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Biden Issuing Pardons For Simply Pot Possessions --

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24 minutes ago, Albwan said:

well the scumbag isn't getting any votes from the 50% middle class, gotta get them somewhere

Well it is a campaign promise he made. When making that campaign promise, over 80,000,000 people voted for him.


Go Brandon!!!!


This is a widely popular policy that everyone e should get behind. It’s crazy people are in jail for weed.

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@Tiberius - why now?  If he believes this so much, why didn't he do it on his first day like he did all the other presidential proclamation?  Why wait 20 months?  20 more months in jail is a long time.  He had 20 months to do this and finally does it now  month before mid term.  Really?  


I applaud him doing this, but the timing is a political ploy to try to win mid terms obviously.  (He thinks we're stupid and can't figure that out.)


Is he also going to pardon all the crack cocaine people in jail cuz of the law he passed while in the Senate?


I wonder what the Veep thinks about this?  She liked to lock up people for weed in California.

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10 hours ago, reddogblitz said:

@Tiberius - why now?  If he believes this so much, why didn't he do it on his first day like he did all the other presidential proclamation?  Why wait 20 months?  20 more months in jail is a long time.  He had 20 months to do this and finally does it now  month before mid term.  Really?  


I applaud him doing this, but the timing is a political ploy to try to win mid terms obviously.  (He thinks we're stupid and can't figure that out.)


Is he also going to pardon all the crack cocaine people in jail cuz of the law he passed while in the Senate?


I wonder what the Veep thinks about this?  She liked to lock up people for weed in California.

Republican obstructionism is to blame. If they had not been throwing roadblocks up about everything this would of gotten done sooner 


How ya like that? 

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This action seems reasonable especially since government is joining the pot business.  What I find most interesting is how all the legal and moral arguments to prohibit things seem to disappear into thin air when tax revenue generation opportunities present themselves.  

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4 minutes ago, Bandito said:

No one is serving long term sentences solely for simple pot possession. This will release dangerous drug dealers back on the streets. It is another policy that is anti police and safety of the American people

De-funding the FBI is far worse 

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2 minutes ago, Tenhigh said:

So you are saying it's good that Biden sat on this for 20 months as some kind of pothead Hail Mary(jane) to save the mid-terms?  

Its not a big deal. 


Not like he introduced a war on the eve of the mid-terms like Bush did in 2020

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4 minutes ago, Bandito said:

The FBI is weaponized under this Biden administration to terrorize their political adversaries. They were once a highly respected organization. They have been corrupted. 


Defunding the police is the dumbest argument this century and you are part of supporting that 

blah blah blah blah 

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And he created a task force to look at moving it down the scheduled drug list. Not off it.  or actually did it.


Running for candidacy on the left is easy. just promise free crap that you have no intention of following through with. then blame it on the right for when said  policies fail.  Create grand conspiracies on the right, then blame the right for why said conspiracies never come to fruition.  and when all is said and done. just call anyone outside the DNC group think script some negative sounding talking point.


Shoot. twitter is full of grifters that just say crazy crap about the right, so people will donate to their go fraud me or buy the cheep trump bad merch.



its amazing how much that grift makes off simps and land chads.




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