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Jets er Olympic No Jets Stadium vote tabled

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The Jets are already spending over a billion dollars for this stadium, the state and the city are just pitching in.


But the price tag is now around 2 billion dollars with costs going up every day. N.Y. States share is supposed to be only $300 million.

Is Woody going to come up with the rest??

Ladbrokes (odds site) still has NY City and Madrid tied at 20-1 with Paris and London running in the front for the Olympics.

Moscow out of the running at 50-1.

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Pataki and Bloomy better watch their asses regarding this damn stadium. They have been taking some serious heat over the past few weeks because of the delays associated with the Ground Zero redevelopment, with the opinion being that they have focused so much on the stadium that Ground Zero has been neglected.


At a minimum, I think Pataki is going to have step back from the stadium issue and focus more of his attention on Ground Zero.

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ets near new lease at Giants Stadium

10-year extension looms as West Side talks falter

Thursday, May 19, 2005


Star-Ledger Staff


With hopes dimming for their $2 billion dream stadium in Manhattan, the Jets are closing in on a 10-year extension to the team's lease at Giants Stadium, state officials said yesterday.


The new lease would firm up the Jets' right to remain in Giants Stadium until 2018, providing the team with a serious backup plan if its proposed West Side stadium project falls through. It also gives the team major leverage in upcoming talks with the Giants, who need the Jets' approval to build a $750 million stadium in the Meadowlands next to the existing one.


Carl Goldberg, chairman of the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority, the state agency that operates the Meadowlands, said the state viewed the lease extension as an olive branch to the Jets that would make it as easy as possible for the franchise to stay in New Jersey if it cannot reach a deal to build a stadium in New York.


"We want them to stay in the sports complex," Goldberg said yesterday. "We thought this was a way to make them as comfortable as possible with playing in the current building or in the new Meadowlands football stadium."


The Jets and the sports authority have been fighting a rent dispute in court for the past year. The new lease, which will reduce the Jets' rent to 10 percent of gross ticket sales from 15 percent and give the team the right to break the agreement if the franchise can build a stadium elsewhere, has virtually no downside for the Jets.


It even raises the possibility that the team could ask to take over the existing Giants Stadium in return for giving the Giants permission to build their new facility. As a result, the sports complex could become home to two NFL stadiums.


Three officials with knowledge of the negotiations said talks between the Jets and the sports authority heated up during the past two weeks as it became clear the Jets' proposed $2 billion stadium on Manhattan's West Side was running into a major roadblock. The stadium in New York would also be used as an Olympic stadium if New York lands the 2012 Summer Games.


New York Gov. George Pataki announced last night that the Public Authorities Control Board, which is threatening to kill the project by rejecting some $300 million in state subsidies, will vote on the matter on Wednesday.


If the stadium does not win approval before July, when the International Olympic Committee is set to vote on the site for the 2012 Olympics, support for the project is expected to wither.

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Ah, that's absolutely wonderful! :wacko:


The West Side Stadium can not die fast enough for me. I'm glad to see that the Jets are covering their bases, another sign that Bloombergs folly is not going to happen.

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Friggin stupid idea. I hope it burns. It's about time that we in upstate get our due. The subsidy per capita in NYC is unreal compared to what the rest of the state gets.

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