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I'm there.  Can't wait.  Once work lets out I'm heading up to go stand in line with the rest of the geeks.



I already bought my tickets through Fandango, but I'm planning to arrive @ the theater by 9:30pm to get in line.

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I already bought my tickets through Fandango, but I'm planning to arrive @ the theater by 9:30pm to get in line.



Yeah I've got my tickets too. I've had them for a few weeks now. But if you want to sit in a good spot you better get your ass up there a little sooner than 9:30.

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I am going tomorrow after work. It's suppsed to rain here for the next two days, so I'm glad I won't be in the line tonight. The lines here have been building for a while, so I don't think I'd be able to get in until tomorrow night anyway. On another note, I've got a free pass to go see Lords of Dogtown tonight. I don't know if anyone saw the Dogtown and the Z Boys documetnary, but it should be cool.


Can't wait for tomorrow night. I've been anticipating this movie for a year.

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Yeah I've got my tickets too.  I've had them for a few weeks now.  But if you want to sit in a good spot you better get your ass up there a little sooner than 9:30.




I'll be good to go. It's playing on 4 screens @ the place I'm going to, so I'm not too worried.

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Friday for me.


Can we agree ahead of time to post NO reviews until a week after the opening?



I was thinking at least have a "spoiler free" thread...maybe we can have two threads...I'm sure those who have seen it (and those who don't care) would like to discuss details...


Another option is to use white text to mask spoilers, like below:



Chewbacca is Han Solo's father.



It's not completely hidden but at least someone perusing through the thread won't stumble into a spoiler...

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Friday for me.


Can we agree ahead of time to post NO reviews until a week after the opening?




Thats as likely as not seeing a TH thread the rest of the year...too many LAMPers here will want to be the first one to tell you :D

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You guys just make sure to get to the parking lot as soon as the movie is over! Parents hate it when you dawdle and make them wait...




This from someone who spends his spare time watching Monty Python movies?




Yes Kettle?


You're black.


Oh. Thanks.



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This from someone who spends his spare time watching Monty Python movies?




Yes Kettle?


You're black.


Oh. Thanks.





Man I've heard a lot of good comebacks in my day and this certainly isn't one of them. Creative juices all dried up there J-Bone?



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quick question -- what's the big deal about seeing it first? it's not a live event -- it's a MOVIE. you can see it any time you want after tonight. it's not even as if you can party -- you're sitting there quietly watching a flick. is anyone really going to be impressed that you saw it at the first showing?


i guess if you want to go see the goofballs in their costumes it's an experience, but really, that's about the only reason i can come up with.


sporting events, concerts, plays, etc., are all live events where you have an opportunity to see something that will happen one time only. but making an extra effort to be the "first" to see a movie you can watch a thousand more times? color me confused. and i'm an admitted star wars fan.


mind you, i'm not telling anyone not to do it; i'm just curious as to the motivation behind it because it seems really odd.

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