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You should have duct taped yourself right there.



So people without cats can comment on cats, but people without kids can't comment on kids? :doh:



So people without cats can comment on cats, but people without kids can't comment on kids?  :doh:




I've had cats my whole life. Grew up in farm country. Have one now, though it's the last one that'll ever live in my house. Knowing my luck, she'll live to be 50. That doesn't make your analogy less stupid.


I've met a ton of expert childless couples who've learned the hard way how much different it is when the little bastards don't go someplace else to sleep. When they're yours 24//7/365 it's a LOT different.

I've met a ton of expert childless couples who've learned the hard way how much different it is when the little bastards don't go someplace else to sleep.  When they're yours 24//7/365 it's a LOT different.



That doesn't preclude the use of common sense, however, in seeing the blisteringly obvious: that parents who complain that schools don't do a good job of raising their kids that also complain when schools try to discipline their kids are sh------- !@#$ing parents. Irresponsibility is irresponsibility, and you don't have to struggle with making your kids eat their peas or the deep philosophical issues of the legality of downloading movies to see it.

That doesn't preclude the use of common sense, however, in seeing the blisteringly obvious: that parents who complain that schools don't do a good job of raising their kids that also complain when schools try to discipline their kids are sh------- !@#$ing parents.  Irresponsibility is irresponsibility, and you don't have to struggle with making your kids eat their peas or the deep philosophical issues of the legality of downloading movies to see it.


I agree. I've long been for returning corporal punishment to schools. People who argue against it have never had 30 kids to deal with at the same time, much less having to try and keep their attention while teaching them something.


There are a ton of sh------- parents - way more than good ones. As evidenced by the number of grade school kids who have XBox, cable TV, DVDs, etc IN THEIR ROOM.


Turn off the !@#$ing television, America.

blisteringly obvious: that parents who complain that schools don't do a good job of raising their kids that also complain when schools try to discipline their kids are sh------- !@#$ing parents. 



excellent post!!! I wish more parents had this way of thinking...teachers for the most part are in a lose-lose situation with the way parents are today!!!

Was anyone else confused after reading that?



Its understandable that some or many are confused after readimhg my ramblings. I use the internet for thinking things through (mostly what may happened to my beloved Bills). My apologies for them being longwinded and I just a simply write and send and do not proof read much if at all.


In addition, as folks have noted, my posts tend to be on the one hand and on the other rather than the usual one-sided doctrine that tends to be theusual drivel (as opposedto my drivel) on the internet.


The posts can be difficult to follow die to poor editing and also because some readers are fairly mentally challenged and have trouble putting a thought that does not involve eating foor or going to the can with an idea. I leave it to folks to judge which it is on a particular post or comment.


At the suggestion of others, I have tried to boil some posts down to cliff notes and I will do so on this one.


Cliff notes begin:


1. It seems more than justifiable and in fact essential to physically alter a kids behavior with a spank/slap/whatever when he is hurting someone else or about to her themself. If the method for knocking the magnum pistol out of your kids hand and to give him the message never pick up that gun again involves punching him/her in the mouth then so be it its the parents call (the real issue of course is why your 6 year old had a magnum pistol but we'll deal with that later.


2. However, I'm surprised that posters seem to be quite OK with a non-parent, even someone who is acting as your child's caregiver get the endorsement for giving 15 minutes or more of physical discipline to your kid for some misbehavior.


Alot of details that are important are missing from this story (not that it ever stopped anyone from having their fact-free opinion on the internet), but I for one wouldhave a big problem with anyone touching my kid or giving him more than a swift measured physical punishment to alter his/her behavior. I authorize any adult to slap my kid to knock a gun out of his hand. I have issues with an outsider laying hands on my kid with some 15 minute or so physical intervention.


3. Teachers may be in my place but they are not me and though I authorize what I deem to be appropriate measured short phsyical interaction to stop my kid from hurting someone else or hurting themselves. I am pretty much opposed to someone laying hands on my kids for some extended theoretically corrective episode.


4. If my kid is so out of control that the onlu way to discipline him is some 15 minute long Abu Ghraib exercise using tape, then there are some bigger problems here that I need to deal with my kid at home before I let him out to torture the world.


If anyone needs to beaten up here to correct their behavior , its probably the kids' parents who have laid their out of control child on this teacher. I suspect that is also case regarding many posters on TSW who seem to endorse teachers making up for failed parenting.


Cliff notes end

Speaking of Monkeys and Crystal Meth...any parents of young children have their suspicions about Boots the Monkey of "Dora the Explorer" fame? The friggin thing never blinks!






If anyone needs to beaten up here to correct their behavior , its probably the kids' parents who have laid their out of control child on this teacher. I suspect that is also case regarding many posters on TSW who seem to endorse teachers making up for failed parenting.







The bigger question being missed here. Is that the teacher has no skills to control a classroom without resorting to physical abuse? I'm sorrry, but this makes the teacher grossly inferior and should be fired.


Teachers are taught the skills to manage a classroom without resorting to abusive tactics. Ask your childs teacher at school what they think of this incident.


4. If my kid is so out of control that the onlu way to discipline him is some 15 minute long Abu Ghraib exercise using tape, then there are some bigger problems here that I need to deal with my kid at home before I let him out to torture the world.





Precisely the problem.

You should have duct taped yourself right there.



Actually, Darin, even though my wife and I were smart enough to know we had other things we wanted to do rather than being parents. I do have 18 years of experience dealing first hand with parenting and raising a child.


You see. I was a kid once myself.


I actually think that this first hand experience was quite valuable for me, but just as raising a kid gives a person zero real ability to determine what is right in parenting by another parent, my experience as a kid gives me zero real ability to say what is right for someone else.


I and you can say whatever we want, our experiences simply do not make what we say definitiely correct in all cases for all people.

The kid probably deserved it, but it will be the teacher that will lose his job over this. 


To the parents of grade school children out there, what can a teacher do to control an unruly student nowadays without catching all kinds of stojan for it?  And calling the parents doesn't work anymore.


If calling the parents does not work, the teacher is screwed.


I was called more than once about my kids (I have four), but never more than once for the same kid/situation! :doh:


I always it made it very clear on the first parent / teacher night that if there was a problem, call me and I will make sure my child knows who is in charge. It's not a matter of beatings either, it is a matter of BEING THE PARENT. :doh:


I do not want a teacher taping my kids mouth shut, or tying them up; give me call and you will never have to resort to that.

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