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Will Chris Jones get penalized for tripping play not called? Will Zebra?


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2 hours ago, The Wiz said:

I expect a nicely worded letter to be sent to the Bills organization "hey, sorry we missed that call.  My bad.  Sincerely, NFL"


That catch by Kelvin Benjamin that we ruled INC?  It was really a TD.  Our bad.


That TD in Houston that we called a touchback?  It was really a TD.  Our bad.


That crackback block in Houston that we called on Cody Ford?  That was really legal and you should have won that playoff game.  Our bad.


That contract that Indy gave Wolford?  We're gonna let them do it, but that kind of contract will be illegal from now on.  Our bad.


We have more apology letters from the NFL than any other team in NFL history.

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What I liked about Allen’s response is to point it out to the blind Ref IMMEDIATELY!


And to show, right out their in the open for all to see, exactly what that dirty move was!


So nobody…








was uncertain about what he was disputing! 

Even multiple fans on the Chiefs Board, commented that Jones got away with a dirty hack job!


Clearly, Refs are substandard. 
I’m not going to rehash my decades old comment about firing them all and rehiring Div 1 ex football players, with high IQs and 20-20 vision, etc.


But surely, as a minimum, we are here now:


“ At some point, the NFL is seriously going to need a Sky Judge: Someone to radio down and call that tripping penalty — or to nullify a roughing the passer that isn’t.”



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3 minutes ago, Freddie's Dead said:


That catch by Kelvin Benjamin that we ruled INC?  It was really a TD.  Our bad.


That TD in Houston that we called a touchback?  It was really a TD.  Our bad.


That crackback block in Houston that we called on Cody Ford?  That was really legal and you should have won that playoff game.  Our bad.


That contract that Indy gave Wolford?  We're gonna let them do it, but that kind of contract will be illegal from now on.  Our bad.


We have more apology letters from the NFL than any other team in NFL history.

I vaguely remember that the Bills received 2 letters, 2 games in a row one year.  One was against the raiders where we scored on 4th and goal from the 1 and they called it stopped.  I can't remember what the other game was though.

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4 hours ago, Freddie's Dead said:


Watch the replay again.  Jones fully extends his leg in Josh's direction, as the photo in @ExiledInIllinois's post shows.  It was clearly deliberate and the incompetent reffing crew we had today let it go.  An egregiously bad non-call.

That photo caught him red-handed, noway does a person shift his weight that way... Anyway,  doesn't have to be deliberate to be a penalty even though it was very, VERY much a deliberately done act of tripping!


This is the same scum bag that the refs tagged on the Brady phantom thing erroneously... The NFL must be turning into the NHL.  The Refs were probably told to look the other way with him.  Yeah!  But NOT on a play like this!😏 

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4 hours ago, BananaB said:

Lol. The ref is the only person in the stadium who could of taken a better picture then that, and we have evidence to prove it’

😆He's like the "Keep on Truckin'" guy:


We wouldn't be laughing IF thar cost the Bills the game!🤢


This one's for @Mike in Horseheadsand my wife that told me stop, calm down about the Refs: "Bills won despite the Refs, and the fix!" 😉😜😘 (Okay, 1/2 joking there... BUT the vitriol was flowing outta my mouth at the TV yesterday!)

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4 hours ago, SageAgainstTheMachine said:

There was something about the ref's body language when he was telling Josh to give him the ball that irks me, like he had a bone to pick with him, thus the non-call.  Like a nerdy hall-monitor being given power over the jock.


I mean, if you think about the scrutiny that RTP is under right now and the fact that it happened like 3 feet from that ref...is it really possible that he missed what 100% of people watching in real time saw?

Well, Josh was screaming in his face, so it would make sense if his body language was a little off.


Really horrible missed call, though. And it came in a big situation. They also called some really weak holds and PI's throughout the game. I thought there were a couple late hits on Allen that weren't called. Josh used to get those calls a lot, but he doesn't seem to get those as much any more.

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5 hours ago, Southern bills said:

The way I see it is, yes refs blow calls each week, there were a few in this game. With the way roughing the passer has been called this year, there is no way the ref should have missed that call. The good news is the team did not lose its composure and was able to finish the game. 

I saw an article that said the Rams are planning to propose roughing the passer being able to be challenged. It would be nice to also be able to challenge missed calls. Of course if the refs treat it the same way they did passing interference any rule change would be pointless anyway.

Yup. You just hope that blown calls don’t determine the outcome. There’s always some call made or not made that fans can complain about. Funny how you don’t see fans of the winners gripe that often - present thread excepted. There was an obvious hold by the Bills after the trip and I said to my daughter’s bf who’d been complaining about the trip, “If the Bills lose, our fans will complain about the trip not getting called. If the Chiefs lose, their fans will complain about that hold or something other call or non call. It’s just how things are.”

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I didn't notice this before! 


Watch the replay in this video, and keep your eyes on Jones the entire time.


Follow him as he runs away from Allen, after the trip, with Allen and the ref behind Jones.


As Jones is getting close to the edge of the screen, he throws his arms up, not in celebration of his play, but with that guilty way of saying "I didn't do anything; it wasn't me!"  I think he heard the whistle and somehow interpreted it to mean "penalty."  So he went all defensive, because he knows he's guilty.


I never noticed that!  Without this evidence it's obvious he intentionally tripped Josh, but this destroys any defense that guy has!



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This really pissed me off.  Two refs right there looking at the play from opposite sides.  Neither see it.

Jones gets credit for a HUGE 3rd sack after getting schooled and cheated.  

I think it’s plays like this where the nfl needs to add an official in the booth that can throw flags on blatant offenses.  But I realize that it will

never happen due to “where do you draw the line on what that official could flag?” and “what signifies a blatant offense?”  

There will be missed calls- it just sucks when it’s so blatant especially on a deciding down.  That was a HUGE successful cheat.

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