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I can't say for sure if it was a concussion because I never went to the hospital for it or anything. But about 20 years ago I was swimming in a creek with some buddies and there were these falls you could slide down. We slid down them all summer without issue. On the last day of summer I forgot to sit up when sliding down and I smacked my head on a rock. Had a big ol' goose-egg and everything felt fuzzy and distant for the rest of the day. Everything sounds like it's really far away from you and you're just in a fog for a while. Not fun. 

Posted (edited)

I have a friend who played QB in high school. He received a concussion in a game and then went back in and finished the game in the second half. The next day he had no memory of the rest of the game and had to ask everyone else what happened. They won, and they said he played pretty normally, but they could tell there was something off about him, but nobody knew he was concussed until later.


Anyways, he recovered, but he had this blind spot in his brain. There was a certain route that he just could not throw afterwards because he could no longer mentally gauge the distance and where to put the ball. He had to train to relearn how to throw that specific route from scratch because it was just gone from his brain.


I had a couple mild concussions growing up, but no lasting effects. I was better after a couple of days.


My younger sister played soccer and she got so many concussions. Apparently girls soccer has one of the highest rates of concussion in sports. Not sure why it is different from boys soccer in that regard.

Edited by MJS

I believe Tua when he said it was his back and not his head that caused his instability last Friday. I think Tua is not a liar. Had Tua not made those comments about his back and we were relying on the integrity of the Miami management, I would have had my doubts. 

7 hours ago, billsfanmiamioh said:

I know I definitely had a couple playing hockey growing up. Luckily not serious enough to seek medical attention, and pretty mild symptoms overall so don’t think they were too bad. It wasn’t really a “thing” back then so i just went on about my business 🤷🏻‍♂️

Yep, same. Hockey, football and rough housing… never threw up and don’t remember being fully disoriented… but distinctly remember a hit to the hit with a bright flash and loud ‘clank’ sound.  And then I shook it off, and got right back in there… because that’s what you did.

I/we used to think that a concussion meant you were knocked out.  So when you weren’t knocked out, you clearly weren’t concussed, and you get your butt back in the huddle. I might have had 10 of those instances….

13 minutes ago, gjv said:

I believe Tua when he said it was his back and not his head that caused his instability last Friday. I think Tua is not a liar. Had Tua not made those comments about his back and we were relying on the integrity of the Miami management, I would have had my doubts. 

I literally have no idea who/what to believe. Remember, Tua probably wanted to play… and that was his ticket to playing… but I also don’t want to call him a liar. 


Hope you're doing better today!


I only ever suffered one concussion in my life, but it was fairly potent. 


I was 17 playing in Lacrosse, saw a guy running to bulldoze me over when going for a ground ball, so I just picked up speed to meet him. We both leaned into it, basically knocking each other out. 


Most of what followed are pieces I slowly recovered memories of over the years, but immediately following the hit, I only remember telling my coach I wanted to keep playing, but they kept asking me what day it was. For the life of me, I couldn't even recall what the days of the week were, much less what day it was then.


That's when I realized something was wrong. My coaches brought me to my dad, he drove me home, and the next thing I remember was 5-6 hours later my parents putting me on the phone with my best friend hoping he could help fill in the blanks & help me remember something.


Problem was I basically lost all memory of the past 2-3 months, and it was so bad I got a medical exemption to skip my chemistry & history tests that week. Worst part was my sister having to tell my new girlfriend that I didn't remember her... I still thought I was dating another girl, when apparently we had broken up a month prior 😅


That was the most awkward part. Fortunately, the girl I was dating was a friend from my neighborhood, so it wasn't like I didn't remember her at all. Other than that, I didn't suffer any extended pain, headaches, dizziness, etc. It was just amnesia. I do remember crying myself to sleep that night, as it was an insanely scary feeling not remembering so many things...


It never sounded like a big deal in TV/movies, but suddenly having a large gap in your memory was not fun at all. 

Posted (edited)

haD meye cher of kuncushuns playing yuth and hi Skool sports.


NEveR efffected frum n e 1 of them.

Edited by I am the egg man

I've never had a concussion (that I'm aware of) but I dated a chic who fell down a flight of stairs and nailed her head. I remember the week after she was so spacey. Saying alot of weird things, acting loopy and not all there. It was definitely strange. It was almost like a completely different person. That's my only real experience with a concussion 

1 hour ago, gjv said:

I believe Tua when he said it was his back and not his head that caused his instability last Friday. I think Tua is not a liar. Had Tua not made those comments about his back and we were relying on the integrity of the Miami management, I would have had my doubts. 


If you believe that you are incredibly gullible.  People don't stumble like that because of their back.  It was textbook gross motor instability with a neurological cause.  In fact, it is highly unlikely Tua even remembers collapsing.  The back excuse was obviously provided to him by some unethical people on the Dolphins staff.  If it was a back injury that caused it, what did it miraculously go away in a few minutes?


  • Agree 1
1 minute ago, Bills2022 said:


If you believe that you are incredibly gullible.  People don't stumble like that because of their back.  It was textbook gross motor instability with a neurological cause.  In fact, it is highly unlikely Tua even remembers collapsing.  The back excuse was obviously provided to him by some unethical people on the Dolphins staff.  If it was a back injury that caused it, what did it miraculously go away in a few minutes?


NFL and Fins are doing damage control PR.  But this story has people fired up.  And it’s is getting lots of coverage(even over seas).

But they can’t bull#### their way out of this.  Heads will roll.  Miami is going to get punished as they should imo

  • Like (+1) 1
1 hour ago, Pete said:

NFL and Fins are doing damage control PR.  But this story has people fired up.  And it’s is getting lots of coverage(even over seas).

But they can’t bull#### their way out of this.  Heads will roll.  Miami is going to get punished as they should imo

Don’t hold your breath. The current Commissioner probably just hopes it increases eyeballs on screens. 

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True story: at one point in my career, I was working in an office environment with a guy who said he received so many concussions growing up playing hockey, that he could sort of "jerk" his head in a quick, forward motion, and GIVE HIMSELF A NEW CONCUSSION.


He seemed to be taking it OK, like he was telling us a drinking trick or something.  He almost mentioned it with a smile, as if to say "Isn't that weird?"


I would be horrified if I could do that.




I have been in health care 31 years or so and have seen multiple patients with TBIs.  The very concept of a "mild TBI" is like saying "a mild plane crash".  Many people

s lives are changed forever.  Plus weird stuff can happen, I had one patient with a TBI who started stuttering 2 years after her accident.  The coach for Miami saying that "it was just a concussion" is a moron.  

  • Agree 1

Concussion is brain getting bruised. My daughter spaced out. I thought I knew what a concussion was prior—until my daughter’s brain weirdly shorted out for 2-4 wks

I concluded—> one only fully grasps the nasty brain injury with a VERY close person behavior afterwards. 

  • Agree 1

Sledding Southtowns, head first into a pine tree, with 2 others.  Kid behind me shoved me directly into it, could have been indirectly. Woke up walking up to the front porch. Been fine ever since!

12 hours ago, The Red King said:

So I fell on Tuesday and cracked my head on the corner of the wall.  This post applies to more then just Tua's concussion, it applies to Trent Edwards and everyone else players or otherwise.  That's why I made a separate post.  Anyone else out there that got a concussion can add their experiences as well.


Let me tell you where I'm at.  Tuesday was bad.  I ended up in the ER.  I was dizzy, with double vision.  When I got home, I was stuck in bed.  Now Wednesday I felt a lot better.  My head was mostly better.  I was fine in bed or in my chair and just a little fuzzy when I got up and moving.  I could move around with pretty much no difficulty.  I figured things were recovering quickly.  On Thursday I felt much the same, no better, no worse.  Then I woke up today.  My head is swimming.  Things are not as bad as Tuesday but they are worse then the last two days.  I need to be careful when I get up and move around.  That's when I discovered I'm not alright and it's going to be some time before I am.  I can't imagine what this is like for football players who are rushed back into playing.  Tua is, of course, the worst example but this applies to anyone who is concussed.


So, what is the point of this post and why is it separate?  I want to get other members' experiences.  How their concussions affected them and how much time it took for them to recover.  I also want this to be a precautionary tale to anyone who gets concussed in the future, to look at these posts and not rush themselves back so that they don't risk additional injury.  Finally, I want this post and additional replies to put NFL concussions in perspective.  Sometimes it's hard to see how concussions can truly impact players, not just short-term, but long term as well.


So TBD members who have suffered concussions, I want to hear your stories as well...


The big one I had was in college 35 years ago.


i had 2 incidents happen over about a 1 months time at college ….


incident 1….in my dorm I was at a hall party. I walked downstairs to run back to the dorm room. On my way doen someone going upstairs du,ped beer on me. I didn’t know these people nor did anything to provoke this. After an argument one of the guys cold clocked me snd I feel to the floor. Witnesses said i was kicked.


incident 2 … a few weeks later I was playing a hard touch football game ( you had to obviously touch the player like grabbing their arms or waist) with dorm mates on the college astroturf field.  Me and  another player collided heads on a play.


didn’t think of any of these things….I wasn’t having anything like a long drawn out headache.  Over the following months I noticed something was off with my learning skills.  The only subject I seemed to do well in was math.


for a few year in college I had problems with colleges.  Thrn it improved and went back to normal.


about 15 years later I had brain surgery planned to treat a form of epilepsy I had.  I had a bunch of texts. One of these was a CT scan.


the CT scan showed a spot in the front lobe on the right side of my brain in the front and a corresponding spot on the left side of my brain in the back of my head.


ehrn I saw it it had to be consultant because that was the point of impact with both things I mentioned above.  

i was likely still young enough for my brain to re-wire itself and recover.


as for the brain surgery….


I had two forms of epilepsy.


the form I had as a infant was always controlled with a small amount of meds. Drs say I grow out of it. I go off meds and in 2 weeks I have a seizure. These seizures was classic form.


the second type came out post puberty.  This was more of an absence seizure.  I had 25-30 sec spells you might not realize I was having a seizure.  I had medications added over the years but I’d have break thru seizures because it woukd adapt to the drugs.


i had my brain surgery in DC.  Prior to the surgery I had the following tests


1 ct scan

2 mri

3 neuropsychology test

4 wada test

5 a 5-7 day inpatient epilepsy study 


2,3,5 were done post surgery

i had a second opinion done out of univ of Virginia pre surgery.


the neuropsych test is a long 5+ hr test thst focus on different memory and learning tests believed to be done in different areas of the brain.  Post op text only focused that are in the surgical area so it was shorter.


the MRI clearly showed a problem area. The amygdola in an mri looks like an oval nut. You have one on each side. The one on my left side looked weird shaped not a normal shape,


the Wada test gave me a new perspective on vegetative states.  In the test they send a catheter up your main arteries into the brain.  They first go up my right side of my brain. They inject a hot chemical that simulates a stroke.  Thrn I’m tested on the left side only operating. I could hear fine. I saw objects shown and recognize them. I could not speak or recall the words.when they reversed sides I was full functional.


the surgery was a success with very minimal long term problems.  It got rid of the second seizures.  I still take meds for the first type I had as a infant.


in my post neuropsych test there was nothing different.


the problems I do have are


1. I can have problems on some short term memory like memorizing a list of 5 items.  My recall memory processing is slower.  I can blank on peoples names.  Along with this is a form of dysleksia that cause word and spelling changes.  Sonet8nes I can change words that start the same but have different endings.


2. my jaw is affected because of muscles getting cut in surgery. I can’t open my mouth as wide as I could before.  It was worse after the surgery. I could get a small burger in my mouth from mcd/bk but couldn’t eat a whopper/quarter pounder


3. some peripheral vision was affected. This nerves go thru the surgical area.





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When I was deployed to Iraq I had a bomb go off close enough to me that it concussed me


It’s actually kind of weird you don’t actually know that it is happened especially if you’re concentrating on something else in the moment but when I slow down long enough to realize what it happened to me my body was shaking the following day I had a bad headache


As for personal and verifiable incidents of concussion, I have none.  I did stand up too soon when exiting a machinery pit while ascending stairs years ago, and cracked my hard head on a steel cross beam.  Results:

1. My high school Spanish seemed to be more easily recalled.

2. It must have affected my short term memory.  I could have sworn I posted to this thread yesterday...🤔🤨

12 hours ago, Bills2022 said:


If you believe that you are incredibly gullible.  People don't stumble like that because of their back.  It was textbook gross motor instability with a neurological cause.  In fact, it is highly unlikely Tua even remembers collapsing.  The back excuse was obviously provided to him by some unethical people on the Dolphins staff.  If it was a back injury that caused it, what did it miraculously go away in a few minutes?


Gullibility has nothing to do with not believing Tua to be a liar. However, it appears you possess an unnatural ability that allowed you to witness the unethical manipulation of Tua by people on the Dolphin's staff. Perhaps you should offer your supernatural services to the FBI.

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