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Biden clearly has dementia, you can admit that right? "Four more years....Pause"

Joe Biden is clearly exhibiting symptoms of cognitive decline, you can admit that right?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. In your opinion does Joe Biden exhibit clear symptoms of cognitive decline?

  2. 2. If you answered no to the 1st question, why are you a partisan hack?

    • Because I'm a moron
    • Because I'm a PPP troll.

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40 minutes ago, Precision said:

Excerpt from yesterday.


Biden confuses his presidents in another embarrassing gaffe — moments after fuming ‘my memory is fine!’


"During his brief address to the nation Thursday night, Biden, 81, brought up the Israel-Hamas war and said he worked with the president of Mexico to help send aid into the war zone.

“As you know, initially, the president of Mexico Sisi, did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in [to Gaza],” Biden said. “I talked to him. I convinced him to open the gate.”

Biden had failed to mention President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi is from Egypt and isn’t Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, two men the US president has met in recent years."

Mexico...Egypt.  They both have sand, heat, and pyramids, Easy to mix them up.

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I wouldn’t get that wound up by Demented Biden’s complete mental breakdown.  He’s not in charge anyway.  Third Term Barry is calling all the shots. What a mess.  

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1 minute ago, Irv said:

I wouldn’t get that wound up by Demented Biden’s complete mental breakdown.  He’s not in charge anyway.  Third Term Barry is calling all the shots. What a mess.  


They will need a new "face" for President. Notice how as we get closer to election time the media is making a big deal now about Biden's lack of mental health. They are laying the groundwork for the Dems to remove Joey as the Dem nominee. Everyone knows he won't last a 2nd term anyway. 

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9 hours ago, JDHillFan said:

Yesterday was a rough day for you. Hang in there buddy!


Not just him but all Joke supporters.


9 hours ago, Chaos said:

Ideally there should be no need for discussion about whether or not the commander in chief of the military suffers from or does not suffer from dementia. 


Things are far from ideal right now.

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They Know





Though we've gotten a smattering of reports over the course of Joe Biden's presidency on persistent questions about his age and mental acuity, his tendency to wander off script - and offstage, the mainstream media have not treated the subject with the seriousness it deserves, oftentimes framing the allegations as either "insensitive" or using the "Republicans say" tactic as a way around examining the deeper issues at play.


The idea behind that media (and White House) strategy, of course, is to downplay the very real concerns that a sizable majority of the American people have repeatedly indicated they have about our octogenarian president, especially going into a presidential election year, and with so much going on in the world.


But with the release of the Hur report, where Biden escaped a possible federal indictment but not a far more damning personal indictment in the court of public opinion on his well-known memory issues, this is not something Biden's diehard apologists in the press can simply sweep under the rug as merely a "Republicans say" thing anymore.


In other words, questions surrounding Biden's age and memory problems have been given an air of legitimacy by the special counsel who was appointed by Biden's own Attorney General, to the point that media outlets have no choice but to question the Biden White House directly on it now:





The circumstances, with it being a presidential election year, the public being curious about it, and with so much at stake, make it impossible to ignore. And unlike before, I don't think the issue will fade away in a few days. Supposedly credible excuses for why the MSM treated the issue with kid gloves shouldn't be accepted anymore because, undeniably, they know now. 


They know.





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