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It should bring a smile to all objective voting age Americans to hear any Dem politician talk about "the mainstream of America"- this is, aferall, the party that without Ross Perot would not even be able to cling to any recent Executive Branch success. Mainstream indeed!


Their obvious strategy on Judicial votes is to keep the discussion about "the overreach of the Republican Party" and trying to exhibit to voters just how "stupid" voters are to keep voting in Republicans and voting out Dems. One major flaw though is that the people of the United States have voted out not necessarily Dem politicians but instead Dem ideas, and the ideas of the Democratic party continue to be the same body of tired, lame and failed arguments of the past. For instance, this is a party that refuses to this day to offer any idea on Social Security reform- if you intend to be part of any solution do you not need to offer some indication of firing synapses?


The stragegy of the Democratic party to virtually "hide" their own ideas while attacking the results of the past 12 election cycles by simply trying to reinforce the point that the people of America have voted them out of power seems to fly in the face of rational logic- I'd think any long term strategy instead of whatever short term gains they get with this "save our filibuster" campaign would require that they come back to the table of ideas with something new. Until then they seem doomed to continue sinking into the quicksand of irrelevance. Clinging to the filibuster as your very last gasp of influence should be embarrasing for anyone who wasn't born in France- it simply points out the lack of fitness of your ideas to attract voters.

It should bring a smile to all objective voting age Americans to hear any Dem politician talk about "the mainstream of America"- this is, aferall, the party that without Ross Perot would not even be able to claim recent Executive Branch success. Mainstream indeed!


Their obvious strategy on Judicial votes is to keep the discussion about "the overreach of the Republican Party" and trying to exhibit to voters just how "stupid" voters are to keep voting in Republicans and voting out Dems. One major flaw though is that the people of the United States have voted out not necessarily Dem politicians but instead Dem ideas, and the ideas of the Democratic party continue to be the same body of tired, lame and failed arguments of the past. For instance, this is a party that refuses to this day to offer any idea on Social Security reform- if you intend to be part of any solution do you not need to offer some indication of firing synapses?


The stragegy of the Democratic party to virtually "hide" their own ideas while attacking the results of the past 12 election cycles by simply trying to reinforce the point that the people of America have voted them out of power seems to fly in the face of rational logic- I'd think any long term strategy instead of whatever short term gains they get with this "save our filibuster" campaign would require that they come back to the table of ideas with something new. Until then they seem doomed to continue sinking into the quicksand of irrelevance. Clinging to the filibuster as your very last gasp of influence should be embarrasing for anyone who wasn't born in France- it simply points out the lack of fitness of your ideas to attract voters.




I think a big part of the problem is exactly what you called the democratic strategy of hiding their ideas.


The democratic party just hasn't been offering any ideas. If you go here, and look at all the major headlines, its all attacking Bush. They have great points. Theres lots wrong with the republican party and their ideas.


The democratic party's approach though to combating the republican ideas is seriously bad. The party isn't nearly as united on issues as the republican party is. The democrats are more or less selling a "we are standing up for your rights as a citizen and as part of the world community" package by saying "look at what this administration is doing, its horrible!" In reality, the democratic party should be selling a package of "look at what is wrong with this administration's actions. This is what we democrats support in it and this is how we would fix the rest of it."


I think the democratic ideas, ideals, and values are needed today and still exist within the democratic party. The democrats just don't understand that saying "Social security needs to be fixed. Private accounts will hurt most people due these reasons. Instead of privatizing social security, lets do this instead" would attract people to them. Instead they think packaging their tradition as the driving force behind their arguments as well as extremely nonrealist views on issues (such as there isn't a problem with social security) is what turns people off the most.


In short, I agree. 0:)

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