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BOMBGATE: The J6 DNC/RNC Pipe Bomber(s): Bomb sniffing dog missed DNC bomb at 9:50 am on J6.

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8 minutes ago, Starr-Bills said:

My side. really? You mean Americans?

***** you as well, the felon was impeached over this. He called and tried to strong arm the GA governor so much that the Gov felt he had to record the conversation. Dozens of "republicans" testified under oath both in his administration and is state administrations that there was not fraud, hell his ***** AG who is a POS) said the same, even Fox News calls az for Biden. If the SCOTUS wasn't so up his ass (or really his $$$ men since he is broke) we would have already had the trials showing just how guilty he is. Go back to your alternate reality basement. 


AND it's over this ***** POS failure, cheat spoiled brat compromised traitor. this is what you want to throw away the country for? Seriously? You might want to reexamine (or maybe examine is the right word) your motivations. "owning the libs" is pretty lame, and racism is pretty sick. 


No I don't mean Americans I mean your side who, despite the reality in front of your eyes, believe that the 2020 election was beyond reproach. You know, deep down in your near empty head, that that election was a fraud. And you can, once again, cite reports from those involved in the fraud who reports that there is no evidence of election tampering when anyone who has two brain cels to rub together know it happened.

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42 minutes ago, wnyguy said:

No I don't mean Americans I mean your side who, despite the reality in front of your eyes, believe that the 2020 election was beyond reproach. You know, deep down in your near empty head, that that election was a fraud. And you can, once again, cite reports from those involved in the fraud who reports that there is no evidence of election tampering when anyone who has two brain cels to rub together know it happened.

Sounds like a religious cult all that ‘belief’. 

so to understand, a vast nationwide conspiracy to cheat happened and yet there is no proof of this and all the court cases were failures by Trump 




his calling the GA governor ASKING that the results be changed etc etc actual evidence of crimes and attempts to over turn and throw out the votes of millions of Americans, that is some how me not having any brain cells?


you’re projection is very strong. Sigh.

Edited by Starr-Bills
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