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SUW - " Houston, we have a problem.."

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'constable Wilbert Jue'






I liked that also.


"I hit him with a bottle," said Sylvia Velasquez. "


Nice to see you can drink Tequila there, while taking a break out front of your workplace. Sounds like my kind of place. Attacking birds and drinking in public.

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Speaking of birds,when I was driving yesterday on the way home from work,I caught this HUGE bird out of the corner of my eye that was on the side of the road and flying up. Well,it didnt give itself enough clearance so the stupid thing hit the top of my Tracker!!! 0:) Man that thing scared the crap out of me!!! :doh: It couldve been an eagle since the feathers I noticed and actually the only thing I noticed out of the corner of my eye driving by. Anyway,Im glad I didnt kill it,as it mustve flew away and there was no damage to my Tracker,but the sucker shouldve took off sooner,because I didnt notice it til the last second!

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