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All of us come here most days and read others opinions and post our own about who & what is going on in the US as far as gov't issues & the way that it looks that certain POTUS past, present & future have done & will do moving forward .


If we look back in time to what some consider a better time when the deficit was very much in control - immigration was not a thing but again was something that we all didn't have a problem with because laws put in place to keep these things in control were abided by & not over looked . We thought that the US foreign policy was the good guy looking to be something that every one wanted to emulate in some way shape or form .


The "American Dream" was the one thing that every one wanted and trusted in which was a huge reason why this American Dream became so popular through out the world but then those that were running this country & promoting this utopia known as The USA changed and that change happened long ago & took place right before our eyes yet we did nothing & actually gave those that changed it the power by re-electing them time & time again .


The one common denominator that has been with that change & it has been in both parties is the Career Politician . No matter which side they were on they started to put them selves & their districts ahead of the over all betterment of the country as a hole & individual greed along with some lies made as promises to get re-elected kept these people in places to continue their personal agenda's which grew over the years .


And for the most part they are lawyers that go to school with the thoughts of politics as a career with a back ground in law to know just how to manipulate words & the law itself to benefit them selves or others other than then people which elected them .


Back door deals such as the Federal reserve act of 1937 happened probably along with other things such as opening SS to all that want it instead of those that paid into it & the many other things we know nothing about still today .


Things such as our gov't knowingly allowing things to be produced that caused disease such as Teflon, agent orange, none calorie sweeteners and many others though the gov't agencies put in place to protect us stood to make money or political gain from letting these things pass looking the other way or doctoring results and more than likely in some cases the Politicians pushed for these things to pass .


Even today the one biggest disease that makes more money than all others probably put together that being cancer there are products that the gov't elects that are suppose to be in place to look out for We The Peoples best interest turn a blind eye to, things such as round up (which is a off shoot of Agent orange) made by Monsanto which i bet one of those inconspicuous super groups that give billions to re-election campaigns could very well be a subsidiary of Monsanto .


Then there is big pharma and those companies that are allowed to put out opioids legally killing people or such things as Zantac every single day and once again probably has a super group that donates to re-election campaigns behind the scenes & it wouldn't even surprise me if there were off shore accounts set up to coat the pockets of these politicians which is the common denominator in all of it .


I remember a day when the gov't put their foot down & stopped big pharma from making what was called Ludes or Quay Ludes & then they made a law against marijuana until they got a patent on it & now because they now know they can make money from it both in the patent & in taxes it's looking to become legal talk about hypocrites !! 


Then while we all sit around & they intentionally keep the infighting of racism, political differences, and all other things that we bicker about to keep us divided as to not see what they are actually accomplishing even those now that say they oppose what their counter parts are doing won't stand up to what they say they are fighting against when the time is at hand to stand & fight they fold like a deck of cards .


Remember Richard Nixon ? Remember how the world thought it was so corrupt for him to tape a conversation in another office of the gov't ? It was so bad he resigned as the POTUS because he brought so much shame to the position & didn't want to go through the disgrace of a public trial he resigned .


But in modern day politics you have a POTUS getting a BJ in the white house cheating on his wife then lying about it and today is applauded for it . Then there is the fact that another president allowed false papers & lies to manipulate a FISA court to get warrants to spy on a then US citizen and absolutely no one is held accountable yet are still allowed to collect their pensions and basically be untouchable .


Sure there is the farce that is impeachment just another way to spend a lot of tax payers money for nothing and then it can also be used as a tool more than once despite the out come . Even proving that those allegations brought under false pretenses where just that false yet no one once again is made to pay the consequences of their actions & who are these of which i speak it is the common denominator Politicians !!


And in the end there's not 1 dam thing that any of us can do about it because once they are in place they are there for life if they so decide unless of course you go against the status quo then they will in some way find a way to get you out like oh who was the guy that cheated on his wife John Edwards, Elliot Spitzer, scape goats or they got out because of their conscience yet Clinton the most well known of them all was applauded & unscathed .


Politicians are the cause of ALL of this countries woes the deficit, the hatred from many foreign countries & for good reason, inflation, bad immigration policy, bad military policy's, energy and any number of other things that you want to think of .


Wouldn't it be great if politicians could be held to the real life standards that we are to uphold when it comes to performing our jobs such as if you get caught lying in order to get promoted, or if you steal products from you company, or if you embezzle money from your place of employment by lying or allowing back door deals, but that will never happen in this world that has become what it is today .


Corruption rules politics in every facet and has for longer than any of us truly know of ! When someone does finally come along to try and do what is right for us they are doomed/mocked/cancelled because the corruption will over take them in many different ways so many that they will never be able to with stand it because of the strength of the common denominator from all sides that is !! 


The Politician ...


Don't forget to add the covid pandemic to the list of politicians political propaganda ...

Edited by T master
12 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

Our government is doing a fine job. This is the best government on earth. Get out and work and make a success of yourself and stop being a crybaby that its all the government's fault, or the media's fault. 


God Bless America 🇺🇸❤️

Funny how you played a different tune 2016-2020. 🙄

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A Convention of States to impose term limits might be the only thing left that could salvage this mess.  The corruption is so embedded in the system that I'm not even sure it would work at this point.

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On 10/25/2022 at 5:19 PM, Tiberius said:

Our government is doing a fine job. This is the best government on earth. Get out and work and make a success of yourself and stop being a crybaby that its all the government's fault, or the media's fault. 


God Bless America 🇺🇸❤️


Boy if this is a fine job i can't wait to see what it's like when it gets bad . Highest inflation in history, more than 2 million illegal DAM sorry "Undocumented immigrants" crossing in 1 year more than ever,  highest gas prices in a long time, uncontrolled gov't spending (which that's all of them) Bad gov't policy at every turn .


 I have worked my entire life for everything i have & the gov't gives me nothing i pay my taxes for what little i do get & i don't want anything from them just what they are suppose to supply protection, I'm a big boy i can make my own decisions i don't need to be told what is good for me & i know that if i followed our gov't lead i'd be in as bad of finical shape as the country is !!


And for the most part i own Everything i have do you ? 


Your just to biased to see the corruption & if you do you only focus on 1 side so that makes you a HUGE hypocrite . 

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