy the prequels.  I'm kind of extreme in that I don't really prefer any of the movies over the others.  My favorite depends on what mood I'm in.  I watched TPM the other day and got a kick out of it.  Generally, If it's Star Wars, I like it, so I know I'll love ROTS.

Have fun! :lol: Can't wait to be doing the same thing tomorrow.



Oh yeah, he does a whole lot more than shoot lightning for a couple minutes.....you'll be happy :P


I just got back from seeing it again. The biggest difference was the fact that it wasn't IMAX lol. The film still kicked butt, but the IMAX presentation earlier in the day really spoiled me. Hard to beat a 6-story screen and 50,000 watts of audio bliss! I did pay attention to the scene we discussed, and I didn't see where Yoda mentioned Padme being visibly preggo. I guess Lucas decided to just let the scene speak for itself, I dunno. I have to say that I'm really impressed with Ewan. Back when they first did the casting for Ep.I I was really hoping that Kenneth Brannagh (sp?) and Joshua Jackson would get the Obi-Wan and Anakin parts. I still think Joshua Jackson could have done as good or better of a job than Hayden, but Ewan was clearly the right choice.


The biggest thing I realized while watching it for a second time is just how pivotal it is to the overall series. With the notable exception of maybe Han Solo, you pretty much have every major component of Star Wars at least touched upon in Ep.III. Empire Strikes Back, until now, has been viewed as sort of the turning point in the series, but I really think Ep.III has taken over that role. That's not to say that it diminishes Empire in any way, cause it doesn't. It's an awesome film; arguably the best overall. But in Ep.III you have a complete and utter upheaval of the galaxy. It's a huge shift in power. There is chaos everywhere. The other two prequels certainly lay a lot of foundation, but I think it's hard to argue that any other film is more important to the overall story than Ep.III.


Okay, I've been on the SW kick so long today that I'm about to explode lol. Definitely let us know what you think of it after you check it out!


PS. One other thing I thought was symbolic was the scene with Anakin and Dooku in the beginning of the film. There is a part where Anakin has a red lightsaber in one hand and a blue one in the other. A major decision is involved during this scene, too. I just couldn't help but notice thy symbolism there.

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Yep, the way they leave off, you can't help but want to go pop in the OT lol. To SOME degree, it's almost like we get to watch the OT for the first time, cause we'll be able to view it from a new perspective. I think that speaks to just how good Ep.III really is. Any fan of this series will have no problem finding aspects of this movie that they love.



I think that the Empire Strikes Back will be the one that will seem so different now. Yoda and Obi-Wan didn't just run off. They were waiting patiently until the time was right. There was a plan.


From a visual standpoint, it was interesting to see the ships and uniforms all starting to evolve into what we were familiar with from IV-VI.

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I think that the Empire Strikes Back will be the one that will seem so different now. Yoda and Obi-Wan didn't just run off. They were waiting patiently until the time was right. There was a plan.


From a visual standpoint, it was interesting to see the ships and uniforms all starting to evolve into what we were familiar with from IV-VI.



Yeah, I thought that was pretty cool, too. In fact, towards the end you see the precursor of the tie fighters approaching what I'm guessing is an early star destroyer, and you hear that familiar "roar" as they fly by.....sounded very similar to the effects in Ep.IV. Just a cool movie all around, in my opinion.

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I totally understand that some people just dont' like this kind of movie, but the whole 'political' thing holds no water. Lucas himself laughed at the idea and said that most of these ideas were conceptualized long ago. I think you can see what you want to see in just about anything. This movie has nothing to do with Hollywood. Anyone who knows Lucas' history at all knows that Lucas has gone out of his way to keep Hollywood and the studios away from his films.


People are reading way too much into this. It's Star Wars. Nothing more.


PS. For what it's worth, I thought Team America was hilarious.

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I saw the 11:30 showing last night. I loved it. Empire Strikes Back is still my favorite one, but Revenge of the Sith comes pretty close to topping it. I really enjoyed how nicely every tied in together. You got a ton of action scenes and the last 30-45 minutes were the best, especially when the Clones turned on every single Jedi that was still around. The only complaint I have is like others....When Anakin became the Sith Lord, it didn't flow as well as I liked, it kinda felt a little forced. But once he was evil, man was he evil. He made me feel bad for him in the first half of the movie, but once he went into the Temple to slaughter the young Jedis, I really hated him and wanted to see Obi Wan kill him. Overall, I agree with everyone else..it was a great movie and it was really cool to see/hear the fan reaction during the movie.

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pretentious overt propaganda if you ask me.  Flame away.......



Nice. You already made up your mind that this film would suck. You admitted to not even liking the original franchise.


Why start this thread?

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pretentious overt propaganda if you ask me.  Flame away.......



What? I saw it last night and it was great. Propaganda? Don't think so. His battle vs. good & evil has to do more with the Nazis from WWII as evil than anything else.

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I hate movies that try to push a agenda or political point of view. Thats why I though "Team America" was great.....Can't Hollywood be satisfied with making lots of bank? They have to push thier personal politcal point of view?


Yeah, Team America didn't have anything to say politically. :)

But of course if it's how you view the world, then it's not "political".


To me it appeared that Lucas tried to create some paralell to GW and American foreign policy to the Stiths. Not even in a clever way- very overt.

Ummmm Pete, I think this stuff was all created and written back when King George II was still knee deep in coke and ho's. The fact that you so quickly drew a parallel between the Empire and the Bush administration should reallllllly tell you something. Like maybe our current administration is a wee bit overeager to self-righteously project power for everybody else's own "good".


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Apparently you guys didn't get the TBD memo that this flick "sucked".



right, cuz Lucas planned a diatribe against GWB in the 1970s when he orignially conceptualized the story of Palpatine taking over the universe ...


OK, sarcasm is now off. Anyone who has watched all the movies and read many of the between-movie books knows that SW is perhaps one of the most developed storylines of our time.

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I am not big into Star Wars so do not know the whole story.  To me it appeared that Lucas tried to create some paralell to GW and American foreign policy to the Stiths.  Not even in a clever way- very overt.....Michael Moore loves this film I am certain



Those who have bought into this thinking are likely those who also see the Virgin Mary in a salt stain in an underpass. :)

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