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Soft on crime Democrats - the system is the problem?

Big Blitz

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11 hours ago, B-Man said:







Ex-prosecutor Marilyn Mosby sentenced in scheme using COVID funds to buy Florida condo. 


“The ex-prosecutor was found guilty of multiple felony charges in two separate trials, one that took place this year and one last fall.”


As a black Democratic woman, she received no prison time. Privilege.







Bill Stime:  But Trump




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1 minute ago, Tommy Callahan said:

You can't make this up.  


It made some sense at victimless crimes. But come on




I bet she has a security team protecting her 24-7. These people do it to themselves by voting these types of politicians in. Next time they should vote Republican.

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I live in a city that seems to have enacted an unofficial policy that driving with expired tags, or even no license plates at all, shouldn't be considered an offense. It's like a game now, counting the number of expired/no tags that I see on my daily commute. Yesterday: I followed a no-plates car on the interstate. Cop pulled up right behind me. I changed lanes so he could clearly see.  And nothing happened. Just drove along his merry way.

I'm sure there's some "racial bias" theory behind it, but whatever - I am the fool who continues to pay my registration fees and in turn pay the salaries of those cops who aren't pulling over those drivers ...

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Just now, Tommy Callahan said:

Do you support the death penalty?  Why not?



Yes, I do.

I think we should limit it to murder cases with an aggravating circumstances, and where guilt is unequivocally established. Think the Buffalo Tops shooter, or the Boston Marathon bomber.

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2 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

I live in a city that seems to have enacted an unofficial policy that driving with expired tags, or even no license plates at all, shouldn't be considered an offense. It's like a game now, counting the number of expired/no tags that I see on my daily commute. Yesterday: I followed a no-plates car on the interstate. Cop pulled up right behind me. I changed lanes so he could clearly see.  And nothing happened. Just drove along his merry way.

I'm sure there's some "racial bias" theory behind it, but whatever - I am the fool who continues to pay my registration fees and in turn pay the salaries of those cops who aren't pulling over those drivers ...

It's so short sited.  They are all safety reasons.  Ideology sounds great till it's putting people in the ground.  


Cops should enforce laws.  Not pick and choose.  Maybe the day isn't charging?  


Either way thats not how its supposed to work 

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Big Blitz said:


If they didn’t think she’d do something like this they would have locked her up and thrown away the key. 

The murder is the point. 

And it’s funny, because what she actually did to a little white child is what leftists like to imagine happened to Emmitt Till as told in the gospel of Magic Americans. And this actually happens multiple times per year, unlike the snuff porn that leftists make up and bill as “lynchings” from 100 years ago. 

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As Predicted, 'Violence Interrupter' Shot and Killed




You might have been tempted to believe that the entire "defund the police" movement had largely fizzled after people got a look at how society operates after the law and order situation fell to pieces under the Biden administration. But that's not actually the case at all.


It's true that many cities have been moving to "refund the police," but certain activist groups have simply altered the language they use and continued to try to "reimagine policing." That's been the case in Chicago, where a group called the Englewood First Responders have been sending out "violence interrupters" with clipboards in an attempt to break up potential gang conflicts without involving the cops.


That sounded like a rather unsafe idea to me and it turns out that it was. Dennis Green was one of the Chicago violence interrupters. I mention his name in the past tense because he was shot and killed last weekend while attempting this new form of "policing." (CBS News Chicago)







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7 hours ago, B-Man said:

As Predicted, 'Violence Interrupter' Shot and Killed




You might have been tempted to believe that the entire "defund the police" movement had largely fizzled after people got a look at how society operates after the law and order situation fell to pieces under the Biden administration. But that's not actually the case at all.


It's true that many cities have been moving to "refund the police," but certain activist groups have simply altered the language they use and continued to try to "reimagine policing." That's been the case in Chicago, where a group called the Englewood First Responders have been sending out "violence interrupters" with clipboards in an attempt to break up potential gang conflicts without involving the cops.


That sounded like a rather unsafe idea to me and it turns out that it was. Dennis Green was one of the Chicago violence interrupters. I mention his name in the past tense because he was shot and killed last weekend while attempting this new form of "policing." (CBS News Chicago)







I had the opportunity to talk to a couple Chicago officers before they shut down the gunshot detectors. Whenever a shots fired call went out patrol would sit in their cars and wait about ten minutes to let it sort itself out before responding. Apparently they had the right idea. 

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2 hours ago, LeviF said:

I had the opportunity to talk to a couple Chicago officers before they shut down the gunshot detectors. Whenever a shots fired call went out patrol would sit in their cars and wait about ten minutes to let it sort itself out before responding. Apparently they had the right idea. 


Another "as predicted."

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After the police murder of George Floyd in May of 2020, Minneapolis became a worldwide symbol of the police brutality long endured disproportionately by Black people. In a kind of Newtonian response, the city became the epicenter of the culturally seismic “Defund the Police” movement. But that progressive local effort fizzled with a decisive referendum last November.

Now, with its police department under investigation by the Department of Justice, the city of 425,000 is trying to find a way forward amid a period of heightened crime that began shortly after Floyd’s death.

That year, the number of murders soared to nearly 80 — dwarfing the 2019 body count of 46. It has cooled somewhat this year, though the amount of killing — and violent crime in general — remains elevated far above 2019 levels and homicides are on pace to surpass the 2020 figure. The reasons why are far from clear.


Who would have thought this would happen?

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