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Excerpt from "That's Life", by Frank Sinatra.


"That’s life, funny as it seems.

Some people get their kicks,

Stompin’ on a dream,"


I'm dismayed at those who want to criticize down to the atomic level, the simple fact that a goodly number of posters are looking forward to some innocent pleasure.


I'd rather be around them than a bunch of numbnut naysayers. :D



just for the record, i didn't criticize. i posed a question and i'm satisfied w/ the responses. i'm willing to accept that there's no real logic to it. i didn't stomp on anyone's dream. ;)

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I don't know why you'd rather be around those types of pepole than numbnut naysayers.  It just doesn't make sense to me.  Even if it's just some innocent pleasure for them, it's still the same innocent pleasure they can have in a week or two or three or eight or twelve or ...



:D No popcorn for you.

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Friday for me.


Can we agree ahead of time to post NO reviews until a week after the opening?


I think it would be easier if you just made an effort not to READ any reviews for a week after the opening. 0:)


Oh, that's right... you have no self control! :doh:






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Which one of those buttons calls your mother for a ride home? 0:)




I did see the Empire strikes back on opening day because someone in the dorm bought tickets for the whole floor.

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just for the record, i didn't criticize.  i posed a question and i'm satisfied w/ the responses.  i'm willing to accept that there's no real logic to it.  i didn't stomp on anyone's dream.  :lol:



Awright...! 0:) Confession: crappy old bones and iffy digestive plumbing condemn me to waiting for the DVD anyway. :doh:

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I think it would be easier if you just made an effort not to READ any reviews for a week after the opening.  0:)


Oh, that's right... you have no self control!  :doh:




Hey, what...did you forget about patient confidentiality?!?!



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quick question -- what's the big deal about seeing it first?  it's not a live event -- it's a MOVIE.  you can see it any time you want after tonight.  it's not even as if you can party -- you're sitting there quietly watching a flick.  is anyone really going to be impressed that you saw it at the first showing?


i guess if you want to go see the goofballs in their costumes it's an experience, but really, that's about the only reason i can come up with.


sporting events, concerts, plays, etc., are all live events where you have an opportunity to see something that will happen one time only.  but making an extra effort to be the "first" to see a movie you can watch a thousand more times?  color me confused.  and i'm an admitted star wars fan.


mind you, i'm not telling anyone not to do it; i'm just curious as to the motivation behind it because it seems really odd.



This is why I'm going in July. 0:)


BTW, I think JSP is addressing me b/c I posted a link to the first review of ROTS about two weeks ago. I did list "CAUTION: SPOILERS".


But I will not post reviews...other than the fact that it's a Star Wars movie, and the last remaining one. We know how it ends. Oh, and Natalie Portman's naked in it.



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Never quite understood why people HAD to see the first showing, other than to say they did, to impress people, I guess. Who remembers, or cares? 


If I go a week or month later it would still be the same movie that people stood in line and up until midnight+ for.




Same here, but the reason I always wait a few weeks is to avoid standing in line for 3 hours and/or getting some crappy seat way on the side of the theatre.


When I finally saw Saving Private Ryan, there were about 10 people in the whole theatre...I had the best seat in the house.


For those of you just getting home from the midnight show, I hope you enjoyed it!

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Hey, what...did you forget about patient confidentiality?!?!




Hey, JSP, I am "Rockpile" not "Doc Pile", remember?


All your dark secrets can be published (what are they again?)!



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